Khan's Notebook GCC/GNU/Linux Delphi/Window Java/Anywhere

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symbian 的ini文件类.

     摘要: Symbian ini文件
Section Key value  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-22 12:29 Khan 阅读(3641) | 评论 (28)编辑 收藏

关于"bldmake.bat is not supported in this release" 解决方法

     摘要: Sorry, \epoc32\tools\bldmake.bat is not supported in this release. Please use a different
device. Use 'devices' to view the available devices. 解决方法, 以及symbian环境的手工配置  阅读全文

posted @ 2007-08-22 11:39 Khan 阅读(1658) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏