*char *strcat(dst, src) - concatenate (append) one string to another
* Concatenates src onto the end of dest. Assumes enough
* space in dest.
* char *dst - string to which "src" is to be appended
* const char *src - string to be appended to the end of "dst"
* The address of "dst"
char * __cdecl strcat (
char * dst,
const char * src
char * cp = dst; // 得到首地址, 然后遍历到最后, 再copy
while( *cp )
cp++; /* find end of dst */
while( *cp++ = *src++ ) ; /* Copy src to end of dst */
return( dst ); /* return dst */
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
char s1[] = "abc";
char s2[] = "def";
char* p = my_strcat(s1, s2);
return 0;