Zachary.XiaoZhen - 梦想的天空











   看到这个题目的时候你可能会感到有点好笑:“这还用问,看书就是把书看了一遍呗..” 没错,我们从小到大就是这样想的,也是这样看书的,信手拈来一本叫作"书"的东西,从头到尾就开看了!随时年龄的增长,我们的“阅历”也多了起来了,但你是不是也有和我一样的感觉——书是读了不少,真正入脑的,能融入自己思想的内容却少之又少,而且随着年头的增加,你越来越不记得自己读过这些书,更不用提书里到底大概是些什么内容了!这就是我们的长久以来的读书方式。。。 你会不会也这样想,如果我能把我从小到大读过的书都能记下来形成自己的思想,那我现在得多牛啊!是呢,我也常常这样想!于是为了让自己更有思想,就去读更多的书,然后在短短的几年,或者只是几个月,甚至仅仅是几天以后,生活的琐事会渐渐把你关于那些书的缓存挤掉,你的大脑又变成了一块被重新格式化的硬盘,那些书又与你无关了。




  我经常会想难道我就真的没有从读书中受益过吗?当然有!“咳,咳。。”我要写条sql去数据库里查一下,数据库里垃圾有点多,估计得花点时间,“select * from lifecycle where benefit from reading ——>execute!"  (一分钟。。。二分钟。。。五分钟。。十五分钟过去了,数据终于出来了,垃圾数据把系统性能拖的太慢了,是需要作作调优的时候了),好了,你很幸运,系统没有宕掉,下面这些数据留给你们参考:

  1、我自认为英语水平还凑合,几次重要的升学考试和就业面试中,都没有在英语这块栽过跟头,由于后来集中学习日语的原因,英语过了CET-6后就很少碰,这个原因我下面会解释。现在很多学生中为英语发愁的不在少数,往往其他各科成绩都很好偏偏英语不能达标,错失了好的升学机会。我回顾自己从小学英语的经历,总有一个点在那闪光,那是我学习英语的转折点。那时是小学四年级,学校刚刚开设英语课,那时和其他的孩子一样,我的英语成绩不怎么样,很吃力。我老爸对我的学习比较严格,当他发现我的英语不行的时候,他开始跟我急了,那时我也真怕他,当老子就是威武啊~ 我爸是高中毕业,他那时的外语水平差不多也就是我四五年级的那个水平的,但是他还是选择了硬顶上来!他拿出课本让我逐句的翻译对话,我还大概记得那对话的内容:

A:what's this?

B: it's a pen.

A: what's that?

B: it's a pencil.

A: and what's this?

B: it's a pencilbox.

A: can you spell it ?

B: yes.p-e-n-c-i-l-b-o-x,pencilbox.

A:thank you.

B:your welcome.

  熟悉吧?后来还有很多学者指责我国小学英语教材的落俗套,以致学生跟人对话只会说“what's this” “How are you? fine, thank you. and you?” 之类的,这些我们都暂且不谈。就说我那段时间是怎么被老爸蹂躏的吧。。。






      (2)请勿分门别类的记笔记。拿高考这几门课举例,那时我有很多同学的作法是数学一个本,语文一个本,英语一个本,化学一个本。。。 基本上是一门课一个笔记本,分门别类,互不干扰。这样并不是最佳的解决方案。我们俩当时的作法就是所有的内容都记到一个本子上,不分科,新的内容就直接追加到旧的内容的后面,形式上也不要记的太整齐,形式可以多样,圈圈点点,勾勾叉叉,这样更容易在你的大脑里形成再深的印象,我称之为“草稿式笔记”,比条理清晰的“流水式”笔记效果好的多。



  P.S 顺便说明一下我为什么学日语的时候就很少去碰英语的东西。语言这东西学的多了真的是容易混,能精通好几国语言的人真的是值得敬佩,这种敬佩不仅仅是语言学习本身。学了两年的日语以后,口语之类的都练的比较熟悉,因为有外教环境,所以大家平时聊天沟通都得到了很好的锻炼,但是有点作英语面试的时候,我发现了一个很严重的问题,我竟然不能说出一整句表达清楚的英文介绍,每句话都不自觉的往外蹦日语,呵呵,英语的思维完全被日语给抑制住了,于是我发现,这两种语言冲突了,不过为了更好的学日语我就把英语放下了,直接最近的工作需要才再次捡起来,不过还好,把日语先放一放,英语自然就不受影响了。





  回想在还没有Internet的时代里,人们主要获取信息的途径就是读书,这是那时的人们能想到的最直接的选择。而今天的我们选择就多了起来,读书看起来好像是最慢的一种获取知识的方式了。但是,选择多了就一定是好事吗?科学家证实(我也不知道哪个科学家),选择越多效率越差,因为这增加了你决策的时间和后悔的理由。先说上网吧,很简单的道理,大家都会经常体验到的,如果你想在网上集中作一件事情,往往是很难的,你会受到来自各个方面的干扰,各种“信息噪声”向你扑面而来,你常常会被另外的“新鲜”信息中断思路,比如QQ右下角讨厌的重大新闻浮动窗。再比如,如果想在电脑上踏下心来看一本PDF版的技术书也是很难的,开始可能还好,看上十页二十页以后,眼酸,想睡,看过什么没太深的印象,想干别的,效率很差,我就是这种情况,对需要用电脑阅读的大段的内容都有抵触的情绪。所以我避免用电脑看一些需要系统理解的东西,因为人有一种心理,就是对于我感到过抵触或厌倦的东西都不想再碰,所以我尽量不用这种方式去触及那些本身应该对我有很大意义的内容,我怕因为一时的不耐烦导致与这些经典失之交臂。 我的习惯作法还是去阅读实体的书,这给人的感觉是完全不一样的,书的厚度是你可以真切感觉到的,而且,看实体书更容易深入内容,这可能因为人类一直以来的习惯都是以书为载体来学习,这促成了人脑的进化,人脑也更习惯这种传统的方式。



  电视剧《士兵突击》里许三多在团部的知识问答竞赛时,团长问他是怎么知道这么多知识的,许三多说“我这人笨,不知道应该看什么,我就跑到图书馆,从A开始看,现在才看到D”(大概是这意思,是不是D记不清了)。你说这种人真有吗?有,肯定有,但是这只能是个童话,对于一个现代化的大型图书馆来说,你就是光把A看完这辈子恐怕也不够用的。所以,面对浩瀚的书海,有选择的读一些经典之作才是明智之举。并不是每一本书对于我们的成长都是至关重要的,这里有经典,也充斥着垃圾。如果你花了两年读了一堆垃圾书,这样非但无益,反而会害了你。就像老罗曾经说的,他年轻的时候金庸的武侠小说非常火,很多的个体书商不知名的武侠作者出版的武侠书都署金庸的名,因为那时没有目录嘛,什么“飞雪连天射白鹿, 笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,当时不知道,所以怎么把金庸的书挑出来,很难。























作者:Tony zhao

本文出处:    本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。


posted @ 2012-10-10 15:37 BoyXiao 阅读(2217) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


      拿软件设计来说,对于基于窗口的程序设计,我们有多种技术方案可以选择,在windows下有mfc,.net, wpf,在linux下有gtk, qt, wxWidgets,在mac下有cocoa, 但核心思想差不多,大多用到了mvc思想,但mvc思想本身也是一个组合思想,它组合了策略模式,观察者模式等。对于这样的一个设计思想来说,它其实是一个对设计的高度抽象。我甚至可以做这样一个奇怪的思考:如果将mvc模式套用到人身上,那么人所看到的就是view,人所想到的就是controller,人所使用的便是model了,那么针对一个人来说,他的基本动作可能如下:看到东西->产生需求->寻找工具来实现自己的需求。所以我感觉,软件设计有时更像对人的行为模拟,软件系统更像是一个虚拟的人(这个人的智商要看你给他多少知识和能力),或者说,软件设计归根到底是以人的认知来实现的,所以我们要划分模块,要理清各个模块之间的关系,要考虑它们之间的相互影响,还要考虑他们之间的交互。如果各个模块之间关系混乱不清,那么你将会的到一个很烂的系统,置于会出现什么结果,那就不得而知了。举个简单的例子:试想一下如果你吃饭咬到舌头了,却发现屁股痛,这是一件多么尴尬的事情。

      所以,软件的设计实际上是一个很复杂的事情,一个高超的软件更为复杂,因为你要考虑太多的情况,一个人是极其复杂的。但正如所有的物质都是由简单的原子组成的,所有的复杂性都能划分成最简单最基本的东西。就好比操作系统这样一个常人很难企及的东西,其实最底层也就六个操作,引用linux创始人linus的话来说就是:“你在UNIX上完成的大部分任务都是通过六个基本操作完成的,它们被称作"系统呼叫"(system call)。第一个基本操作是"创建子进程"(fork),一个程序把自身完全复制出来,这样你就有了两个相同的拷贝。第二个基本操作是复制出来的程序,再用一个新项目替换自己。其他四个基本系统呼叫--打开、关闭、读和写--都是为了访问文件的。这六个系统呼叫便组成了UNIX的简单操作。然后,你只需在程序之间创造出交流渠道(pipes),就能解决复杂的问题。”,那么归结到人身上,也就是那么几种:活动(身体活动和思维活动),新陈代谢,睡觉(纯属个人想法勿喷)。




posted @ 2012-10-10 15:36 BoyXiao 阅读(1393) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏



  • 首页--欢迎页面,简单介绍大米返利网,并提供注册链接;
  • 注册--用户使用网站之前要先注册为会员,注册页面还要对用户填写的信息进行有效性验证;


  • 注册完成--完成之后会跳转到一个提示页面,并向用户邮箱发送一封邮件。

一. 首页

1. 将上一节的Index页面用作首页,再添加一些说明文字。

首页 View代码
    ViewBag.Title = "首页";




二. 添加注册页面

1. 创建数据Model



UserInfo.cs Code
/// <summary>
/// 注册用户实体
/// </summary>
    public class UserInfo
        /// <summary>
/// 自动编号
/// </summary>
        public int Id { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 用户名
/// </summary>
        public string UserName { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 密码(明文简单示例)
/// </summary>
        public string Password { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// qq号码
/// </summary>
        public string QQ { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 邮箱地址
/// </summary>
        public string Email { getset; }

2. 添加Action


        public ActionResult Register()
            return View();

3. 添加强类型View

  • 创建view:强类型view目的是展现针对具体类型的实体,指定具体类型之后MVC会为其提供许多快捷的操作。需要注意的是,在添加强类型View之前,我们要先编译整个MVC项目,否则添加View时就会找不到先前添加的UserInfo实体。


在Register Action代码块内右键->Add View->选中 Create a strongly type view复选框->Model class下拉框选择UserInfo->提供的模板选择Empty->Add。如下图所示:




1. View代码

    <input type="submit" value="马上注册"/>




2. Html几个helper方法:



<form action="/index/register" method="post">

<p>用户名:<input id="UserName" name="UserName" type="text" value="" /></p>

<p>密码:<input id="Password" name="Password" type="password" /></p>

<p>确认密码:<input id="Password" name="Password" type="password" /></p>

<p>QQ:<input id="QQ" name="QQ" type="text" value="" /></p>

<p>Email:<input id="Email" name="Email" type="text" value="" /></p>

<input type="submit" value="马上注册"/>

  • 不难看出,通过Razor语法中的Html helper方法,将Model中的属性用Input控件形式展现出来了。例如

生成html时,input控件type=”text”, id和name属性都被赋值为"UserName“。对应html代码为:

<input id="UserName" name="UserName" type="text" value="" />
  • 对于强类型view,书写lamda语法时有着丰富的智能感知。如果不想写成lamda形式,还可以这样 @Html.TextBoxFor(“UserName”)
  • Html.BeginForm:

代码格式为@using(Html.BeginForm()){   …},通常使用using关键字是为了走出花括号时释放较占资源的对象,而在这里可以理解为关闭<form>标签。生成form属性时,默认的action会提交回当前的url,而method默认设置为post。最终生成的html源码为:<form action="/index/register" method="post"> ……</form>。


  • Html.ActionLink:用来添加action页面的链接,我们可以在首页为“点此注册”添加链接:

四. 表单提交

  1.  HttpGet和HttpPost:

为了接收并处理提交的表单数据,我们还需要再添加一个Register action,这两个action的作用是:

  • 一个用来响应Http Get请求: 为action添加HttpGet特性(也可以省略),Get请求通常是用户第一次访问页面时,通过该action初始化空白表单。
  • 一个用来响应Http Post请求:为acton方法添加HttpPost特性,Html.BeginForm()创建的窗体默认被浏览器处理为Post请求。这个版本的action方法负责接收提交的表单数据并进行相应处理。
        public ActionResult Register()
            return View();
        public ActionResult Register(UserInfo userInfo)
            return View("Complete",userInfo);

2.Model Binding

在上面的post方法中,使用了MVC中一个非常不错的特性---Model Binding,它可以解析传来的数据并将其对应到领域模型的属性。其实这个Model Binding过程是双向的,当创建form数据时,input控件的值是根据与其name对应的model属性来赋值的;反过来,当提交form表单时,通过model binding又可以根据input控件的name属性来为model实体同名的属性赋值,进而提交到post action方法。


在MVC应用程序中,我们一般把验证添加在model实体而不放在用户界面,这样只要我们在一处定义了验证规则便可以多处生效。ASP.NET MVC总具体实现方式是:使用System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations 中定义的特性,将其声明在model属性作为验证规则就可以生效了。

1. Model实体添加验证规则

Model Validation Code
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace DamifanliMvc3.Models
    /// <summary>
/// 注册用户实体
/// </summary>
    public class UserInfo
        /// <summary>
/// 自动编号
/// </summary>
        public int Id { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 用户名
/// </summary>
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "请输入用户名")]
       [RegularExpression("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,14}$", ErrorMessage = "请输入3-15位字母或数字")]
        public string UserName { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 密码(明文简单示例)
/// </summary>
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "请输入密码")]
        public string Password { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// qq号码
/// </summary>
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "请输入QQ号码")]
        [RegularExpression("[1-9][0-9]{4,}",ErrorMessage = "请输入正确的qq号码")]
        public string QQ { getset; }

        /// <summary>
/// 邮箱地址
/// </summary>
        [Required(ErrorMessage = "请输入邮箱地址")]
        [RegularExpression(@"\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*",ErrorMessage = "请输入正确的邮箱地址")]
        public string Email { getset; }



public ActionResult Register(UserInfo userInfo)
                return View("Complete", userInfo);   //Complete Action后续创建
            return View();









用户名:<input class="input-validation-error" data-val="true" data-val-regex="请输入3-15位字母或数字" data-val-regex-pattern="^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{2,14}$" data-val-required="请输入用户名" id="UserName" name="UserName" type="text" value="" />


1.添加Complete View:




@model DamifanliMvc3.Models.UserInfo
    ViewBag.Title = "注册完成";


2. 发送邮件通知

在展示Complete View的同时,我们使用WebMail类来发送通知邮件。

        WebMail.SmtpServer = "";
        WebMail.SmtpPort = 587;
        WebMail.EnableSsl = true;
        WebMail.UserName = "CathyChen";
        WebMail.Password = "damifanli";
        WebMail.From = "";



posted @ 2012-10-10 15:34 BoyXiao 阅读(319) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

新编辑内容(2012-10-10 14:49:00)




为啥VS2012会有这个问题呢?用的也是.NET 4没有用.NET 4.5。只是编译时一个采用VS2010一个采用VS2012,就有不同的结果?











3.父类的这个虚方法是泛型 ,并且必须具备泛型约束,没有约束也不会出现问题。



 1 using System;
 2 using System.Collections.Generic;
 3 using System.Linq;
 4 using System.Text;
 6 namespace VirtualFunction
 7 {
 8     class Program
 9     {
10         static void Main(string[] args)
11         {
12             SubClass sub = new SubClass();
13             sub.CallFunc();
14             Console.ReadKey();
15         }
16     }
18     public abstract class SuperClass
19     {
20         public virtual void Func<TEntity>()
21             where TEntity : class
22         {
23             Console.WriteLine("super class's function");
24         }
26         public void NonVirtualFunc<TEntity>()
27             where TEntity : class
28         {
29             Console.WriteLine("super class's none virtual function");
30         }
31     }
33     public class SubClass : SuperClass
34     {
35         public delegate void Caller();
37         ////这里覆盖父类的虚方法,但是下面用不同的调用方式调用,实际测试结果为有没有这个覆盖方法效果都一样,该异常的地方还是异常
38         public override void Func<TEntity>()
39         {
40             base.Func<TEntity>();
41         }
43         public void CallFunc()
44         {
45             //这里采用普通方式调用父类的虚方法Func
46             base.Func<string>();
48             //这里使用一个代理来调用父类的虚方法Func,注意这里子类并没有覆写父类的Func方法
49             Action action = new Action(() =>
50             {
51                 base.NonVirtualFunc<string>();//不会出现异常
52                 this.Func<string>();//不会出现异常
53                 base.Func<string>();//出现异常
54             });
55             action();
57             //另外一种托管调用方式,效果和上面通过Action调用一样
58             Caller caller = () =>
59             {
60                 base.NonVirtualFunc<string>();
61                 base.Func<string>();
62             };
63             caller();
64         }
65     }
66 }





posted @ 2012-10-10 15:34 BoyXiao 阅读(361) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



For many a TechCruncher, the past week has been the same as most. Break some news, go to some events, turn the world on with your smile… you know the drill. But for John Biggs, Josh Zelman and I (and at times Matt Burns), this week has been a whirlwind of crazy awesome parties, Southeastern drawls, incredibly cool startup pitches, and an amazing amount of both pork and beer.

It’s the Southeast Meetup tour ya’ll, and it’s coming to a close tonight. We’ve hit Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham, Charlotte, and now we’re headed to Greenville, South Carolina. (As a side note, the location has changed. We’ll now be holding the event at The Overlook Grill – 601 South Main Street Greenville, SC 29601.)

It’s been a long ride, but a great one. In fact, we’ve invited at least two dozen companies to apply for Disrupt — yep, that’s how cool these companies are.

It’s amazing to look for startups outside of Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley and find an abundance of exactly that. Hopefully, the last spot on this totally successful meetup tour will bring more of the same.

Again, the location has changed, so if you’re coming tonight be sure to familiarize yourself with The Overlook Grill – 601 South Main Street Greenville, SC 29601.

Here’s another look at our sponsors:


Honda has long viewed itself as a mobility company, focused on creating new value for its customers and society through innovations developed from the initiative and original thinking of Honda associates around the world. The willingness to pursue new dreams for the customer, which Honda expresses as “The Power of Dreams,” has been at the core of the company’s success and comes not only from new ideas but also from the determination of Honda associates to make these ideas come true for the customer. By creating new value for its customers — and by focusing on areas of critical social concern, such as the environment — Honda hopes to gain recognition throughout the world as a company that society wants to exist.


The Creative Coast is a non-profit organization supported by The City of Savannah and SEDA. We exist to nurture the members of our community engaged in creative or innovative endeavors and to cultivate an environment in which they can thrive.

Rails Machine is a full-service web operations and hosting company. We’re a small team of experienced, dedicated, and focused people who have a genuine interest in technology and enjoy working with and giving back to the Ruby on Rails community. We founded Rails Machine in 2006 to create the ultimate hosting environment for Rails applications.


Total Server Solutions was founded in 2005 with the goal of providing unsurpassed support and technical services to the web hosting community. Over the years, Total Server Solutions has grown to offer some of the finest colocation facilities in the world as well as fully managed dedicated server offerings, custom solutions, and cloud computing services.

Thumb Friendly helps local businesses and national brands acquire new customers with powerful mobile marketing strategies. With web access at their fingertips, mobile users are ready to learn, ready to interact, and ready to buy; but a mobile optimized website is only the beginning. Our m360 Strategy Plan is a complete management program proven to drive new visitors to your site, retain them with a great user experience, and convert them into revenue generating customers. Our solution tracks and records visitor engagement through a sophisticated monitoring program. The real power behind m360 is our consultative approach to building a mobile marketing strategy. We provide detailed reports and analysis of your campaign’s performance which we use to refine your strategy to its optimal state. No contracts, just results!

Yovia is a People Engine – a technology that monetizes social media. Yovia enables individuals and businesses to spread the word® profitably and organically throughout Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+.

PrivateDocs is the first enterprise social network with a core emphasis of document management and collaboration among internal teams, personal and business relationships. Secure, fast and beautiful- PrivateDocs is the next generation of business collaboration. Come share with us- we’re Awesome!

Atlanta Capital is an SEC registered investment advisory firm that specializes in managing high quality stock and bond portfolios on behalf of institutional and individual investors. For over 40 years, Atlanta Capital has remained dedicated to a single investment philosophy which has been successfully executed over a variety of market conditions. Today, our philosophy is consistently applied across a broad range of traditional equity and fixed income investment strategies. We believe the experience and stability of our investment professionals are the hallmarks of our organization.

Levitate Media develops video for the tech market. We help companies explain their offerings more effectively through animation, 3D, motion graphics, live video capture, testimonials, and more. Our productions help simplify complex ideas and are viewed on websites, during sales presentations, at trade shows, and anywhere else video can be played.

The StartupChicks mission is to build a world-wide community of like-minded female founders, to educate, coach and mentor entrepreneurs to help accelerate their businesses, and to inspire aspiring female entrepreneurs to take the leap.

The Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) is a startup accelerator that helps technology entrepreneurs in Georgia launch and build successful companies. Founded in 1980, ATDC has helped create millions of dollars in tax revenues by graduating more than 130 companies, which together have raised over a billion dollars in outside financing. Headquartered in Atlanta’s Technology Square, ATDC serves as the hub for technology entrepreneurship in Georgia. ATDC provides business incubation and acceleration services to hundreds of startups through coaching, connecting and community. Membership is open to all technology startup companies in Georgia, from those at the earliest conception stage to revenue generating, venture-fundable companies.

Pardot is a B2B cloud marketing automation software provider that increases revenue and maximizes efficiency for companies with multi-touch sales cycles. Pardot’s platform features CRM integration, email marketing, lead nurturing, lead scoring and ROI reporting to help marketing and sales teams work together to generate and qualify sales leads, shorten sales cycles, and demonstrate marketing accountability. Pardot offers affordable pricing for the SMB market.

Social Fortress is data security and information privacy reinvented. Backed by the people who originally invented it. For both the enterprise and the consumer.

Badgy delivers “SEO for Social” for major brands, increasing the reach of their content on Facebook and Twitter. It’s the fastest and most seamless way for a brand to operate a social loyalty program. Most recently, we’ve made it dead simple to get any Facebook app page using the extremely effective Facebook Timeline Actions.

CodeGuard provides automatic cloud website backup and restore built upon Amazon Web Services: WordPress, MySQL, and FTP/SFTP. Restore files or entire sites whenever your want, and be notified when content on the site changes. Launched May 2011 at TechCrunch Disrupt – NYC, CodeGuard received the Audience Choice Award. Since then over 4 billion files have been examined and they recently announced the closure of a 1.3M Series A financing.

Collectors are the best consumers…crazy and passionate. CollectorDASH gives collectors a community-based experience making collecting more fun and affordable. With an innovative and integrated solution, the CollectorDASH platform is set to disrupt this multi-billion dollar market.

In the growing e-commerce market, small and medium businesses with online stores often choose to drop-ship products direct from supplier to customer to compete with the big players. eCommHub is a drop shipping platform that integrates with your online store to automate inventory management and order fulfillment through a third-party, effectively allowing you to expand product offerings, route orders intelligently, and minimize backorders. With its easy setup process and pay as you grow™ pricing, eCommHub can serve smaller online retailers, allowing them to grow their business, increase their margin and improve customer retention.

Employees today are publishing and sharing their valuable product and process optimization ideas almost everywhere except where they are needed the most – inside their own companies. What we do at IdeaString is help companies capture the innovation and genius of their employees, customers and partners —then efficiently identify the best ideas so they can put them to work in their own business – instead of having to read about it on the internet, in the media or even from a direct competitor. IdeaString’s patent-pending technology puts the human spirit at the center of innovation – every employee’s unique talents and behaviors are intelligently leveraged to optimize the innovation process for richer, more creative Ideas that equals more valuable outcomes for business.

We’re fans of innovation and we’re completely sold on startups. It’s in iFusion‘s DNA. In addition to providing chief marketing officer counsel on a fractional basis, we also provide a full-range of marketing services to emerging growth companies. We’ve been in the trenches and understand the unique demands of taking a start up from idea to market. Ours is a customer-centric approach to marketing that raises awareness, nurtures leads and generates revenues.

TAG educates, promotes, influences and unites Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace that stimulates and enhances Georgia’s tech-based economy.


Special thanks to the fellows at GBW Strategies who helped us organize the event.
GBW Strategies is a new era, Triangle-based public relations and marketing firm serving clients such as Facebook and the Cherokee Challenge.

StrikeIron is the leader in Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), delivering data quality and communications solutions via our cloud platform IronCloud. We provide address verification, email verification, phone validation, phone append, SMS text messaging, and sales tax solutions to customers in a variety of markets. Our solutions are delivered as Web services that can be easily integrated into any application or system. Additionally, our solutions are pre-integrated into leading platforms like: Magento, Eloqua,, Informatica, Oracle CRM On-Demand and more.

American Tobacco Campus has evolved from an abandoned industrial husk to a thriving hub for cutting edge companies, restaurants and festivals. In addition to longtime tenants Burt’s Bees and global advertising firm McKinney, American Tobacco recently welcomed a R&D arm of HTC. Late last year, Brooklyn-based Wireless Generation chose the campus for a development branch expressly because of its cultural verve and access to top talent.

American Underground (inside American Tobacco) is home to the most capitalized technology accelerator in the southeast, startups, a gaming incubator, and resources such as NC IDEA and CED The Underground has become a model for other cities eager to foster entrepreneurialism, and an attractive asset to larger companies looking for spark, ideas and talent.

Triangle Startup Factory, the most highly capitalized technology accelerator in the southeast, runs an intensive, three month program customized for early stage startup companies. Startups receive seed capital, hands-on mentorship, and access to a network of active angels, veteran startup founders, and experienced technology experts.

Digitalsmiths is the technology leader in video search and recommendation; with customers such as Warner Brothers and Paramount.

Argyle Social is a Durham based marketing software company committed to helping their customers “harness the social channel and bend it to their will.

Netsertive drives increased local sales opportunities and targeted online exposure by providing technology-driven, high-performance online marketing to businesses and their related brands.

Geomagic is a leading provider of 3D software for creating digital models of physical objects.

SciQuest helps organizations streamline their entire source-to-settle process, and is the only company that provides the scale, expertise and transparency that your organization requires to improve your bottom line.

Relevance delivers open source software solutions to help businesses succeed.

Sharefile/Citrix provides business solutions that are enabling mobile workstyles and powering cloud services.

NC Idea is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization created to serve as a catalyst for young, high-growth, technology companies in North Carolina. They help these innovative companies mainly by providing early financing in the form of grants.

Groundwork Labs is a catalyst to generate momentum for North Carolina startups and help prepare them for funding opportunities such as grants, accelerators, or angel investment.

Idea Fund Partners is a seed and early stage venture capital firm with offices in Durham, North Carolina and Orlando, Florida. They invest mainly in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic, focusing on companies developing software, medical devices or other technologies where intellectual property is an important asset and source of differentiation from competitors.

Shoeboxed provides the fastest way to turn a pile of receipts into digital data for effortless expense reporting, accounting, bookkeeping, and tax preparation. provides Internet and telephone solutions to power business.

ReverbNation provides a central site for musicians, producers, and venues to collaborate and communicate.

The Durham Chamber serves the needs of businesses, non-profits and government agencies of all sizes in the greater Durham-area.

The Escapist is a multiple Webby Award-winning internet site focusing on games and entertainment, and is the leading voice in videogame culture for 4 million fans worldwide. This year, The Escapist will host the Escapist Expo, North Carolina’s premier consumer convention, which will unite fans of videogames, tabletop games, comics, music and more in a celebration of everything great in multi-media escapisim.

Contactology is the go-to provider of email marketing software for white labeling, API integrations, enterprise and startups. Marketers know we’re the ESP they’ll never outgrow.

inMotionNow is a leading provider of workflow solutions for the enterprise creative department, facilitating efficiency and productivity in the approval process for print, video, and interactive content. The company’s flagship product, the inMotion SaaS application for Creative Workflow Management, enables companies to manage and track their marketing and creative projects in a centralized, online environment. inMotion reviewers can access and markup content online and deliver approval back in minutes, from any internet-enabled device or through the inMotion Mobile Review app for iPhone and iPad.


Special thanks to Packard Place for hosting the event.

NexTable started with an idea to make reservations better and more affordable to our restaurant community. NexTable was founded by a group of dedicated entrepreneurs, restaurateurs and developers. Together with the assistance of local restaurateurs and mentors, we are committed to serving the restaurant industry by creating a revolutionary iPad real-time reservation, table management and marketing system that simply excels in value, innovation, features, and ease of use. Our objective is to liberate restaurants from using manual booking systems and costly competitors.

Virtual Race Bags provides a fully-integrated online platform for Event Directors to efficiently and cost-effectively deliver sponsor messages to event participants. Much more than a simple “virtual goody bag,” Virtual Race Bags delivers sponsor deals, offers and messages to event participants using an online platform that is customized for each event. In addition, through our network of events, national brands can reach over 1.5MM participants in 2012. Virtual Race Bags was founded in 2010 by a team seeking to leverage their professional experience in the Endurance industry and as Athletes to help significantly improve upon the iconic race bag.

Founded by a team of compassionate doctors, believes that all patients deserve the right to be fully informed about their healthcare. provides a community of caring advocates and patients a platform to share and compare the most up-to-date prescription drug costs between their local and online pharmacies. If you believe that every American deserves the right to have access to their needed medications, join us!

Autopilot allows you to book a vetted, professional driver on demand when you can’t, shouldn’t, or simply don’t want to drive your own vehicle. You can reserve a driver with the push of a button, track their arrival, and enjoy the benefits of automated, cashless payments all from your mobile device. provides an business video platform to service providers. Our API and private label accounts enable businesses to easily integrate video recording and distribution functionality into their own service. mailVU’s combination of mobile and computer apps allow real-time video recording of testimonials, pitches, applications, or personal messages and presentations. Customers access a private content library where videos can be viewed and managed, and then distributed in a variety of manners including social media, newsletters and email, or embedding onto websites.

inMotionNow is a leading provider of workflow solutions for the enterprise creative department, facilitating efficiency and productivity in the approval process for print, video, and interactive content. The company’s flagship product, the inMotion SaaS application for Creative Workflow Management, enables companies to manage and track their marketing and creative projects in a centralized, online environment. inMotion reviewers can access and markup content online and deliver approval back in minutes, from any internet-enabled device or through the inMotion Mobile Review app for iPhone and iPad.


Umatch combines cutting edge technology, proven research and retention principles, and dynamic machine learning into a proactive, holistic approach to improving enrollment yields, student retention rates, and graduation rates.

NEXT is an economic development program of the Greenville Chamber uniquely focused on the growth and attraction of early-stage knowledge-based companies in Greenville, South Carolina.

The Iron Yard provides innovation, education, coworking, mentorship, capital, and events for the technology and design communities.

The Upstate Carolina Angel Network, LLC (UCAN) is a group of accredited investors located in Upstate South Carolina who invest in and support start-up and early-stage, high-growth businesses in the Southeastern United States. Since its inception in 2008, UCAN has invested more than $5.6 million in 22 companies.

The mission of the Arthur M. Spiro Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership is to support educational, research and outreach programs that promote entrepreneurial activity and economic development of the region, state and nation. The focus is on wealth creation through entrepreneurial activity.

Dealer Ignition is the fastest, easiest, most effective way for brands and dealers to market online.

Servosity’s Mission is to: Deliver Mission-Critical Backup and Disaster Recovery to MSPs and IT Resellers in a way that makes their brain do the happy-dance.

Mailprotector provides a suite of SaaS based email security and management solutions to over 3,000 organizations across six continents.

Foxfire specializes in Warehouse Management Software solutions and services. Our warehousing software is available as Level 1: Inventory Management, Level 2: WMS Express, and Level 3: WMS Enterprise. Foxfire warehousing software is ideal for start-up to mid-sized warehouses that want to optimize production and processes. Foxfire WMS provides the flexibility to use the system as is or to configure to exact specifications.

RAP Index is a key contacts software service, developed by advocacy experts for advocacy professionals, that uses a patent-pending scoring process to decisively identify and measure the Relationships, Advocability and Political Capital of an organization’s stakeholders, to find their key contacts and activate their best messengers. RAP Index is an indispensable service that helps organizations Know Who They Know℠ from the Capital to Main Street.

Fusion Web Clinic is the smartest Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system in therapy. It is the first and only system that automatically keeps track of daily, required tasks for each staff member, and graphs patient progress. Fusion allows you to work smarter, not harder.

Vigilix helps companies improve the value of their technical support services through PCI validated proactive monitoring and remote access. Currently over 20,000 systems are supported by companies using Vigilix’s POS Monitoring & Management solution.

ProActive Technology delivers dynamic solutions to help clients identify what data is necessary for improved business performance and then to develop the most efficient software for that purpose. Specializations include SharePoint Development, Custom Programming, and Database Management. ProActive provides fully-managed, worry-free custom software development that’s sensitive to your budget, schedule, and business model.

Loc Engine: You are here. They are there. Let’s share. Real-time tracking and location management.

tribr is taking the hassle out getting together with a group of your friends. More fun with your tribe, and less hassle!

Pathwright is a platform for creating, teaching, and selling beautiful online courses.

Eleos Technologies is on a mission to eradicate fax machines from the face of the earth. Our cloud- based mobile platform enables businesses to capture documents and photos from remote workers and customers.

posted @ 2012-07-14 11:50 BoyXiao 阅读(197) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

The Crowd is on the loose. Thanks to the JOBS Act, mainstream attention came to crowdfunding this year, and platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have been benefitting in kind. Kickstarter, in particular, has seen an exponential increase this year in how much capital its projects have been able to raise. (Exhaustive post on the subject here.) The Crowd has pledged $275 million to some 63,000 Kickstarter projects to date, and companies of all breeds are now using these platforms as launchpads and for a little proof of concept.

But, sadly, you know who really isn’t benefitting from the crowdfunding boom? Healthcare startups. Brian Dolan of MobiHealth points out that, in fact, Kickstarter officially prohibits health, fitness, and medical projects. Healthcare is absolutely jonesin’ for innovation, and there are tons of cool health companies trying to change the world — some of them even a little sexy and consumer-facing.

That’s why serial healthtech entrepreneur Alex Fair and founding Kickstarter product manager Mike Pence have set out to give health-focused entrepreneurs and projects a Kickstarter of their own. Medstartr, which launched in beta today, is a crowdfunding platform designed specifically for healthcare companies, providing startups with a vehicle to market their wares, generate awareness and raise capital — direct from strangers, investors, and Doogie Howsers alike.

Sure, support for healthtech startups — and their small victories — are worth noting just on principle. But, MedStartr isn’t aiming just to be a lazy port of Kickstarter/Indiegogo to healthcare. Fair was inspired to create Medstartr not only because of the rejection his healthtech ideas found on Kickstarter, but also because of the much-ballyhooed JOBS Act. The legislation legalized funding in startups by non-accredited investors and has likely changed early-stage investing for good.

The SEC is still working out the specifics of the regulations aimed at bringing some order to the wild and wooly west that will be Crowdfunding 1.0. In particular, the government must decide on where to cap the amount of capital businesses can raise via crowdfunding platforms, whether or not they’ll be able to raise cash by selling securities, etc. And, as it goes with medical biznass, the regulations will have specific measures (i.e. restrictions) on health businesses, with some of those being determined by the FDA.

Until the regulations are released, crowdfunding platforms have to wait and over-prepare if they can. In the meantime, MedStartr is limiting the amount of capital its projects can raise to $40,000 and, like the Kickstarters of the world, MedStartr is non equity-based, instead offering market validation and non-dilutive funding as value propositions for startups. Once SEC rules are set, however, Fair tells us that the company will establish an equity model.

In this way, the co-founders have plenty of plans for how the platform will differentiate from the big names, but some are still incipient — in part because the platform was founded about three months ago and in part because some may be subject to change.

For starters, Fair has nearly two decades worth of experience in healthtech, health IT, and consulting, which he plans to leverage to help MedStartr’s health projects not only reach their targets but find follow-on funding and support. Of course, while it will become trickier at scale, entrepreneurs can expect much more of a hands-on, or proactive, approach from the founders in comparison to Kickstarter.

They have already started to, and plan to continue with an events-based model, in which MedStartr will hold mini-conferences (with panels, etc.) in various cities, allowing project creators to set up booths and interact and network with potential investors. Like a MeetUp for Medics.

Fair also sees some bigger potential industry benefits than the requisite low-cose inbound marketing that is typically a built-in perk of crowdfunding platforms. Up to this point, hospitals, doctors, patients, and healthcare companies have largely lacked public resources by which to discover, interact with, and invest in health companies.

Many health or medical projects also inherently have highly motivated and engaged user bases (see 23andMe and CureTogether for examples), as they often promote healthier lifestyles, provide support for people in need or suffering from illnesses, try to find cures, and reduce medical and insurance costs. All of which can be emotional issues.

A crowdfunding platform for health projects allows the many who, say, want to help make or find ways to contribute to the health of loved ones to participate actively in the process. And feel a direct connection to projects and their founders and feel they’re making a difference. MedStartr launched with both a diabetes project and a project that supports those with STDS, for example.

On top of this, it seems that MedStartr also has the potential to incorporate some elements of AngelList and healthtech incubators like Rock Health and Blueprint. The crowdfunding platform can function as a screening ground for investors. Startups turn their project pages into pitch platforms, incorporating video, images, etc., and investors can interact and connect with the entrepreneurs through the site.

MedStartr can also incorporate partner programs that allows doctors, CIOs, or executives of health companies to use MedStartr for validation and deal flow and to support them. If they like the idea, they can offer up a deal. If they sign up a certain number of physicians, attract a certain amount of feedback and hit a set target for funding, then a CTO of Pfizer, say, could reward them by funding their first pilot study. The company already has a big pharma company and medical society on board.

All that being said, MedStartr’s current incarnation owes a lot to the popular crowdfunding platforms. Its name (and the design of its site) make that apparent enough. But, if MedStartr is able to deliver on even half of its goals, it can become more than a valuable, feel-good medtech experiment. VCs and investors want to invest in great healthtech companies, and this gives them a great way to interact with health startups and source potential investments.

It’s not clear that there can be enough cross-over from mainstreamers and consumers to give MedStartr the lift it needs to hit scale, rather than remaining a purely industry resource. But if they play it well, and turn it into a viable Kickstarter/MeetUp/AngelList hybrid for health startups, why not?

Find MedStartr at home here.

Company: MedStartr
Launch Date: April 2012

MedStartr is the Kickstarter for health. That is to say it’s also a platform by which anyone and everyone can fund and support healthcare projects, startups, and innovations that improve healthcare and help people live longer, better lives. MedStartr is powered by an all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands. This makes it so you have no obligations either way if critical mass is not achieved to get to your minimum viable product.

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Company: Kickstarter
Launch Date: April 2009
Funding: $10M

Every week, tens of thousands of people pledge millions of dollars to projects from the worlds of music, film, art, technology, design, games, fashion, food, publishing, and other creative fields. Since its launch on April 28th, 2009, more than one and a quarter million people have pledged $130 million to projects by creators who always maintain full ownership and complete creative control of their work.

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Company: Meetup
Launch Date: January 7, 2002
Funding: $18.4M

Meetup is a local community organizing network that makes it easy for anyone to organize a local group or find one of the thousands already meeting up face-to-face. Over 9.5 million people have created and joined long-lasting local Meetup Groups around shared interests and purposes. A Meetup starts somewhere on the planet every 13 seconds. Meetup’s mission is to revitalize local community and help people around the world self-organize. Meetup believes that people can change their personal world, or...

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posted @ 2012-07-14 11:50 BoyXiao 阅读(144) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
space monkey

Space Monkey, the startup offering a peer-to-peer alternative to cloud storage services like Dropbox, just raised $2.25 million in a seed round of funding.

The company says that it’s combining the benefits of both local storage and the cloud. Every Space Monkey customer gets their own storage device, so they can access their files without having to worry about download times or pay the higher cost of cloud storage (which can become an issue when you’re talking about large media files like videos). Copies of those files are also distributed in chunks to other Space Monkey devices, allowing for remote access and backup.

I first wrote about the company when it won the best new startup prize at the Launch conference in March. At the time, some readers pointed out that there are some open source solutions trying to do something similar. However, there’s a big difference between an interesting open source project and a consumer-grade service and company. Product Guy Clint Gordon-Carroll (yes, that’s his real title) says that the real challenge is creating something that’s actually compelling to a large audience. For example, he notes that by introducing the Space Monkey device, users no longer need to keep their computers online at all times.

In the first week alone, Gordon-Carroll says Space Monkey saw 10,000 sign ups. The company is now planning to ship the first devices this fall.

At the conference, Space Monkey had already raised $750,000. That amount was rolled into the new seed round, which was led by by Google Ventures and Venture51. Here’s the full, incredibly long list of investors (or at least those who can be disclosed publicly):

  • Polaris Venture Partners
  • Morado Ventures
  • Social + Capital Partnership
  • Zelkova Ventures
  • Data Collective (Matt Ocko)
  • B-Squared Ventures
  • TriplePoint
  • Sky Dayton
  • Benjamin Ling
  • Nicolas Berggruen
  • Jason Calacanis
  • Bill Lee
  • Steve Chen
  • Ben Narasin
  • Don Hutchison

Financial-organization: Google Ventures
Launch Date: March 31, 2009

Google Ventures is the financially motivated venture capital arm of Google Inc., founded in 2009. Google Ventures invests in startups in industries including consumer Internet, software, hardware, clean-tech, bio-tech, health care and others. They aim to invest about $100 million a year, with deal sizes ranging from seed to late-stage investments of tens of millions of dollars, depending on the stage of the opportunity and the company’s need for capital. Google Ventures currently invests in the U.S. and has offices in...

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Financial-organization: Venture51
Launch Date: August 1, 2010

Venture51 is an early-stage venture fund built for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. We partner with promising entrepreneurs at the earliest stages in the highest-growth segments of the Information Technology market, bringing our own entrepreneurial experience, relationships, and marketing/product expertise to the table.

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Company: Space Monkey
Launch Date: July 2011
Funding: $2.25M

Space Monkey builds cheaper, faster, and a more efficient cloud data storage service for its users offering more space for less. Space Monkey keeps all your content in one place and secure while accessible anywhere and on any device.

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posted @ 2012-07-14 11:50 BoyXiao 阅读(190) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
Screen shot 2012-07-11 at 11.48.49 AM

APIs are marching into education, and it’s about time. Education is rife with legacy infrastructure, with one of the primary offenders being Student Information Systems (SIS). Schools use these systems to store huge amounts of sensitive student information (class lists, attendance, grades and allergies, etc.), but they differ widely from school to school, which, among other things, forces developers to manually integrate with each unique system, making it difficult for their cool educational software or apps to achieve any kind of scale.

LearnSprout, a recent graduate of the education-focused startup accelerator Imagine K12 wants to help both schools and developers unleash those opaque educational data silos with the help of a few clean, standardizing APIs. While the recently-launched startup is not alone — Y Combinator-backed Clever launched a similar platform last month — LearnSprout now has the benefit of some notable investors to help fuel its fires.

The startup is in the process of closing its first round of funding with participation from Andreessen Horowitz, Formation 8 (a new VC fund headed by Palantir co-founder Joe Lonsdale), Benjamin Ling, Philip Fung and Luke Shepard — to name a few. LearnSprout is in the process of adding a few more investors and is hoping to cap the round at around $1 million.

LearnSprout is also one of eight companies (and the only education startup) to be accepted into the inaugural cohort of Code For America’s accelerator program, which provides early-stage businesses with a grant, mentoring, and introductions to tech-savvy decision makers in local and federal government in an effort to help them grow civically-minded businesses.

Founded in January this year by Franklyn Chien, Anthony Wu, and Joe Woo, veterans of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft respectively, today LearnSprout is already working with 40+ schools and another 200+ schools are in the pipeline, and it’s begun to generate revenue to boot. All in all, not bad progress for six months.

But, as it so often goes, this isn’t where the team initially planned to end up. Chien tells us that, going into Imagine K12, LearnSprout had begun to build a modern learning management system-student information system hybrid that was intended to be v2.0 of Blackboard — something not too dissimilar from Instructure’s Canvas. But, it wasn’t long before the founders came to the realization that getting schools to dump their existing systems was basically a fool’s errand.

Rather than shell out money for new systems or software, schools tend to make due with what they have, adding ad hoc fixes as they go. There are over 100 student information systems in operation today, each of them built in Frankenstein ways to save costs. Teachers end up having to manually enter data themselves, making transferring, aggregating, and gaining insight into these data silos a nightmare.

Because schools aren’t eager to budge, the best fix is to give them (and developers) one set of APIs that allows them to keep their systems in place while making their data portable and fluent in a universal language. The startup’s APIs essentially create a secure channel through which developers and schools can transfer the sensitive information from their student information systems.

LearnSprout removes the pain for developers of having to manage CSV files, exports and FTP servers, and removes manual data entry. As extra incentive for schools, LearnSprout handles all data integration with the student information systems itself, whether it’s CSV or direct database connection. The team is also providing schools with two applications that come on top of its APIs and work right out of the box — one of them being a school-wide emergency notification system, for example. The purpose of including these apps, Chien says, is to showcase the power of the platform, give schools a way to get used to the new system, while giving developers an archetype with which to work.

LearnSprout also handles data duplication, serving developers and schools with only the most up-to-date information. What’s more, for schools, it’s all free. LearnSprout offers them one-click install to get them started, charging developers either with a flat fee or offering a revenue share based on the number of integrations. If they bring a new school to LearnSprout, however, integration is free. Right now, Chien says that the startup is already working with about 70 percent of the SIS in operation in the U.S. and is hard at work on covering the remainder.

In terms of its plan going forward, the team is already thinking beyond the U.S., eyeing tons of potential abroad and plans to leverage contacts from Andreessen and Formation 8 to begin taking international steps.

You can find LearnSprout at home here, or check out their pitch at Imagine K12′s Demo Day below:

Company: LearnSprout
Launch Date: January 2012

LearnSprout makes it easy for developers to build and distribute education apps by providing a standard API to schools’ data that unlock the grading, attendance, and roster information.

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posted @ 2012-07-14 11:50 BoyXiao 阅读(123) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

This wasn’t exactly a secret anymore, but Microsoft just officially unveiled its Bing Fund, a new angel fund and incubator program sponsored by Bing and “backed by the experience, expertise, and resources of Microsoft.” The idea here, says Microsoft, is to “partner with like-minded entrepreneurs—great talent that is innovating online to solve big problems and create amazing new experiences.” The fund is looking for startups that focus on mobile and web experiences and which provide “both inspirational vision” and the “ability to execute.”

Microsoft also recommends that the startups that plan to apply for this program already have a working prototype and a broad plan for how to tackle the problem they are trying to solve and what the market for their products looks like.

Startups will be accepted on an on-going basis and the Bing Fund is also looking to partner with existing accelerators to find potential candidates for the new fund. The plan is to focus on just a few startups at a time and as companies graduate, new ones will be accepted to fill their spots. Microsoft doesn’t promise that it will acquire successful startups, but the company says that “acquisition is always a possibility.”

Besides receiving funding, the startups that are accepted into this program will receive subsidies to use Bing’s APIs and also access to technologies developed by Microsoft Research. Microsoft also plans to provide these startups with mentors inside the company and promises that the IP and product will remain in the hands of the participating companies.

Startups that are located in Seattle will also be able to take advantage of co-workspace in Bellevue (a few miles away from the company’s main Redmond campus), where the Bing Fund team and Microsoft’s machine learning, search and data experts are located.

It’s worth noting that the Bing Fund does not require companies to use development stack, but it does encourage startups to participate in its BizSpark program, which gives companies that are less than three years old and make less than $1 million per year discounted access to its development tools. BizSpark already works with TechStars, by the way, to make $60,000 worth of Azure compute and storage services available to the companies in its Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure program.

Company: Microsoft
Launch Date: April 4, 1974

Microsoft, founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, is a veteran software company, best known for its Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software. Starting in 1980 Microsoft formed a partnership with IBM allowing Microsoft to sell its software package with the computers IBM manufactured. Microsoft is widely used by professionals worldwide and largely dominates the American corporate market. Additionally, the company has ventured into hardware with consumer products such as the Zune and...

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posted @ 2012-07-14 11:48 BoyXiao 阅读(179) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

資安業者McAfeeGuardian Analytics於日前(6/26)發出一份報告,指出一個國際駭客組織正向全球金融機構展開攻擊,並將攻擊行動命名為Operation High Roller,至今已成功入侵60家銀行,藉由取得具有高額存款的企業或個人帳戶的登入資訊,已經竊取至少7500萬美元。




McAfee實驗室的安全研究總監David Marcus表示,幾年前,多數的網路犯罪都發生在終端,但Operation High Roller把攻擊目標轉移至中央伺服器,讓竊取行為變得更有效率,而這種鎖定特定個人或金融機構所發起的攻擊,造成的損失也相當驚人,由此看來,駭客組織的攻擊手法愈來愈先進。




而在Operation High Roller攻擊中,駭客組織則是針對特定的網路銀行網站設計相關程式,讓整個詐騙過程自動化,包括可以讀取帳戶的餘額、將金額轉至錢騾(money mules)帳戶中以掩護行動,甚至連選擇哪些帳戶作為中介性的錢騾帳戶都是自動化的。為了不被偵測到,駭客組織經常性的移動,並結合Rootkits與加密技術,讓這些攻擊過程得到更好的掩護並防止被偵測。






posted @ 2012-07-14 10:16 BoyXiao 阅读(161) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
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