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About LiveQuartz
A simple and powerful free photo editor for Leopard. It is based on non destructive layers and filters. The layers are at the left and the filters are at the right of the window.

To edit a photo, just drag it into the window (or layers’ list) and it will be added as a new layer. LiveQuartz handles Multi-Touch Trackpads since 1.8. 

LiveQuartz has all the essential tools: The drawing tools (brush, lines, rectangles, ovals), the duplication tool, the eraser tool, the new background eraser, the gradients, the layer moving arrow, the text tool, the CoreImage tool, the rectangle and lasso selections, the hand, and the magnifying glass. 

LiveQuartz is localized in English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Danish, French, German, Italian, Persian, Russian and Spanish.

LiveQuartz 1.7.3 remains available for Tiger users on LiveQuartz WebSite.

What’s New in this Version
- New behaviour of drawing and gradient tools : By default, LiveQuartz is not creating a new layer each time you use the tool anymore (if you like the old behaviour, you can get it by typing this in the “terminal” application : “defaults write com.rhapsoft.livequartz IMDrawingWithoutMerging YES”). 
- LiveQuartz keeps the current selected tool after drawing. 
- With “shift” key pressed, rectangle and oval tools keep proportions 1:1. And with “shift” key pressed, the line tool steps 45°. 
- When choosing “Save as…” to a standard image file format, you can see a preview of final file size. 
- A file opening bug has been fixed (when there are empty layers) 
- A very old bug with display of “lasso” selection doing some pauses is fixed 
- “RHIF” Spotlight plug-in bug fix 
- 1.8.1 only for MacOS 10.5.3 because LQ has some hanging issues on PowerPC with 10.5.2

posted on 2008-09-16 17:57 逛奔的蜗牛 阅读(846) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Mac

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