package db.khan;
import java.sql.*;
/**//*数据库连接容器 * */ public class DBPoolCon { /**//*容器中的连接*/ public Connection con = null;
public int nUsedTimes = 0;
DBPoolCon() { }
public Connection get() { return con; } } 一个操作和管理连接容器的连接池
package db.khan;
import java.sql.*; import java.util.*;
/** *//**连接池类 * */ public class DBConPool { protected LinkedList listCon = new LinkedList();// 一个存放链接池的链表 protected String DBUrl = null; protected String DBUser = null; protected String DBPasswd = null; /** *//**最大连接数*/ protected int nMaxCon = 0; /** *//**连接最大使用时间*/ protected int nMaxUsedTime = 0; /** *//**当前已用连接数*/ protected int nConNum = 0;
/** *//**构造器 * @param String DBUrl * @param String DBUser * @param String DBPasswd * @param int nMaxCon * @param int nMaxUsedTime*/ DBConPool(String DBUrl, String DBUser, String DBPasswd, int nMaxCon, int nMaxUsedTime) { this.DBUrl = DBUrl; this.DBUser = DBUser; this.DBPasswd = DBPasswd;
this.nMaxCon = nMaxCon; this.nMaxUsedTime = nMaxUsedTime; }
/** *//**从连接池中取得连接(线程安全函数) * @return DBPoolCon 返回的数据库连接容器 * */ synchronized public DBPoolCon get() { if (listCon.size() > 0) {//有连接时,直接取得连接 return (DBPoolCon) listCon.removeFirst(); } if (nConNum < nMaxCon) {//如果没有多余连接,但连接池未满,新建一个连接 return createCon(); } System.out.println("Fail to get DB con, too many con: " + nConNum + " max:" + nMaxCon); return null; }
/** *//**销毁连接 * @param DBPoolCon pCon*/ synchronized public void release(DBPoolCon pCon) { pCon.nUsedTimes++; if (pCon.nUsedTimes > nMaxUsedTime) {//如果使用时间大于最大使用时间,则该连接被回收 try { nConNum--; pCon.con.close(); System.out.println("DB Con closed for used out"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Fail to close DB Con"); } } else { //否则,该连接被重新分配 listCon.add(pCon); } }
/** *//**建立连接容器 * @return DBPoolCon 返回一个连接容器*/ protected DBPoolCon createCon() { DBPoolCon pCon = new DBPoolCon(); try { pCon.con = DriverManager.getConnection(DBUrl, DBUser, DBPasswd); pCon.con.setAutoCommit(true); nConNum++; System.out.println("DB Con created, con num:" + nConNum + " max:" + nMaxCon); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Fail to create DB Con"); } return pCon; }
/** *//**回收器 * 将连接池中的所有连接关闭*/ protected void finalize() { try { while (listCon.size() > 0) { DBPoolCon pCon = (DBPoolCon) listCon.removeFirst(); pCon.con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Fail to close DB Con"); } } }