http://developer.nvidia.com/object/gpu-gems-3-call-for-participation.htmlGPU Gems 3 Call for Participation
Following the success of GPU Gems and GPU Gems 2,
NVIDIA has decided to produce a third GPU Gems volume to showcase the
best new ideas and techniques for the latest programmable GPUs. We were
honored that GPU Gems won the 2004 Game Developer Front Line Award and
that GPU Gems 2 was a Finalist in the 2005 Game Developer Front Line
Awards. What’s more, GPU Gems and GPU Gems 2 were the best-selling
books at the Game Developer Conference and SIGGRAPH in their respective
This latest GPU Gems will, like previous volumes, be hardbound and
in full color. Tentatively titled GPU Gems 3, it will be edited by
Hubert Nguyen, Manager of Developer Education at NVIDIA. Nguyen
contributed to previous GPU Gems volumes and brings to this role vast
experience in the field of computer graphics. Section editors include a
team of expert NVIDIA engineers: Cyril Zeller, Evan Hart, Ignacio
Castaño, Kevin Bjorke, Kevin Myers, and Nolan Goodnight.
NVIDIA is looking for innovative ideas from developers who are using
GPUs in new ways to create stunning graphics and cutting-edge
applications. GPU Gems 3 will present techniques and ideas that are
broadly useful to GPU programmers and that can be integrated into their
applications. And, it will continue the tradition of featuring chapters
exploring non-graphics applications of the computational capabilities
of GPU hardware (learn more at www.GPGPU.org).
Because our goal is to provide a comprehensive set of authoritative and
practical chapters, we strongly suggest submitting ideas about
techniques that you have already developed and tested.
If you would like to contribute to the GPU Gems series, please read
the following submission guidelines. The deadline for proposal
submissions is Monday, December 11, 2006. If your proposal is accepted,
you will receive additional time to complete the chapter.
Guidelines for Chapter Proposal
Each chapter proposal should meet the following qualifications:
• Subject. Your chapter can be about any topic
related to applying GPUs in useful and compelling ways. For example,
you may choose to write about a specific shader or technique for
rendering an interesting effect, or you could write about a strategy
for integrating shaders into a game engine. Or, you might discuss an
interesting way to apply the GPU’s horsepower in a non-graphics area.
The main requirement is that your subject has practical value for the
community and that you are committed to writing a clear, concise, and
informative chapter.
• Submission. Send an e-mail to articlesubmissions@nvidia.com
with your proposed chapter title as the subject line, and a concise
chapter description in the e-mail body (preferably no more than 300
words). To increase your chances of acceptance, we recommend that the
description include screenshots or movies that demonstrate the
technique in action. Ultimately, you must be able to provide a working
program that demonstrates your technique. Complete source code is not
necessarily required, though a self-contained example will be a plus.
• Deadline. We will be working on an aggressive schedule, so you must submit your proposal by Monday, December 11, 2006.
Notifications will be sent out by the end of the year. If your
proposal is accepted, we will contact you via e-mail and discuss our
expectations for the full chapter, as well as the next steps in the
process. To assist you in finalizing your chapter, we will create your
figures and provide copyediting services.
Final Chapter Information
• Length. The final chapters should range from five
to twenty pages of formatted book pages. This requirement accounts for
figures, code samples, and page layout, so there would be approximately
200 to 300 words per page. In some cases, we may accept chapters that
are shorter or longer than the suggested length, depending on the
content. A chapter does not have to be long or complicated to be
accepted. In fact, an idea that is simple and compelling is more likely
to be accepted.
• Rights. You must have the right to publish your work, code and images (diagrams and screenshots).
We look forward to reading your submissions.
posted on 2006-10-28 11:41
周波 阅读(660)
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