The Fourth Dimension Space

枯叶北风寒,忽然年以残,念往昔,语默心酸。二十光阴无一物,韶光贱,寐难安; 不畏形影单,道途阻且慢,哪曲折,如渡飞湍。斩浪劈波酬壮志,同把酒,共言欢! -如梦令


values (days(current date) - days('2014-09-01'))

select substr(title,1,instr(title,' ')-1) from titles

select substr(title,1,locate(' ',title)-1)  || '--hello--' ||  substr(title,locate(' ',title)+1) from titles

select case when price is null then INT(rand()*100) else price end from titles

select TIMESTAMPDIFF(64,char(TIMESTAMP(CURRENT DATE) - TIMESTAMP(pubdate)) )from titles


建立数据表,有generated always列
create table t1
c1 char(30),
c2 double,
c3 int not null generated always as identity
      (start with 100, increment by 5)
第一次更新用insert into t1(c1,c2,c3) values('123',34,default)
以后用 insert into t1(c1,c2) values('hi',45)

如果是generated by default
create table t1
c1 char(30),
c2 double,
c3 int not null generated by default as identity
(start with 100, increment by 5)

--select * from authors

--select au_lname, au_fname from authors where state ='CA'

--select * from publishers

--select distinct state from publishers

--select *from titles

--select * from titles where price is null

-- select case when price is null then 0 else price end from titles-- it works!!!!!!!!!!

-- 4 Functions

--select varchar_format(current date - date('2011-01-01') + date, 'DD-MM-YY') as newDate,

-- varchar_format(date,'DD-MM-YY') as olddate from sales

--values current date - date('2014-01-01') + date('2014-01-02')

--select *from roysched

--select hex(lorange) from roysched

--select * from titles where price in (20,19) -- in one shot ZANZANZANZANZAN!!!

select case type when 'business' then Title else 'other' end from titles 联系条件语句并显示成不同的属性


--select * from authors

--select au_lname, au_fname from authors where state ='CA'

--select * from publishers

--select distinct state from publishers

--select *from titles

--select * from titles where price is null

-- select case when price is null then 0 else price end from titles-- it works!!!!!!!!!!

-- 4 Functions

--select varchar_format(current date - date('2011-01-01') + date, 'DD-MM-YY') as newDate,

-- varchar_format(date,'DD-MM-YY') as olddate from sales

--values current date - date('2014-01-01') + date('2014-01-02')

--select *from roysched

--select hex(lorange) from roysched

--select * from titles where price in (20,19) -- in one shot ZANZANZANZANZAN!!!

--select case type when 'business' then Title else 'other' end from titles

--select syscolumns.length from syscolumns where = 'titles' and = 'title'

--5 Grouping

--select (days(max(pubdate)) - days(min(pubdate)) )/365 from titles

--select title from titles order by length(title)

--select *from titles

--select count(*) from authors group by city

--select title from titles where length(title) = (select max(length(title)) from titles)

--select coalesce(price,0) from titles -- yuan lai bushi yong is null shi yong zhe ge a!!!!

--select length(price) from titles


select title from titles where length(title) >= all


select length(title) from titles



--select pubdate from titles


select title,pubdate from titles where pubdate >= all


select pubdate from titles



--select count(*) from sales group by stor_num

--select * from sales

--select * from publishers

--select * from titles as a inner join publishers as b on a.pub_id = b.pub_id

--select title,city,a.pub_id from titles as a inner join publishers as b on a.pub_id = b.pub_id where city not in ('Boston')

--select * from psales


select b.ord_num,,d.discounttype from psales as a inner join salesdetail as b on a.stor_id = b. stor_id and a.ord_num = b.ord_num

inner join stores as c on a.stor_id = c.stor_id inner join discounts as d on c.stor_id = d.stor_id order by b.ord_num


--select * from authors

--select * from publishers

--select * from authors as a inner join publishers as b on =

--select sum(qty) from salesdetail

--select pub_name, count(distinct type) from publishers as a inner join titles as b on a.pub_id = b.pub_id group by pub_name

--select *from titleauthor

--7 Sub-Queries


select pub_name from publishers where pub_id in


select pub_id from titles



--select * from publishers

--nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


select type,title,t1.price

from titles as t1

where price > (select avg(price) from titles as t2 where t2.type = t1.type)


-- nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


select title,t1.price

from titles as t1

where price > all(select coalesce(price,0) from titles as t2 where t2.type != t1.type)


--select * from titles

--select t1.type,t1.title,t1.price,(select avg(price) from titles as t2 where t2.type = t1.type)

--from titles as t1

--where price > (select avg(price) from titles as t2 where t2.type = t1.type)


--select avg(price) from titles

--select abs(13.93750000000000000000000000- price) from titles

--select coalesce(abs((select avg(price) from titles) - price),0) from titles

--select count(*) as ANS from SB_AUCTION where (days(enddate) - days(startdate) < 10)


select description, enddate, reserve from SB_Auction inner join sb_item on SB_Auction.itemid = sb_item.itemid

where (date('2011-02-20') >= startdate and date('2011-02-20') <= enddate) order by reserve desc



--select * from sb_bid

--select name from (sb_bid as a inner join sb_auction as b on a.bidder = b.userid) inner join sb_user as c on b.userid = c.userid group by name

--select * from authors

--select from


--select name,c.itemid from (sb_user as a inner join sb_auction as b on a.userid = b.userid)

-- inner join sb_item as c on b.itemid = c.itemid

--) AS newA

--select * from sb_auction


create view weitaol_view


select c.auctionid, max(amount) as winning_bid from sb_auction as a inner join sb_user as b on a.winnerid = b.userid

inner join sb_bid as c on a.auctionid = c.auctionid where a.state = 'sold' group by c.auctionid


--select * from weitaol_view


select enddate, description,coalesce(name,'==') as name ,coalesce(c.winning_bid,0) as winning_bid

from sb_auction as a inner join sb_item as b on a.itemid = b.itemid

left join sb_user on a.winnerid = sb_user.userid

left join weitaol_view as c on a.auctionid = c.auctionid


select * from sb_auction


posted on 2014-10-15 23:39 abilitytao 阅读(441) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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