一个是mem.h/c定义的直接分配;另一个是nibble-alloc.h/c定义的Nibble memory系统。

#include "nibble-alloc.h"

#define Asn1Alloc( size) NibbleAlloc (size)
#define Asn1Free( ptr) /* empty */
#define CheckAsn1Alloc( ptr, env) \
if ((ptr) == NULL)\
longjmp (env, -27)

#else /* !USE_NIBBLE_MEMORY */

#include "mem.h"

#define Asn1Alloc( size) Malloc (size)
#define Asn1Free( ptr) Free (ptr)
#define CheckAsn1Alloc( ptr, env) \
if ((ptr) == NULL)\
longjmp (env, -27)

#endif /* USE_NIBBLE_MEMORY */
其中,eSNACC默认使用nibble memory.要记住的是:解码器始终认为Asn1Alloc得到的内存一定是用0初始化好的!如果我们实现自己的内存方案,一定要记得这一点。
#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C"

void *Malloc PROTO ((int size));
void *Realloc PROTO ((void *ptr, int newsize));
void Free PROTO ((void *ptr));

/**//* malloc type */
#define MT( type) (type *)Malloc (sizeof (type))

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "mem.h"
#include <memory.h>

void* Malloc PARAMS ((size), int size)

void *retVal = malloc (size);

if (retVal == NULL)

fprintf (stderr, "out of memory! bye!\n");
fprintf (stderr, "tried to allocate %d byes\n", size);
exit (1);

memzero (retVal, size);
return retVal;

} /**//* Malloc */

void *Realloc PARAMS ((ptr, newsize),
void *ptr _AND_
int newsize)

void *retval = realloc (ptr, newsize);

if (retval == NULL)

fprintf (stderr, "out of memory! bye!\n");
fprintf (stderr, "tried to reallocate %d byes\n", newsize);
exit (1);

return retval;

void Free PARAMS ((ptr),
void *ptr)

free (ptr);
然后我们再来研究一下nibble memory:
#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C"

typedef struct NibbleBuf

char *start;
char *end;
char *curr;
struct NibbleBuf *next;
} NibbleBuf;

typedef struct NibbleMem

NibbleBuf *firstNibbleBuf;
NibbleBuf *currNibbleBuf;
unsigned long incrementSize;
} NibbleMem;

void InitNibbleMem PROTO ((unsigned long initialSize, unsigned long incrementSize));

void ShutdownNibbleMem();

void ServiceNibbleFault PROTO ((unsigned long size));

void *NibbleAlloc PROTO ((unsigned long size));

void ResetNibbleMem();

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "asn-config.h"
#include "nibble-alloc.h"

NibbleMem *nmG = NULL;

void InitNibbleMem PARAMS ((initialSize, incrementSize),
unsigned long initialSize _AND_
unsigned long incrementSize)

NibbleMem *nm;

nm = (NibbleMem*) malloc (sizeof (NibbleMem));
nm->incrementSize = incrementSize;

nm->currNibbleBuf = nm->firstNibbleBuf = (NibbleBuf*)malloc (sizeof (NibbleBuf));
nm->firstNibbleBuf->curr = nm->firstNibbleBuf->start = (char*) malloc (initialSize);
nm->firstNibbleBuf->end = nm->firstNibbleBuf->start + initialSize;
nm->firstNibbleBuf->next = NULL;
memzero (nm->currNibbleBuf->start, initialSize);

nmG = nm;/**//* set global */

} /**//* InitNibbleAlloc */

* alloc new nibble buf, link in, reset to curr nibble buf
void ServiceNibbleFault PARAMS ((size),
unsigned long size)

NibbleMem *nm;
unsigned long newBufSize;

nm = nmG;

if (size > nm->incrementSize)
newBufSize = size;
newBufSize = nm->incrementSize;

nm->currNibbleBuf->next = (NibbleBuf*) malloc (sizeof (NibbleBuf));
nm->currNibbleBuf = nm->currNibbleBuf->next;
nm->currNibbleBuf->curr = nm->currNibbleBuf->start = (char*) malloc (newBufSize);
nm->currNibbleBuf->end = nm->currNibbleBuf->start + newBufSize;
nm->currNibbleBuf->next = NULL;
memzero (nm->currNibbleBuf->start, newBufSize);

} /**//* serviceNibbleFault */

* returns requested space filled with zeros
void* NibbleAlloc PARAMS ((size),
unsigned long size)

NibbleMem *nm;
char *retVal;
unsigned long ndiff;

nm = nmG;

/**//* DAD - although error checking on the mallocs during
* ServiceNibbleFault could be more robust, for now i'm
* just going to avoid allocating really huge amounts
* of memory (which can occur if the ASN.1 data has
* become corrupted, and you were trying to decode).

if(size > 1024*1024) /**//* say roughly a meg for now */

if ((nm->currNibbleBuf->end - nm->currNibbleBuf->curr) < (int)size)
ServiceNibbleFault (size);

retVal = nm->currNibbleBuf->curr;

* maintain word alignment
ndiff = size % sizeof (long);
if (ndiff != 0)

nm->currNibbleBuf->curr += size + sizeof (long) - ndiff;

* this is a fix from Terry Sullivan <FCLTPS@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu>
* makes sure curr does not go past the end ptr
if (nm->currNibbleBuf->curr > nm->currNibbleBuf->end)
nm->currNibbleBuf->curr = nm->currNibbleBuf->end;
nm->currNibbleBuf->curr += size;

return retVal;

} /**//* NibbleAlloc */

* frees all nibble buffers except the first,
* resets the first to empty and zero's it
void ResetNibbleMem()

NibbleMem *nm;
NibbleBuf *tmp;
NibbleBuf *nextTmp;

nm = nmG;

* reset first nibble buf
memzero (nm->firstNibbleBuf->start, nm->firstNibbleBuf->curr - nm->firstNibbleBuf->start);

nm->firstNibbleBuf->curr = nm->firstNibbleBuf->start;

* free incrementally added nibble bufs
for (tmp = nm->firstNibbleBuf->next; tmp != NULL; )

free (tmp->start);
nextTmp = tmp->next;
free (tmp);
tmp = nextTmp;

/**//* From ftp://ftp.cs.ubc.ca/pub/local/src/snacc/bugs-in-1.1 */
nm->firstNibbleBuf->next = NULL;
nm->currNibbleBuf = nm->firstNibbleBuf;

} /**//* ResetNibbleMem */

* frees all nibble buffers, closing this
* NibbleMem completely
void ShutdownNibbleMem()

NibbleMem *nm;
NibbleBuf *tmp;
NibbleBuf *nextTmp;

nm = nmG;
nmG = NULL;

* free nibble bufs
if (nm == NULL)
for (tmp = nm->firstNibbleBuf; tmp != NULL; )

free (tmp->start);
nextTmp = tmp->next;
free (tmp);
tmp = nextTmp;

free (nm);

} /**//* ShutdownNibbleMem */
这些代码都比较简单,而且都基本有注释,所以就不多具体说了。只是对nibble memory方案的几个注意点说一下:
1、如果使用nibble memory,那么在做任何编码解码操作之前,需要调用InitNibbleMem函数以初始化全局变量。
3、nibble memory在申请了内存块之后无法释放指定块,也就是一直占用着,哪怕那块数据也就不用了,除非Reset或者Shutdown,是不是考虑Asn.1解码时分配临时内存不多?
4、正如3中所说,其实nibble memory的效率主要来自于两方面:一是一次分配一块大内存来减少malloc;另外就是免除了free操作。不过对后者,个人感觉限制太死,会不会导致占用内存太多?