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其实这个题目也很简单 有很多种做法...

就是给一个array你 然后你找出 i,j使从第i个加到第j个最大就好了啊

最简单的算法就是两个for 算下来不到n^2的时间复杂度 可是还有更快的算法哦

首先 可以使用分治算法 这样的算法大概时间复杂度是 n*lg n, 但是这样还不是最好的

最好的其实是把前一个状态储存下来然后进行比较 这个算法时间复杂度只有n哦 很快的呢

先不要看 给个 int a[10] = { 31, -41, 59, 26, -53, 58, 97, -93, -23, 84 }


inline int
max( int a, int b)
    return a > b ? a : b;

* This Function count a array find the largest string count max              *
* Function : CountMax                                                        *
* int    *a : the array of int                                                *
* int     n : the range of array                                              *
* return    : the sum of max this function find                               *
CountMax ( int *a, int n )
    int sum = 0, tmp = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        tmp = max( 0, tmp + a[i] );
        sum = max( sum, tmp );

    return sum;
/* -----   end of function CountMax   ----- */
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:37 DraculaW 阅读(131) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

template<typename T>
void prefix(T* p, int m, int* next)
       int i, j;
       i = 0;
       j = next[0] = -1;
       while (i < m) {
           while (j > -1 && p[i] != p[j])
                     j = next[j];
           if (p[i] == p[j])
                     next[i] = next[j];
                     next[i] = j;
/* ---------- end of function prefix ---------- */

* Function : KMP                                                            *
* T     *t : The string need be matching                                    *
* int    n : The length of the string                                       *
* T     *p : The sub string to matching                                     *
* int    m : The length of the p                                            *
* int *out : An array mark the string match where ( max length is m - n )   *
template<typename T>
int KMP(T* t, int n, T* p, int m, int* out)
          int c = 0;
    int i, j, next[m];
    prefix(p, m, next);
    i = 0;
    j = 0;
    while(i < n)
        while( j > -1 && p[j] != t[i])
            j = next[j];
        i++; j++;
        if( j >= m )
            out[c++] = i - m;
            j = next[j];
          return c;
/* ---------- end of function KMP ---------- */

// 这个算法 也研究了很久了。对于他的原理 我早已经清楚,但是快速的写出他还是不是那么顺利。也是因为我写的程序太少了吧 呵呵。 理解中记忆。 嗯 不能死记硬背啊 呵呵。
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:36 DraculaW 阅读(79) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

#ifndef _BIGNUM_HPP_
#define _BIGNUM_HPP_

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class BigNum;

BigNum operator+(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BigNum& rhs);

void Add(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs, BigNum& res);

class BigNum
    BigNum(int n) : value(n){}
    BigNum(const string& s);
    friend BigNum operator+(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BigNum& rhs);
    friend void Add(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs, BigNum& res);
    vector<char> value;   


#include "BigNum.hpp"

BigNum::BigNum(const string& s):value(s.length())
    int j = value.size();
    for(string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++)
        value[j] = *it;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const BigNum& rhs)
    size_t i = rhs.value.size();
    bool zero = false;
    if( i == 1)
        return os << rhs.value[0];

    if(rhs.value[ i - 1 ] == '0')
        zero = true;
    while( i > 0 )
        while(zero == true)
            if(rhs.value[i] != '0')
                zero = false;
        os << rhs.value[i];
    return os;

void Add(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs, BigNum& res)
    int carry = 0;
    char c = 0;
    char tmp = 0;
    size_t i = 0;
    for( ; i < rhs.value.size(); i++)
        tmp = lhs.value[i] + rhs.value[i] + carry - '0';

        if( tmp > '9' )
            carry = 1;
            tmp -= 10;
            carry = 0;
        res.value[i] = tmp;

    while( carry != 0 && i < lhs.value.size() )
        tmp = lhs.value[i] + carry;
        if( tmp > '9' )
            carry = 1;
            tmp = '0';
            carry = 0;
        res.value[i] = tmp;

    if( carry > 0)
        res.value[i] = '1';


BigNum operator+(const BigNum& lhs, const BigNum& rhs)
    size_t lsize, rsize;
    lsize = lhs.value.size();
           rsize = rhs.value.size();
    size_t n = lsize > rsize ? lsize : rsize;   
    BigNum res(n + 1);
    res.value[0] = '0';
    if( lsize > rsize )
             Add(lhs, rhs, res);
        Add(rhs, lhs, res);
    return res;

//我自己实现的大数的加法的程序。。 终于验证可以使用了 呵呵
这个程序写好了 也算可以了了我的心愿了的
去年的某个时候 在杭州的UT斯达康面试 上机题就是这一道 我死活没有憋出来,当时就很后悔 为什么不好好的看看论坛上的帖子 对上面的问题做做呢?那样子的话 也许我就不会这么悲惨了,老是在哪里自怨自唉。
总结起来 我其实是眼高手低,然后从来都被宠着没有认清过自己。小学初中,老妈老师都说我数学学的还不错,其实是有点小聪明,分数还是那么可怜的一点点;到高中,因 为学校比较一般,考的名次看起来很美,被假象迷惑了;大学,因为自己有点基础,被给哥封为软件最好,也有点沾沾自喜;到了这个公司,也许因为我身体的原 因,也有点面试时做题速度超快的原因,被经理说我程序不错,还是没有摆正自己的位子。
呵呵, 心态 , 心态才是一切。
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:35 DraculaW 阅读(187) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

// 給一個鏈表 list 將 list 倒置
// 有很多種做法
// 1 遞歸 (速度最慢)
// 2 用個棧 (速度慢)
// 3 三個指針遍歷 (大部分的做法)

// 具體就是一個 node*的數組 有三個元素
// 每次都將 a[1]的放入a[0] a[2]的放入a[1] a[2]->next放入a[2]
// 再將a[1]->next = a[0];

void resv_Linklist(Node* head)
    Node* a[3];
    a[0] = a[1] = NULL;
    a[2] = head;
        a[0] = a[1];
        a[1] = a[2];
        a[2] = a[2]->next;
        a[1]->next = a[0];
    *head = *(a[2]);
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:34 DraculaW 阅读(414) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

// 給一個數組 a[n] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} 一個k=3
// 將 a[n]變為 a[n] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2}
// 具體的算法是
// 先將 a[n] 變為{2, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3}
// 再把 a[n] 逆轉了

void swap(int *a, int *b)
    int t = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = t;

void resv(int* a, int start, int end)
    end = end-1;

    while(start < end)
        swap(a+start, a+end);
        start--, ed--;

void resver(int *a, int size, int k)
    resv(a, 0, k);
    resv(a, k, size);
    resv(a, 0, size);
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:33 DraculaW 阅读(224) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

// 給一個數組a[n]求其中 第k大的數值的算法
// 基本的思想就是 使用quicksort的一個變種
// 每次進行完part后 判斷它的返回值 是否為k
// 如果為k 返回
// 如果大于k 則在返回的位置的前面找
// 如果小于k 則在返回的位置的后面找

int part(int* a, int start, int end)
    int t = a[end-1];
    int e = -2;
    while(start < e)
        while(a[start]<t) start++;
        while(a[e]>t) e--;
        int tmp = a[e];
        a[e] = a[start];
        a[start] = tmp;
    return start;

int findK(int* a, int start, int end, int k)
    int i = part(a, start, end);
    int rtn;

    if(i < k-1)
        rtn = findK(a, i+1, end);

    else if(i > k-1)
        rtn = findK(a, start, i-1);
        rtn = a[i];

    return rtn;
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:31 DraculaW 阅读(841) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

#ifndef _LINKEDLIST_H_

#define _LINKEDLIST_H_

#include <stdexcept>

using namespace std;

class EmptyListException : public logic_error {


    EmptyListException(const string& what_arg ) throw() :

      logic_error ("Empty list exception: " + what_arg) {}}


template <class T>

class Node {


    T data;

    Node* next;


    Node(T d, Node* n = NULL) : data(d), next(n) {}

    T& getData() { return data;}

    Node*& getNext() { return next;}


template <class T>

class LinkedList {


    Node<T>* head; // Beginning of list

    Node<T>* tail; // End of list

    int count; // Number of nodes in list


    LinkedList(void) : head(NULL), tail(NULL), count(0) {}

    LinkedList(const LinkedList<T>& src); // Copy constructor

    virtual ~LinkedList(void); // Destructor

    virtual T& front(void) {

        if (head == NULL) {

            throw EmptyListException("front()");


        return head->getData();


    virtual T& back(void) {

        if (tail == NULL) {

            throw EmptyListException("back()");


        return tail->getData();


    virtual int size(void) {

        return count;


    virtual bool empty(void) {

        return count == 0;


    virtual void push_front(T); // Insert element at beginning

    virtual void push_back(T); // Insert element at end

    virtual void pop_front(void); // Remove element from beginning

    virtual void pop_back(void); // Remove element from end

    virtual void dump(void); // Output contents of list


// Copy constructor

template <class T>

LinkedList<T>::LinkedList(const LinkedList<T>& src) :

count(0), head(NULL), tail(NULL) {

    Node<T>* current = src.head;

    while (current != NULL) {


        current = current->getNext();



// Destructor

template <class T>

LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList(void) {

    while (!this->empty()) {




// Insert an element at the beginning

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::push_front(T d) {

    Node<T>* new_head = new Node<T>(d, head);

    if (this->empty()) {

        head = tail = new_head;


    else {

        head = new_head;




// Insert an element at the end

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::push_back(T d) {

    Node<T>* new_tail = new Node<T>(d, NULL);

    if (this->empty()) {

        head = new_tail;


    else {

        tail->getNext() = new_tail;


    tail = new_tail;



// Remove an element from the beginning

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::pop_front(void) {

    if (head == NULL) {

        throw EmptyListException("pop_front()");


    Node<T>* old_head = head;

    if (this->size() == 1) {

        head = NULL;

        tail = NULL;


    else {

        head = head->getNext();


    delete old_head;



// Remove an element from the end

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::pop_back(void) {

    if (tail == NULL) {

        throw EmptyListException("pop_back()");


    Node<T>* old_tail = tail;

    if (this->size() == 1) {

        head = NULL;

        tail = NULL;


    else {

        // Traverse the list

        Node<T>* current = head;

        while (current->getNext() != tail) {

            current = current->getNext();


        // Unlink and reposition

        current->getNext() = NULL;

        tail = current;


    delete old_tail;



// Display the contents of the list

template <class T>

void LinkedList<T>::dump(void) {

    cout << "(";

    if (head != NULL) {

        Node<T>* current = head;

        while (current->getNext() != NULL) {

            cout << current->getData() << ", ";

            current = current->getNext();


        cout << current->getData();


    cout << ")" << endl;





#include "LinkedList.h"

template<typename T>

class EnhancedLinkedList: public LinkedList<T>



    T& find_first (const T& key);

    //Method find_first should search the EnhancedLinkedList for the first

    //occurrence of an item that matches the value in the parameter key.

    //It should return a reference to the first matching item.

    //If the invoking EnhancedLinkedList object is empty or no item is found

    //that matches the parameter, a ListItemNotFoundException should be thrown.

    //You will have to define this exception

    //(Hint: define this exception much the same way that the

    //EmptyListException exception is defined in LinkedList.h).

    EnhancedLinkedList find_all (const T& key);

    //Method find_all should search the invoking EnhancedLinkedList

    //for all elements that match the value in the parameter key.

    //It should return an EnhancedLinkedList object containing

    //copies of all the items that match the parameter key.

    //If the invoking EnhancedLinkedList object is empty or

    //no item is found that matches the parameter,

    //this function should return an empty EnhancedLinkedList.

    void remove_first (const T& key);

    //Method remove_first should remove the first element from the

    //invoking EnhancedLinkedList whose data item matches the parameter key.

    //If the invoking EnhancedLinkedList object is empty or no item is found

    //that matches the parameter, this function should do nothing.

    //Remember to leave no memory leaks.

    void remove_all (const T& key);

    //Method remove_all should remove all elements from the invoking

    //EnhancedLinkedList whose data items match the parameter key.

    //If the invoking EnhancedLinkedList object is empty or no item is found

    //that matches the parameter, this function should do nothing.

    //Remember to leave no memory leaks.


template<typename T>

T& EnhancedLinkedList<T>::find_first(const T& key)


    Node<T>* temp = this->head;

    if(temp == NULL)

        throw EmptyListException("Find first emptylist");

    while(NULL != temp->getNext())



            return temp->getData();




    throw EmptyListException("Find first not found");


template<typename T>


EnhancedLinkedList<T>::find_all(const T& key)


    EnhancedLinkedList<T> resualt;

    Node<T>* temp = this->head;

    while(NULL != temp)






    return resualt;


template<typename T>


EnhancedLinkedList<T>::remove_first(const T& key)


    EnhancedLinkedList<T> list;






            T* temp = this->front();


            delete temp;











template<typename T>


EnhancedLinkedList<T>::remove_all(const T& key)


    EnhancedLinkedList<T> list;








            T* temp = this->front();


            delete temp;









posted @ 2007-11-15 20:29 DraculaW 阅读(274) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


// The Sort //

// //

#ifndef _SORT_H_

#define _SORT_H_

// The QuickSort //

// //

template<typename T>

int Quick(T* a, int s, int e)


    T t = a[e];

    int i = s - 1;

    for(int j = s; j < e; j++ )

        if(a[j] <= t)





        swap(a[i+1], a[e]);

        return i+1;

template<typename T>

void QuickSort(T* a, int s, int e)


    if( s < e )


        int i = Quick(a, s, e);

        //int i = part(a, s, e);

        QuickSort(a, s, i-1);

        QuickSort(a, i+1, e);



// The HeapSort //

// //


inline int left(int i)


    return 2*i+1;

inline int right(int i)


    return 2*i+2;

template<typename T>

void HeapHy(T* a, int n, int i)


    int big = i;

    //first find the lage of i, left(i),right(i)

    if(left(i) < n)


        big = a[i]>a[left(i)]?(i):(left(i));

        if(right(i) < n)

            big = a[big]>a[right(i)]?(big):(right(i));


    //and if the i not the biggest change pos i with the bigest



        swap(a[i], a[big]);

        //then HeapHy(a, n, bigest)

        HeapHy(a, n, big);


template<typename T>

void BuildHeap(T* a, int n)


    for(int i = n/2; i > -1; i--)

        HeapHy(a, n, i);

template<typename T>

void HeapSort(T* a, int n)


    BuildHeap(a, n);

    for(int i=n-1; i>0; i--)


        swap(a[0], a[i]);

        HeapHy(a, i, 0);



// The ShellSort //

// //

template<typename T>

void ShellSort(T* a, int s)


    T t;

    int i,j,k;

    for(i=s/2; i>0; i=i/3)


        for(j=i; j<s; j++)


            t = a[j];

            for(k=j-i; k>-1; k-=i)



                    a[k+i] = a[k];


            a[k+i] = t;



#endif //_SORT_H_
posted @ 2007-11-15 20:27 DraculaW 阅读(118) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-15 20:22 DraculaW 阅读(451) | 评论 (5)编辑 收藏

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