Double click words on my home page,
you will find that there is a kingword on my page.
This is a nice tool for somebody to read english content.
If you want to add this function on your page,
Just add these lines to your web page please:<script type="text/javascript"> var iciba_param =new Array(); iciba_param['skin'] = 1;// 皮肤 iciba_param['pid'] = 494;// 统计 iciba_param['searchInputDisplay'] = 'block';// 搜寻框是否显示 默认是'' 当为 'none'的时候不显示 iciba_param['searchInputWidth'] =210;////输入框长度 当iciba_param['searchInputDisplay'] !='none'的时候起作用 iciba_param['isCanDraw'] = '1';//是否能拖动?0表示不可以拖动 默认为1可拖动 iciba_param['selfDeter'] ='1';//是否自己划词自己?0 表示不可以 iciba_param['width'] = '325'; // 宽度 iciba_param['height'] = '200'; // 内容高度 iciba_param['isPopIcon'] ='1';//是否需要 小icon 需要为1 不需要为0 iciba_param['isPopStyle'] ='4';//小icon的 图标 iciba_param['isInputCan'] ='1';//是否能在文本域输入框内划词 默认不可以 只有'1'的时候才能起作用 iciba_param['context']=[['Dict',''],['Love',''],['Tf',''],['Dj',''],['Enen','']];//词典功能</script><script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>
If you don't like kingword, you get another choice:<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- var element=document.createElement('script'); element.setAttribute('src', ''); document.body.appendChild(element); //--></SCRIPT>
And here is a article for how to add star dict into your web: