
Software Developing Blog

"An idea is fragile . It can be killed by a scornful smile or a yawn .It can be mound down by irony and scared to death by a cold look."
"Most cultures throughout human history have not liked creative individuals .They ignore them or kill them.It is a very efficient way of stopping creativity."

------Advertising boss Charles Browe and Howard Gardner ,professor at Harvard

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Categories within Debugging

Projects within Debugging

  • ald

    - The Assembly Language Debugger is a tool for debugging executable programs at the assembly level.
  • Antiparser

    - a fuzz testing and fault injection API.
  • BASH Debugger

    - Patched BASH shell with extra debugging support
  • Benchmark-Timer

    - Times and becnhmarks portions of code
  • Bug-buddy

    - GNOME bug-reporting utility
  • BugPort

    - QA system for software development
  • BuildBot

    - Automates the compile/test cycle of software development
  • Check

    - Unit testing framework for C
  • checker

    - Finds memory errors at runtime
  • clisp

    - ANSI Common Lisp compiler, debugger, and interpreter

    - Free implementation of Common Lisp
  • Condenser

    - Findis and removes duplicate Java code
  • CrocoPat

    - Tool for relational querying
  • Crossroads Load Balancer

    - Load balance utility for TCP
  • CUT

    - Unit-testing framework for C, C++, and Objective-C
  • CxxTest

    - JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++
  • dbg

    - C++ debugging utilities
  • DBG-Client

    - Client for the DBG debugger
  • DBG-Server

    - PHP debugger and profiler
  • Dbug

    - Macro-based debugging library
  • ddd

    - Graphical front end for command line debuggers
  • dejaGnu

    - Framework to test programs
  • diapergluforth

    - Testing tool for shared object libraries
  • dvbsnoop

    - Presents streamed (live) information in human readable form
  • Dynamic Probes

    - Debugger

    - extensible logging software
  • Electric Fence

    - Memory debugger
  • f2w helpdesk

    - Web-based helpdesk package
  • GCL

    - Compiler and interpreter for Common Lisp
  • Gdb

    - GNU Debugger
  • ggcov

    - GUI for reporting test coverage data
  • Gnu 8085 Simulator

    - A graphical 8085 simulator and assembler with a debugger.
  • GNU Visual Debugger

    - Graphical front end for debuggers
  • Greg

    - Software testing framework
  • GUSS

    - Hardware simulator for debugging
  • Javachecker

    - Performs static analysis for Java source file
  • jf-unittest

    - a C++ unit test framework
  • Jlint

    - Java debugger
  • kdbg

    - GUI for gdb
  • KMD

    - Multi-processor debugger
  • Kodos

    - Tool for working with regular expressions
  • Ksymoops

    - Kernel oops and error message decoder
  • linice

    - Source-level kernel debugger
  • log4php

    - Php port of log4j
  • memcheck

    - Memory debugging tool
  • MemCheck Deluxe

    - Memory usage tracker and leak finder
  • Memwatch

    - Memory leak and corruption detection tool
  • mpatrol

    - Diagnoses run-time errors
  • Nemiver

    - a standalone graphical debugger for the GNOME desktop.
  • OTRS

    - Ticket request and email management system
  • Perl Critic

    - Critiques Perl source code for best-practices
  • PMD

    - Java source code analyzer
  • Pngcheck

    - PNG integrity tester and dumper/debugger
  • Pounder

    - Tests Java GUIs
  • PuDB

    - A full-screen, console-based Python debugger.
  • pvswitch

    - Lets users use different program installations on one machine
  • PyChecker

    - Helps fix bugs in Python source code
  • PyLint

    - Pylint analyzes Python source code
  • QtUnit

    - Testing framework for C++
  • redet

    - Tool for constructing and executing regular expressions
  • Remote GUD

    - Lets you debug a program running on a remote host
  • RLog

    - Message logging facility for C++
  • rpmlint

    - RPM error checker
  • Scmbug

    - Combines any source code version control system with any bug-tracking system
  • Sedsed

    - Generates debug files in sed
  • Sipsak

    - Tests SIP devices and applications
  • Steel Bank Common Lisp

    - Development environment for Common Lisp
  • Strace

    - Debugging tool
  • Synopsis

    - multi-language source code introspection tool
  • TCLP

    - Type checker for Prolog dialects
  • UDS Collection

    - C++ development and debugging library
  • UPnP-Inspector

    - The Inspector is an UPnP Device and Service analyzer.
  • Valgrind

    - Memory debugger
  • Winpdb

    - Python debugger
  • xpvm

    - Graphical console and monitor for PVM
  • Z80-ASM

    - Compiler for the Z80 CPU assembler
posted on 2010-10-13 23:45 JonsenElizee 阅读(1003) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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By JonsenElizee