

format of object files[from internet]

Here     is   the   format   of   object   files   generated   by   the     macro     assembler  
  and   Microsoft   C   Compiler.  
  |   BYTE Record   type |  
  | 80 Module   name |  
  | 82 |  
  | 84 |  
  | 86 |  
  | 88 |  
  | 8A End   of   module |  
  | 8C External   symbols |  
  | 8E |  
  | 90 Public   symbols |  
  | 92 |  
  | 94 Line   number   info |  
  | 96 Segment/Group   symbols |  
  | 98 Info   for   specific   seg |  
  | 9A Info   for   specific   group |  
  | 9C Relocation   list |  
  | 9E |  
  | A0 Segment   data |  
  | A2 Duplicated   Segment   Data |  
  |   WORD Count   of   bytes   in   record,   inc- |  
  | luding   the   record   checksum,   but |  
  | not   including   record   type   or   |  
  | byte   count |  
  |   .... Record     Data     .... |  
  | See   specific   record   for   details   |  
  |   BYTE Checksum   of   all   characters   in       |  
  | record,   including   record   type |  
  Now   for   each   one   of   the   record   types.     In   the   following     descriptions,  
  certain     terminology   will   be   used.     Many   of   these   record   use   a     number  
  which     relates   some   particular   field   to   a   value.     These   numbers     range  
  from     1-255.     In   some   cases,   this   number   will   relate   an     instantiation  
  of     a   symbol   to   the   name   of   the   symbol.     In   other   cases,     this     number  
  will     relate   the   segment   or   group   instance   with   the   actual   segment     or  
  group   of   the   instantiation.  
  Module   Name   record   (80)   This   record   specifies   the   name   of   the     module.  
  The   record   data   field   will   be   filled   in   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Length   of   Module   name |  
  |   (Length)   BYTES       Module   Name |  
  End   of   Module   record   (8A)  
  This   record   specifies   the   end   of   the   module.     The   record     data     field  
  will   be   filled   with   a   zero   byte  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  External     Symbols   Record   (8C)  
  This     record   specifies   the   names   of   the   external   symbols.     The     record  
  data     field   is   filled   in   as   follows,   and   record   data     fields     defining  
  the   symbols   may   appear   more   than   once.  
  |   BYTE Length     of   external   symbol |  
  |   (Length)   BYTES         External   symbol   name|  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  Public   Symbols   Record   (90)  
  This   record   defines   the   symbols   declared   as   public   symbols.     Only     one  
  symbol     will   appear   per   record   data   field.     The   record   data     field     is  
  defined   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  |   BYTE Segment   number   in   which   symbol |  
  | is   defined |  
  |   BYTE Length   of   symbol |  
  |   (Length)   BYTES         Public   Symbol   Name |  
  |   WORD Offset   where   symbol   defined |  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  Line   Number   Information   Record   (94)  
  This     record     defines       line       number       debugging     information.       This  
  information   is   in   the   form   of   the   line   number   of   the   source   file,     and  
  the     address     at     which   the   code   corresponding     to     that     line     number  
  starts.     The   record   data   field   will   be   filled   in   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  |   BYTE Segment   number |  
  |   WORD Line   number   in   source   file |  
  |   WORD Offset   of   start   of   line |  
  For     this     record,   the   last   two   field   may   be   repeated     any     number     of  
  Segment/Group   Symbols   Record     (96)  
  This   record   defines   the   names   of   the   symbols   used   in   the   module     name,  
  segment   names,   and   group   names.     The   segment   symbol   numbers   the   relate  
  the     segment     numbers     to   this   name.     The   record   data     field     will     be  
  filled   in   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Zero |  
  |   BYTE Length   of   symbol   name |  
  |   (Length)   BYTES     Symbol   Name |  
  The   last   two   field   may   be   repeated   any   number   of   times.  
  Segment   Specific   Information   Record     (98)  
  This     record   defines   the   combine   and   alignment   classes   of     a     specific  
  segment.       Segment     numbers   are   assigned   in   the   order   in     which     these  
  records     may   appear.     The   first   occurrence   of   this   record   defines     the  
  first   memory   segment,   and   so   on.     The   record   data   field   will   be   filled  
  in   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Combine/Alignment   Class: |  
  | is   defined   as   0AAXPS00 |  
  | where   AA   is   the   alignment   class |  
  | 00=AT   (Specific   segment   |  
  |       alignment) |  
  | 01=BYTE   boundary |  
  | 10=WORD   boundary |  
  | 11=PARAGRAPH   boundary |  
  |             X   is   unknown:   used   in   stk |  
  |             P   is   a   public   segment |  
  |             S   is   a   stack   segment |  
  |   WORD Segment   size   in   bytes |  
  |   BYTE Segment/Group   Symbol   Number |  
  |   BYTE Not   sure   just   yet. |  
  |   BYTE Not   sure   just   yet:   usually   1 |  
  Group   Specific   Information   Record     (9A)  
  This     record   defines   the   memory   segments   which   will   be   contained   in     a  
  group.     The   format   of   the   record   data   field   is   defines   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Segment/Group   Symbol   Number |  
  |   BYTE FF |  
  |   BYTE Segment   number |  
  The   last   two   field   will   be   repeated   for   every   segment   in   a   group.  
  Relocation   List   Record     (9C)  
  This   record   defines   the   offsets   in   the   just   previously   defined     memory  
  segment     which   need   fixing   up.     Multiple   fixups   may   occur   in   the     data  
  record   field,   and   is   defined   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Attributes   needed/Relocation |  
  | offset   MSB   and   is   defined   as: |  
  | 1A00SOFFF     where |  
  | A   means   absolute   address   needed |  
  | S   means   segment   number   needed |  
  | O   means   offset   needed |  
  | FFF   is   the   3   Least   Significant     |  
  |         bits   of   the   MSB   of   fixup |  
  |         offset |  
  |   BYTE LSB   of   fixup   offset |  
  |   BYTE Relocation   type and   is   defined |  
  | as   00LG0AE0   where |  
  | L   means   length   of   symbol   needed |  
  | G   means   group   override |  
  | A   means   the   address   is   needed |  
  | E   means   the   symbol   is   external |  
  |   BYTE Group/Segment   number.     If   Bit   4 |  
  | of   the   previous   byte   was   set,   |  
  | this   will   be   a   group   number, |  
  | otherwise   it   is   segment   number |  
  |   BYTE Destination   Segment   Number |  
  |   BYTE Source   Symbol/Segment   Number |  
  |   WORD Destination   offset   if   Relocation|  
  | type   byte   is   zero,   otherwise |  
  | nonexistant. |  
  Memory   Segment   Information   Record     (A0)  
  This     record     defines     the   contents   of   a   memory     segment.       One   record  
  for     each   segment   will   appear   for   each   segment   which   has   locations     to  
  be     defined.       For   program   code,   this   will   be   the     actual     code.       For  
  data,     this   will   be   the   initial   contents   of   the     data.           No       memory  
  segment   record   will   exceed   1024   bytes,   because   of   the   relocation     list  
  which     may   follow.     The   format   of   the   data   record   field   is   defined     as  
  |   BYTE Memory   segment   number |  
  |   WORD Origin   in   segment |  
  |   .....     Data   for   Segment     ..... |  
  Duplicate   Memory   Segment   Information   Record     (A2)  
  This   record   defines   the   contents   of   duplicated   memory   segment,   such   as  
  when     the   assembler   encounters   a   DUP   in   DB   directive.     The     format     of  
  the   data   record   field   is   defines   as   follows:  
  |   BYTE Memory   Segment   Number |  
  |   WORD Origin   in   Segment |  
  |   WORD Number   of   Duplication   times |  
  |   WORD 1 |  
  |   WORD 1 |  
  |   WORD 0 |  
  |   BYTE Length   of   DUP   item |  
  |   (Length)   BYTES       DUP   data |  

posted on 2010-02-05 09:35 Tim 阅读(395) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 逆向工程

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