
Through the darkest dark,may we see the light.

USACO Monthly 2011 Jan Bronze Division

题目很简单,近一个月没写题,还是在2h内写完.最后发现了最后一题的bug,调试成功后突然发现超时3min,然后又悲剧了. = =

引gXX神牛:long long 类型使用cout输出,避免平台差异.

============================== SUMMARY =============================

                              -- case number --
           1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
cropcir     *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
dishes      *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
space       *  *  *  *  *  s  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  s  *  s
sym         *  *  x  *  x  x  x  x  *  *

. = no entry   t = time exceeded    *   = correct answer
x = wrong      s = signal           e   = bad exit status


Complete results for cropcir --------------------
 1: OK [0.01 sec]
 2: OK [0.01 sec]
 3: OK [0.01 sec]
 4: OK [0.00 sec]
 5: OK [0.00 sec]
 6: OK [0.00 sec]
 7: OK [0.00 sec]
 8: OK [0.02 sec]
 9: OK [0.01 sec]
10: OK [0.01 sec]

Complete results for dishes --------------------
 1: OK [0.00 sec]
 2: OK [0.01 sec]
 3: OK [0.01 sec]
 4: OK [0.01 sec]
 5: OK [0.00 sec]
 6: OK [0.00 sec]
 7: OK [0.03 sec]
 8: OK [0.03 sec]
 9: OK [0.01 sec]
10: OK [0.01 sec]

Complete results for space --------------------
 1: OK [0.00 sec]
 2: OK [0.01 sec]
 3: OK [0.01 sec]
 4: OK [0.01 sec]
 5: OK [0.00 sec]
 6: Wrong: Signal 11 -- segmentation violation [maybe caused by
   accessing memory out of bounds, array indexing out of bounds, using a
   bad pointer (failed open(), failed malloc), or going over the maximum
   specified memory limit]
 7: OK [0.16 sec]
 8: OK [0.20 sec]
 9: OK [0.15 sec]
10: OK [0.01 sec]
11: OK [0.01 sec]
12: OK [0.01 sec]
13: OK [0.01 sec]
14: OK [0.02 sec]
15: OK [0.02 sec]
16: OK [0.03 sec]
17: Wrong: Signal 11 -- segmentation violation [maybe caused by
   accessing memory out of bounds, array indexing out of bounds, using a
   bad pointer (failed open(), failed malloc), or going over the maximum
   specified memory limit]
18: OK [0.12 sec]
19: Wrong: Signal 11 -- segmentation violation [maybe caused by
   accessing memory out of bounds, array indexing out of bounds, using a
   bad pointer (failed open(), failed malloc), or going over the maximum
   specified memory limit]

Complete results for sym --------------------
 1: OK [0.01 sec]
 2: OK [0.02 sec]
 3: Wrong: L1: Wanted 0 got 4
 4: OK [0.01 sec]
 5: Wrong: L1: Wanted 87381 got 1135957
 6: Wrong: L1: Wanted 21845 got 89412949
 7: Wrong: L1: Wanted 1398101 got 68506965
 8: Wrong: L1: Wanted 1398101 got 68506965
 9: OK [0.02 sec]
10: OK [0.00 sec]

posted on 2011-01-15 17:27 Climber.pI 阅读(371) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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