for starters 第一点,用于代替常用的firstly, first of all等等
more importantly 更重要的是, 用于代替second, for another thing...等等
the icing on the cake 更棒的是,超级加分用法!一定要掌握的说法
E.g. describe a job you would like to pursue in the future. Use specific details and examples to illustrate why you want to get this job.
Speaking of my future job, I would like to be a marketing director in a global top company.
For starters, it is definitely a chanllenging job which can make me feel fulfilled! This job will make me completely understand the ture meaning of " a sense of satisfaction and achievement." The icing on the cake is that the high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits will meet my material demands! And I can also build up a network of professinal contacts when I work with PR agency and institutes, which is quite important in this whole industry!
On the top of it, this field has great career prospects! These are what I love about my job and give me strong incentive to work even harder. And I believe this job helps me to realize my full potential!
for starters 第一点
sense of satisfaction and achievement 成就感和满足感
The icing on the cake 更棒的是
high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits 高收入,丰厚的年终奖和诱人的福利待遇
has great career prospects 很棒的职业前景
give sb strong incentive to .强烈的驱使某人做某事
realize one's full potential 实现某人全部潜能
正能量(Rip it up,the radically new
approach to changing your life)
the Richard Wiseman'new book-rip it up,the radically new approach to changing your life-bring a whole heap of revolutionary psychology studies that turn your idea about how to change upside down.
it express a key idea that something so simple can be effective in changing someone's life.
The idea is that we have confused the horse with the cart(习语,混淆因果关系)-
compared with the theory which tells us how to change the way we think, it's far easier to change the way we act in simple & subtle ways.
Want to feel happier? Force yourself to smile & you will actually feel better.
Want to be more confident? Stand in a confident pose & it will effect how you see yourself.
马斯洛需求金字塔(Maslow's hierarchy of
physio logical needs:food,water
esteem:confidence,respect of others.
乔布斯(Steven Jobs) 7加t,工作s.
Key:as the proverb goes ,stay hungry , stay foolish
dropped out of college after the first 6 months.
following my curiosity and intuition turned to be priceless in the future.
first:calligraphy class
if Jobs never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would never have multiple typefaces.
second story:love and loss
Jobs started Apple in his parent's garage when he was 20.They worked hard and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two people in a garage into a 2 billion company with over 4000 employees.And he had just turned 30 and then he got fired.
(Jobs got fired by the company he started)
he had been rejected but he was still in love.
it is dream and love that drive him to start over.
one of the most creative period of his life.He started another company named NeXT.
It was awful tasting medicine but the patient needed it.
don't lose faith. Do what you love.Don't settle.
third story:death
If you live each day as if it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.
every thing - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure will fall away in the face of death.You are already naked so that there is no resson not to follow your heart.
Don't be trapped by dogma, don't let the noist of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
EQ(emotional quotient)
EQ is sometimes described as more important than IQ since EQ helps us to understand our life, our values better.
plenty of experiments indicate that having better EQ is a must for making healthy choices in every aspects of life.
1.know and manage your own emotions.
2.motivate ourselves.
3.influence others'emotions.
4.handle relationship.
* Indirect access: (General, but inefficient, access to any type image)
For a single-channel byte image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
CvScalar s;
s=cvGet2D(img,i,j); // get the (i,j) pixel value
cvSet2D(img,i,j,s); // set the (i,j) pixel value
o For a multi-channel float (or byte) image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_32F,3);
CvScalar s;
s=cvGet2D(img,i,j); // get the (i,j) pixel value
printf("B=%f, G=%f, R=%f/n",s.val[0],s.val[1],s.val[2]);
cvSet2D(img,i,j,s); // set the (i,j) pixel value
* Direct access: (Efficient access, but error prone)o For a single-channel byte image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
((uchar *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j]=111;
o For a multi-channel byte image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
((uchar *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 0]=111; // B
((uchar *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 1]=112; // G
((uchar *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 2]=113; // R
o For a multi-channel float image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_32F,3);
((float *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 0]=111; // B
((float *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 1]=112; // G
((float *)(img->imageData + i*img->widthStep))[j*img->nChannels + 2]=113; // R
* Direct access using a pointer: (Simplified and efficient access under limiting assumptions)o For a single-channel byte image:IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
int height = img->height;
int width = img->width;
int step = img->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);
uchar* data = (uchar *)img->imageData;
data[i*step+j] = 111;
o For a multi-channel byte image:IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
int height = img->height;
int width = img->width;
int step = img->widthStep/sizeof(uchar);
int channels = img->nChannels;
uchar* data = (uchar *)img->imageData;
data[i*step+j*channels+k] = 111;
o For a multi-channel float image (assuming a 4-byte alignment):IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_32F,3);
int height = img->height;
int width = img->width;
int step = img->widthStep/sizeof(float);
int channels = img->nChannels;
float * data = (float *)img->imageData;
data[i*step+j*channels+k] = 111;
* Direct access using a c++ wrapper: (Simple and efficient access)o Define a c++ wrapper for single-channel byte images, multi-channel byte images, and multi-channel float images:template<class T> class Image
IplImage* imgp;
Image(IplImage* img=0) {imgp=img;}
void operator=(IplImage* img) {imgp=img;}
inline T* operator[](const int rowIndx) {
return ((T *)(imgp->imageData + rowIndx*imgp->widthStep));}
typedef struct{
unsigned char b,g,r;
} RgbPixel;
typedef struct{
float b,g,r;
} RgbPixelFloat;
typedef Image<RgbPixel> RgbImage;
typedef Image<RgbPixelFloat> RgbImageFloat;
typedef Image<unsigned char> BwImage;
typedef Image<float> BwImageFloat;
o For a single-channel byte image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
BwImage imgA(img);
imgA[i][j] = 111;
o For a multi-channel byte image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
RgbImage imgA(img);
imgA[i][j].b = 111;
imgA[i][j].g = 111;
imgA[i][j].r = 111;
o For a multi-channel float image:IplImage* img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_32F,3);
RgbImageFloat imgA(img);
imgA[i][j].b = 111;
imgA[i][j].g = 111;
imgA[i][j].r = 111;
——————————————————————————————————————————————————随着Directx11的推出,细分曲面在游戏中得到了越来越大的关注。偶一开始觉得是一大堆复杂数学推导的东西,因为导师在中科院的博士几年就是在做细分曲面,听说一个很强的师兄三年也都是在做细分曲面。近来做了几天助教帮忙改作业才偶然看到原来细分曲面也有很简单的算法实现, 比如Catmull-Clark Subdivision算法,其可以对任意拓扑结构的多边形进行细分。下面简要介绍下。
Face point(位于原来多边形面里的新顶点)
Edge point(在原来的边中点附近的新顶点)
New vertex point (对原来的顶点进行调整得到新顶点)
Face point:
給定一個面F,有顶点V1,V2,……,Vn,那么新的Face point,VF计算公式如下
Edge point:
New Vertex point:
给定一个顶点v。假设Q是与v相邻的多边形的face point的平均值;v与n条边相邻,R是与v相邻的边的中点的平均值,那么调整后得到的新顶点位置v'为。
1:每个面顶点(Face Point)VF与包围它的边对应的边顶点(Edge Point)VE相连。
2:每个顶点调整后得到的新顶点(new vertex point)v’与它相邻的边上的点(edge point)VE相连。
一. 图形学、可视化领域的会议:
1. Siggraph (图形学领域最高级别会议,不知SCI收录否。国内研究者除非结果特
2. Eurograph (作为Computer Graphics Forum一期发表,SCI收录,影响不断增长
3. IEEE proceeding of Visualization (可视化领域最高级别会议,EI收录,声誉
4. IEEE Symposium of Volume visualization(会议3的一个伴随的会议,EI收录,
1. Pacific Graphics(EI收录)
2. CGI: Computer Graphics International (EI是否收录不清楚)
3. WSCG: Int.Conf.on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer
4. Rendering
5. Visualization and Data Analysis----SPIE Electronic Imaging系列会议之一
6. Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display-----SPIE Medical
Imaging系列会议之一 (EI收录,容易接受)
7.Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization (估计EI收录)
二. 三维医学图像的可视化与分析的会议
1. MICCAI----Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
被SCI收录,声誉相当好. 不过国内研究者似乎未发表过。特别今年在日本召
开,但国内无人投中. MICCAI接受的论文数很多,长文超过100篇,短文也有
2. IPMI----Information processing in Medical imaging (医学图像分析领域非
3. CVPR-----Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition(属于计算机视觉领域的两
4. ICCV----IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(计算机视觉领
注: 在上述几个会议中,每年都有各个方向的牛人参加,报告各个领域的最新进展
1. Medicai imaging----SPIE举办的系列会议,共7个,主题分别是:
Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display
Physics of Medical Imaging
Physiology and Function: Methods, Systems, and Applications
Image Processing
PACS and Integrated Medical Information Systems: Design and Evalua
Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment
Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing
2. CARS------Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery: 分多个不同的主题会议