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Intel. 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual


System-level architecture consists of a set of registers, data structures, and instructions
designed to support basic system-level operations such as memory management,
interrupt and exception handling, task management, and control of multiple
Figure 2-1 provides a summary of system registers and data structures that applies
to 32-bit modes. System registers and data structures that apply to IA-32e mode are
shown in Figure 2-2.





2.1.1 Global and Local Descriptor Tables(全局描述符表和局部描述符表)

When operating in protected mode, all memory accesses pass through either the

global descriptor table (GDT) or an optional local descriptor table (LDT) as shown in

Figure 2-1. These tables contain entries called segment descriptors. Segment

descriptors provide the base address of segments well as access rights, type, and

usage information.




Each segment descriptor has an associated segment selector. A segment selector

provides the software that uses it with an index into the GDT or LDT (the offset of its

associated segment descriptor), a global/local flag (determines whether the selector

points to the GDT or the LDT), and access rights information.


To access a byte in a segment, a segment selector and an offset must be supplied.

The segment selector provides access to the segment descriptor for the segment (in

the GDT or LDT). From the segment descriptor, the processor obtains the base

address of the segment in the linear address space. The offset then provides the

location of the byte relative to the base address. This mechanism can be used to

access any valid code, data, or stack segment, provided the segment is accessible

from the current privilege level (CPL) at which the processor is operating. The CPL is

defined as the protection level of the currently executing code segment.



See Figure 2-1. The solid arrows in the figure indicate a linear address, dashed lines

indicate a segment selector, and the dotted arrows indicate a physical address. For

simplicity, many of the segment selectors are shown as direct pointers to a segment.

However, the actual path from a segment selector to its associated segment is always

through a GDT or LDT.



The linear address of the base of the GDT is contained in the GDT register (GDTR);

the linear address of the LDT is contained in the LDT register (LDTR).

GDT基地址的线性地址是存在GDT寄存器中(简称GDTR);LDT基地址的线性地址是存在LDT寄存器中(简称LDTR); Global and Local Descriptor Tables in IA-32e ModeIA-32E模式下的全局描述符表和局部描述符表)

GDTR and LDTR registers are expanded to 64-bits wide in both IA-32e sub-modes

(64-bit mode and compatibility mode). For more information: see Section 3.5.2,

“Segment Descriptor Tables in IA-32e Mode.”



Global and local descriptor tables are expanded in 64-bit mode to support 64-bit base

addresses, (16-byte LDT descriptors hold a 64-bit base address and various

attributes). In compatibility mode, descriptors are not expanded.



2.1.2 System Segments, Segment Descriptors, and Gates(系统段,段描述符,和访问门)

Besides code, data, and stack segments that make up the execution environment of

a program or procedure, the architecture defines two system segments: the taskstate

segment (TSS) and the LDT. The GDT is not considered a segment because it is

not accessed by means of a segment selector and segment descriptor. TSSs and LDTs

have segment descriptors defined for them.



The architecture also defines a set of special descriptors called gates (call gates,

interrupt gates, trap gates, and task gates). These provide protected gateways to

system procedures and handlers that may operate at a different privilege level than

application programs and most procedures. For example, a CALL to a call gate can

provide access to a procedure in a code segment that is at the same or a numerically

lower privilege level (more privileged) than the current code segment. To access a

procedure through a call gate, the calling procedure1 supplies the selector for the call

gate. The processor then performs an access rights check on the call gate, comparing

the CPL with the privilege level of the call gate and the destination code segment

pointed to by the call gate.



If access to the destination code segment is allowed, the processor gets the segment

selector for the destination code segment and an offset into that code segment from

the call gate. If the call requires a change in privilege level, the processor also

switches to the stack for the targeted privilege level. The segment selector for the

new stack is obtained from the TSS for the currently running task. Gates also facilitate

transitions between 16-bit and 32-bit code segments, and vice versa.

如果允许访问目标代码段,处理器会从门中获得关于目标代码段的选择器和偏移值。如果调用要求更改运行的权限级别,处理器会切换到要求的权限级别的栈。从当前运行的任务的任务段(TSS)中可以获取到新栈的段选择器。门减轻了从16位代码段向32位代码段迁移的负担,反之亦然。 Gates in IA-32e Mode(关于IA32E模式下的门)

In IA-32e mode, the following descriptors are 16-byte descriptors (expanded to allow

a 64-bit base): LDT descriptors, 64-bit TSSs, call gates, interrupt gates, and trap




Call gates facilitate transitions between 64-bit mode and compatibility mode. Task

gates are not supported in IA-32e mode. On privilege level changes, stack segment

selectors are not read from the TSS. Instead, they are set to NULL.




2.1.3 Task-State Segments and Task Gates(任务状态段和任务门)

The TSS (see Figure 2-1) defines the state of the execution environment for a task.

It includes the state of general-purpose registers, segment registers, the EFLAGS

register, the EIP register, and segment selectors with stack pointers for three stack

segments (one stack for each privilege level). The TSS also includes the segment

selector for the LDT associated with the task and the page-table base address.



All program execution in protected mode happens within the context of a task (called

the current task). The segment selector for the TSS for the current task is stored in

the task register. The simplest method for switching to a task is to make a call or

jump to the new task. Here, the segment selector for the TSS of the new task is given

in the CALL or JMP instruction. In switching tasks, the processor performs the

following actions:

所有在保护模式下运行的程序都与一个任务上下文相关。任务状态段中关于当前任务的段选择器是存储在任务寄存器中。最简单的切换任务段方法是执行一个跳到新任务段调用。在这里新任务的段选择器是有CALL 或者JMP指令提供的。在任务切换的时候,处理器执行下面的动作:

1. Stores the state of the current task in the current TSS.(保存当前任务状态段中关于当前任务的状态。

2. Loads the task register with the segment selector for the new task.(将新任务的段选择器导入到任务寄存器中

3. Accesses the new TSS through a segment descriptor in the GDT.(通过全局描述符里的段描述符来访问新任务状态段)

4. Loads the state of the new task from the new TSS into the general-purpose

registers, the segment registers, the LDTR, control register CR3 (page-table base

address), the EFLAGS register, and the EIP register.(从新任务状态段中奖新任务的状态导入到通用寄存器,任务寄存器,LDTR,控制寄存器CR3(页表基地址),EFLAGS寄存器,EIP寄存器。

5. Begins execution of the new task.(执行新任务)


A task can also be accessed through a task gate. A task gate is similar to a call gate,

except that it provides access (through a segment selector) to a TSS rather than a

code segment.

还可以通过任务门来访问一个任务。除了任务门提供访问任务状态段的的渠道,任务门跟调用门十分相似。 Task-State Segments in IA-32e ModeIA32E模式下的任务状态段)

Hardware task switches are not supported in IA-32e mode. However, TSSs continue

to exist. The base address of a TSS is specified by its descriptor.


A 64-bit TSS holds the following information that is important to 64-bit operation:


Stack pointer addresses for each privilege level(每个权限等级的栈指针基地址)

Pointer addresses for the interrupt stack table(中断栈表的指针地址)

Offset address of the IO-permission bitmap (from the TSS base)??

The task register is expanded to hold 64-bit base addresses in IA-32e mode. See also:

Section 6.7, “Task Management in 64-bit Mode.”



2.1.4 Interrupt and Exception Handling(中断和异常捕捉)

External interrupts, software interrupts and exceptions are handled through the

interrupt descriptor table (IDT). The IDT stores a collection of gate descriptors that

provide access to interrupt and exception handlers. Like the GDT, the IDT is not a

segment. The linear address for the base of the IDT is contained in the IDT register




Gate descriptors in the IDT can be interrupt, trap, or task gate descriptors. To access

an interrupt or exception handler, the processor first receives an interrupt vector

(interrupt number) from internal hardware, an external interrupt controller, or from

software by means of an INT, INTO, INT 3, or BOUND instruction. The interrupt

vector provides an index into the IDT. If the selected gate descriptor is an interrupt

gate or a trap gate, the associated handler procedure is accessed in a manner similar

to calling a procedure through a call gate. If the descriptor is a task gate, the handler

is accessed through a task switch.

中断描述符表里的门描述符可以是中断描述符,陷入描述符,或者任务门描述符。要访问中断或者异常捕捉器,处理器首先内部硬件要获得一个从中断向量(中断数值),一个外部中断控制器,或者从软件中的(INT,INT3,或者BOUND指令中获得。如果选中的门描述符是一个中断门或者陷入门,相关的的捕捉器程序的访问以跟通过调用门调用一个程序的方式相似。如果描述符是一个任务门,捕捉器通过一个任务门被调用。 Interrupt and Exception Handling IA-32e ModeIA32E模式下的中断和异常捕获)


In IA-32e mode, interrupt descriptors are expanded to 16 bytes to support 64-bit

base addresses. This is true for 64-bit mode and compatibility mode.

The IDTR register is expanded to hold a 64-bit base address. Task gates are not




2.1.5 Memory Management(内存管理)

System architecture supports either direct physical addressing of memory or virtual

memory (through paging). When physical addressing is used, a linear address is

treated as a physical address. When paging is used: all code, data, stack, and system

segments (including the GDT and IDT) can be paged with only the most recently

accessed pages being held in physical memory.



The location of pages (sometimes called page frames) in physical memory is

contained in two types of system data structures: page directories and page tables.

Both structures reside in physical memory (see Figure 2-1).




The base physical address of the page directory is contained in control register CR3.

An entry in a page directory contains the physical address of the base of a page table,

access rights and memory management information. An entry in a page table

contains the physical address of a page frame, access rights and memory management




To use this paging mechanism, a linear address is broken into three parts. The parts

provide separate offsets into the page directory, the page table, and the page frame.

A system can have a single page directory or several. For example, each task can

have its own page directory.

通过使用分页的方式,一个线性地址分成了三部分:这几部分提供了访问页目录,页表,叶片的各自偏移值。一个系统能有一个页目录,或者几个页目录。例如,每个任务可以拥有它自己的页目录。 Memory Management in IA-32e Mode(IA32E模式下的内存管理)

In IA-32e mode, physical memory pages are managed by a set of system data structures.

In compatibility mode and 64-bit mode, four levels of system data structures

are used. These include:


The page map level 4 (PML4) — An entry in a PML4 table contains the physical

address of the base of a page directory pointer table, access rights, and memory

management information. The base physical address of the PML4 is stored in




A set of page directory pointers — An entry in a page directory pointer table

contains the physical address of the base of a page directory table, access rights,

and memory management information.



Sets of page directories — An entry in a page directory table contains the

physical address of the base of a page table, access rights, and memory

management information.



Sets of page tables — An entry in a page table contains the physical address of

a page frame, access rights, and memory management information.

页表的集合: 页表的一个入口包含了一个页片的物理地址,访问权限,以及内存管理信息。


2.1.6 System Registers(系统寄存器)

To assist in initializing the processor and controlling system operations, the system

architecture provides system flags in the EFLAGS register and several system



The system flags and IOPL field in the EFLAGS register control task and mode

switching, interrupt handling, instruction tracing, and access rights. See also:

Section 2.3, “System Flags and Fields in the EFLAGS Register.”


The control registers (CR0, CR2, CR3, and CR4) contain a variety of flags and

data fields for controlling system-level operations. Other flags in these registers

are used to indicate support for specific processor capabilities within the

operating system or executive. See also: Section 2.5, “Control Registers.”



The debug registers (not shown in Figure 2-1) allow the setting of breakpoints for

use in debugging programs and systems software. See also: Chapter 18,

“Debugging and Performance Monitoring.”


The GDTR, LDTR, and IDTR registers contain the linear addresses and sizes

(limits) of their respective tables. See also: Section 2.4, “Memory-Management




The task register contains the linear address and size of the TSS for the current

task. See also: Section 2.4, “Memory-Management Registers.”


Model-specific registers (not shown in Figure 2-1).??

The model-specific registers (MSRs) are a group of registers available primarily to

operating-system or executive procedures (that is, code running at privilege level 0).

These registers control items such as the debug extensions, the performance-monitoring

counters, the machine- check architecture, and the memory type ranges


The number and function of these registers varies among different members of the

Intel 64 and IA-32 processor families. See also: Section 9.4, “Model-Specific Registers

(MSRs),” and Appendix B, “Model-Specific Registers (MSRs).”




Most systems restrict access to system registers (other than the EFLAGS register) by

application programs. Systems can be designed, however, where all programs and

procedures run at the most privileged level (privilege level 0). In such a case, application

programs would be allowed to modify the system registers.

大多数操作系统限制了程序访问系统寄存器(例如FFLAGS寄存器)。然而,如果系统被设计成所有的程序都运行在最低权限下,那么程序就可以修改系统寄存器里的数据。 System Registers in IA-32e Mode,(IA32E模式下的系统寄存器)

In IA-32e mode, the four system-descriptor-table registers (GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, and

TR) are expanded in hardware to hold 64-bit base addresses. EFLAGS becomes the

64-bit RFLAGS register. CR0-CR4 are expanded to 64 bits. CR8 becomes available.

CR8 provides read-write access to the task priority register (TPR) so that the operating

system can control the priority classes of external interrupts.

In 64-bit mode, debug registers DR0–DR7 are 64 bits. In compatibility mode,

address-matching in DR0-DR3 is also done at 64-bit granularity. IA32E模式下,四个系统描述符表计算器被从硬件上扩展,以存储64位的基地址。FELAGS寄存器变成了64位的EFLAGS寄存器。CR0CR4寄存器扩展至64位。CR8变为可用。CR8寄存器提供了任务权限寄存器(TPR)的读-写访问,这样操作系统可以控制了外部中断的权限等级。




On systems that support IA-32e mode, the extended feature enable register

(IA32_EFER) is available. This model-specific register controls activation of IA-32e

mode and other IA-32e mode operations. In addition, there are several modelspecific

registers that govern IA-32e mode instructions:


IA32_KernelGSbase — Used by SWAPGS instruction.

IA32_LSTAR — Used by SYSCALL instruction.

IA32_SYSCALL_FLAG_MASK — Used by SYSCALL instruction.

IA32_STAR_CS — Used by SYSCALL and SYSRET instruction.

2.1.7 Other System Resources(系统的其他资源)

Besides the system registers and data structures described in the previous sections,

system architecture provides the following additional resources:


Operating system instructions (see also: Section 2.6, “System Instruction


Performance-monitoring counters (not shown in Figure 2-1).性能监控计数器

Internal caches and buffers (not shown in Figure 2-1).内部缓冲

Performance-monitoring counters are event counters that can be programmed to

count processor events such as the number of instructions decoded, the number of

interrupts received, or the number of cache loads. See also: Section 18, “Debugging

and Performance Monitoring.”



The processor provides several internal caches and buffers. The caches are used to

store both data and instructions. The buffers are used to store things like decoded

addresses to system and application segments and write operations waiting to be

performed. See also: Chapter 10, “Memory Cache Control.”


  Intel. 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual

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