The Fourth Dimension Space

枯叶北风寒,忽然年以残,念往昔,语默心酸。二十光阴无一物,韶光贱,寐难安; 不畏形影单,道途阻且慢,哪曲折,如渡飞湍。斩浪劈波酬壮志,同把酒,共言欢! -如梦令

Master of Science - Robotics Technology Program

The MS-RT professional masters degree program trains future leaders of robotics and intelligent automation enterprises and agencies in the principles and practices of robotics and automation science and engineering, software engineering, and management. The program is appropriate for students with backgrounds in an engineering or science discipline and practical abilities in computer systems and software engineering. Classroom training is reinforced by an extensive supervised practicum designed to expose the students to research laboratory and industrial environments. They will thus acquire - and be expected to demonstrate - individual and group competence in the skills and practices that will be needed to support the entrepreneurial teams they will lead upon their return to their home countries.

The two-year program is composed of two one-year phases. First year studies are at an international partner institution's campus via distance education materials produced by the Robotics Institute and delivered by the partner's faculty. Successful students transition to Carnegie Mellon's main campus to complete a second year of classes and an extensive practicum. Graduates are eligible to pursue additional practical training in the US before returning to their home countries.

Preferably the additional training will be an internship with a company in the US that, afterwards, will employ the student at a division in his or her home country. The program's intention is for graduates to return home to entrepreneurial activities that will contribute to sustainable development there.

  • Historical Note: In 2005 some graduates of this program received Master of Science in Information Technology - Robotics Technology (MSIT-RT) degrees and others received MSIT degrees. In 2006 and 2007 all graduates received MSIT-RT degrees. Subsequently the program name was changed to Master of Science - Robotics Technology (MS-RT) to better reflect its actual content. For additional simplicity, all graduates are listed here as having received MS-RT degrees.
  • Additional information

    posted on 2010-05-24 13:40 abilitytao 阅读(268) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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