
吾笨笨且懒散兮 急须改之而奋进
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     摘要: how to play:
create a growing colored ball.
while the ball is growing, you can't touch:
*White bouncing balls
*Other colored balls
You have a limited amount of lives and balls to fill the required percentage of the stage if you run out of balls or lives, it's GAME OVER.
The greater the ball, the higher the score, You'll get special bonuses for:
*Finishing alevel in a short time
*Saving lives
*Saving balls  阅读全文

posted @ 2011-01-21 09:43 besterChen 阅读(853) | 评论 (1)  编辑 |

     摘要: There are tremendous of wonderful germs in our life. Some of them are good for us, some are bad for us. Let’s help these cute germs cleaning!  阅读全文

posted @ 2011-01-04 08:46 besterChen 阅读(1106) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要: After wars at the end of Shogunate era, Japan finally returned to peace. However, aband p of Ronin organized together to try to subvert the government and provoke new war. As a member of Meiji Restoration Warriors’ Killers Group of, the Warrior (Game player) has to raise the sealed swords of murder to protect the hard-won peace!  阅读全文

posted @ 2010-10-29 09:59 besterChen 阅读(665) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要: 大概说下思路,方便以后回忆~
在窗口客户区 绘制一个圆,圆心为逻辑坐标。这样,它窗体设备坐标的转换关系如下:  阅读全文

posted @ 2010-07-27 22:04 besterChen 阅读(3501) | 评论 (12)  编辑 |

     摘要: 很早就想写个自己的程序了,现在才开始动工,今天一时兴起,先做个界面放着,等再有时间了,就一个个的添加功能!
贴一下今天的成果!  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-04-03 23:52 besterChen 阅读(868) | 评论 (4)  编辑 |