registers (CR0, CR1, CR2, CR3, and CR4; see Figure 2-6) determine operating
mode of
the processor and the characteristics of the currently executing task.
registers are 32 bits in all 32-bit modes and compatibility mode.
64-bit mode, control registers are expanded to 64 bits. The MOV CRn
are used
to manipulate the register bits. Operand-size prefixes for these instructions
ignored. The following is also true:
在64位模式下,控制寄存器扩展至64位。指令MOV CRn用于操作寄存器的位。该操作指令的前缀操作数的大小被忽略。
• Bits 63:32 of CR0 and CR4 are reserved and must be written with zeros.
Writinga nonzero value to any of the upper 32 bits results in a general-protectionexception,
• All 64 bits of CR2 are writable by software.
• Bits 51:40 of CR3 are reserved and must be 0
• The MOV CRn instructions do not check that addresses written to CR2 and
CR3are within the linear-address or physical-address limitations of the
指令MOV CRn不对将要写入CR2和CR3的地址做合法性的检查,即检查是否在合法的线性地址空间或者合法的物理地址空间。
• Register CR8 is available in 64-bit mode only.
control registers are summarized below, and each architecturally defined
controlfield in these control registers are described individually. In Figure
2-6, the width of
register in 64-bit mode is indicated in parenthesis (except for CR0).
• CR0 — Contains
system control flags that control operating mode and states of the processor.
• CR1 — Reserved.保留
• CR2 — Contains the
page-fault linear address (the linear address that caused apage fault).
• CR3 — Contains the
physical address of the base of the page directory and two flags (PCD and PWT).
This register is also known as the page-directory base register (PDBR). Only
the most-significant bits (less the lower 12 bits) of the base
are specified; the lower 12 bits of the address are assumed to be 0. The page
directory must thus be aligned to a page (4-KByte) boundary. The PCD and PWT
flags control caching of the page directory in the processor’s internal data
(they do not control TLB caching of page-directory information).
CR3包含页目录的物理基地址和两个标识(PCD 和PWT).这个处理器也通常作为页目录基地址寄存器(PDBR).只有基地址中最重要的位(低12位)才会被指明;地址的低12位通常假设其值为0.页表必须与页的分界线(4KB)对齐。PCD 和PWT标识控制处理器内部数据缓冲中的页表缓冲(这两个标识不控制页表信息中的TLB缓冲)
using the physical address extension, the CR3 register contains the base address
of the page-directory-pointer table In IA-32e mode, the CR3 register contains
the base address of the PML4 table.
• CR4 — Contains a
group of flags that enable several architectural extensions,and indicate
operating system or executive support for specific processor capabilities.
control registers can be read and loaded (or modified) using the
moveto-or-from-control-registers forms of the MOV instruction. In protected
mode,the MOV instructions allow the control registers to be read or loaded (at
privilege level 0 only). This restriction means that application programs or
operatingsystem procedures (running at privilege levels 1, 2, or 3) are
prevented from reading or loading the control registers.
• CR8 — Provides read
and write access to the Task Priority Register (TPR). It specifies the priority
threshold value that operating systems use to control the priority class of
external interrupts allowed to interrupt the processor. This register is
available only in 64-bit mode. However, interrupt filtering continues to apply
in compatibility mode.

When loading a
control register, reserved bits should always be set to the values previously
read. The flags in control registers are:
PG Paging (bit 31
of CR0) — Enables paging when set; disables paging when clear. When paging
is disabled, all linear addresses are treated as physical addresses. The PG
flag has no effect if the PE flag (bit 0 of register CR0) is not also set;
setting the PG flag when the PE flag is clear causes a general protection exception
(#GP)。On Intel 64 processors,
enabling and disabling IA-32e mode operation also requires modifying CR0.PG.
PG 分页(CR0的位31) 该标识设值时,激活分页功能;清零则禁用分页功能。禁用分页时,所有的线性地址都被当作物理地址看待。如果PE标识(CR0的位0)未设值,则PG标识无任何作用。在PE标识清零的情况下,对PG标识进行设值会引发一个保护中断(#GP)。对于intel64位处理器来说,激活和禁用IA32E模式的操作同样需要修改CR0寄存器的PG标识。
CD Cache Disable
(bit 30 of CR0) — When the CD and NW flags are clear,caching of memory
locations for the whole of physical memory in the processor’s internal (and
external) caches is enabled. When the CD flag is set, caching is restricted as
described in Table 10-5. To prevent the processor
from accessing and
updating its caches, the CD flag must be set and the caches must be invalidated
so that no cache hits can occur.
CD 缓存禁用(CR0的位30):当CD标识和NW标识同时清零时,内存缓存中的处理器内部和外部缓存被激活。当CD标识设值时,对缓存的约束有表10-5所综述。位防止处理器访问和更新它自己的缓存,CD标识必须设值,并且缓存必须置成无效,防止缓存请求的发生。
NW Not
Write-through (bit 29 of CR0) — When the NW and CD flags are clear,
write-back (for Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6 family, and Pentium processors) or
write-through (for Intel486 processors) is enabled for writes that hit the
cache and invalidation cycles are enabled. See Table 10-5 for detailed information
about the affect of the NW flag on caching for other settings of the CD and NW flags.???
AM Alignment Mask
(bit 18 of CR0) — Enables automatic alignment checking when set; disables
alignment checking when clear. Alignment checking is performed only when the AM
flag is set, the AC flag in the EFLAGS register is set, CPL is 3, and the
processor is operating in either protected or virtual-
8086 mode.
AM 数据对齐屏蔽(CR0的位18):当该标识设值时,激活数据的自动对齐;清零时则禁用数据对齐检查。只有在处理器在保护模式或者虚拟8086模式下运行,并且处理器权限(CPL)等级3,EFLAGS寄存器里的AC标识设值,以及AM标识设值,数据对齐检查才会执行。
WP Write Protect
(bit 16 of CR0) — Inhibits supervisor-level procedures from writing into
user-level read-only pages when set; allows supervisor-level procedures to
write into user-level read-only pages when clear (regardless of the U/S bit
setting; see Section 3.7.6). This flag facilitates implementation of the
copy-on-write method of creating a new process (forking) used by operating
systems such as
WP 写保护(CR0的位16):当该位设值时,阻止超级用户的程序对一般用户级别的只读页面进行写操作;清零则允许。这个标识降低了操作系统创建新进程的copy-on-write方法的实现难度,比如UNIX的fork方法。
NE Numeric Error
(bit 5 of CR0) — Enables the native (internal) mechanism for reporting x87
FPU errors when set; enables the PC-style x87 FPU error reporting mechanism
when clear. When the NE flag is clear and the IGNNE#
input is asserted,
x87 FPU errors are ignored. When the NE flag is clear andthe IGNNE# input is
deasserted, an unmasked x87 FPU error causes the processor to assert the FERR#
pin to generate an external interrupt and to stop instruction execution
immediately before executing the next waiting
instruction or WAIT/FWAIT instruction.
The FERR# pin is
intended to drive an input to an external interrupt controller (the FERR# pin
emulates the ERROR# pin of the Intel 287 and Intel 387 DX math coprocessors).
The NE flag, IGNNE# pin, and FERR# pin are used with external logic to
implement PC-style error reporting.
NE 数值错误(CR0的位5):设值是激活举报X87 FPU错误的内部策略;清零时激活PC-Style X87 FPU错误的举报方法。
ET Extension Type
(bit 4 of CR0) — Reserved in the Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, P6
family, and Pentium
processors. In the Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and P6 family
processors, this
flag is hardcoded to 1. In the Intel386 and Intel486 processors,
this flag indicates
support of Intel 387 DX math coprocessor instructions
when set.
TS Task Switched (bit
3 of CR0) — Allows the saving of the x87
SSE3 context on a task switch to be delayed until an
FPU/MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3 instruction is actually executed by the new
task. The processor
sets this flag on every task switch and tests it when
executing x87
FPU/MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3 instructions.