# The readfpl accept a file's path while is fpl(foobar play list),
# and return a list which holds all the file'path
sub readfpl
my @files;
my @chunks;
my $index = 0;
open(INPUT, "< $_[0]")
or die "can't open";
@chunks = split(m{file://}, <INPUT>);
if($_ =~ m/.+\.(mp3|wma|m4a)/)
$files[$index] = $&;
$index ++;
print $files[0];
return @files;
my @files = readfpl($ARGV[0]);
my $string;
$string = $_;
# the next while get name from path
while( substr($string, 1) =~ m{\\.+\.(mp3|wna|m4a)}) {
$string = $ARGV[0].$&;
rename $_, string;
將這段代碼存為movefpl.pl然后在命令行打入 movefpl.pl 播放列表的全路徑 要存歌曲的新路徑
就可以了呢 呵呵