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2008年12月8日 #

posted @ 2008-12-08 10:21 bloodbao 阅读(202) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年11月9日 #

D3DXPLANE plane; 
 D3DXPlaneFromPointNormal( &plane, &vPoint, &vNormal ); //生成这个平面
D3DXMatrixReflect( &matReflect, &plane ); //取得该平面的反射矩阵
 m_pd3dDevice->SetClipPlane( 0, plane );
 m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_CLIPPLANEENABLE, 0x01 );
User Clip PlanesUser Clip Planes are emulated by specifying a clip distance output from the Vertex Shader with the SV_ClipDistance[n] flag, where n is either 0 or 1. Each component can hold up to 4 clip distances in x, y, z, and w giving a total of 8 clip distances.

    用户裁减平面通过在VS里设定一个SV_ClipDistance[n]标记,定义一个裁减距离输出得到,n为0或1。这里一共能存放8个Clip Plane距离,分别使用数组两个元素的x,y,z,w通道。

In this scenario, each clip planes is defined by a plane equation of the form:

在这个场景里,每个clip plane被一个平面方程定义:

Ax + By + Cz + D =0;

Where <A,B,C> is the normal of the plane, and D is the distance of the plane from the origin. Plugging in any point <x,y,z> into this equation gives its distance from the plane. Therefore, all points <x,y,z> that satisfy the equation Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 are on the plane. All points that satisfy Ax + By + Cz + D < 0 are below the plane. All points that satisfy Ax + By + Cz + D > 0 are above the plane.

<A,B,C>是平面法向,D是平面到原点的距离。把任意点<x,y,z>代入方程能得到它到平面的距离。所有满足方程=0的点在平面上,<0的点在平面下而 >0的点在平面上。

In the Vertex Shader, each vertex is tested against each plane equation to produce a distance to the clip plane. Each of the three clip distances are stored in the first three components of the output component with the semantic SV_ClipDistance0. These clip distances get interpolated over the triangle during rasterization and clipped if the value every goes below 0.


posted @ 2008-11-09 20:47 bloodbao 阅读(1199) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年10月23日 #

posted @ 2008-10-23 21:55 bloodbao 阅读(195) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年9月18日 #

不知不觉,九月已经过去太半了,而我却由于沉迷于游戏,反而没学到什么东西,这样浪费时间,真的是一种罪过。 过了一个多月时间,只简单的支持了XML和一点点LIGHT。小猫的引擎,离我承诺的精彩的水面,漂亮的粒子系统,复杂的天气系统,流畅的骨骼动画和人工智能,越来越远。 革命远未成功,小猫还需努力,为了钱和生活,多一点自制,少玩一些游戏吧! 退路已断,前方无路,人生岂能如些堕落。猫行天下,人生何缺悲壮,也需几多拼搏。十分耕耘,万分努力,或许成功! 期小猫自勉!
posted @ 2008-09-18 21:58 bloodbao 阅读(181) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年8月11日 #

                     Main Features in my blood engine
Direct3D 9 is used to render the scene
User input is gathered though DirectInput
Single pass multi-texturing using the fixed-function pipeline (FFP)
Frustum culling
Simple skybox
Keyframe Animation with GPU-based frame interpolation through a custom vertex and pixel shader written in HLSL. This technique is also known as Vertex Tweening or even Morph Target
Support for Quake2 models (.md2)
Support for DirectX models (.x)
Support for PCX texture loading in addition to the other image formats already supported by Direct3D
Support for Quake3:Arena levels
Curved surfaces using Bezier patches
Partial support of Quake3 materials and effects (.shader)
Uses the BSP/PVS to quickly discard non visible geometry
Collision detection using the BSP tree (supports ray, sphere and box sweeps)
A flexible scene graph system where entities can be attached to each other in order to perform hierarchical transformations and geometry culling
Quake-like player movement physics
A powerful in-game console system:
Outputs vital information
Can take command inputs from the user
Console variables can be dynamically edited at runtime
Commands and console variable settings can be loaded from a user-specified text file (cfg)
Garbage collection of unused resources through reference counting
Control keys can be dynamically changed in-game through the console, using the bind command
User input is abstracted through an Action Manager which maps inputs to actions
A smart chase-camera controller that will detect collisions with the world to prevent the view from being occluded by other pieces of world geometry.
Error handling through exceptions
The in-game HUD can display vital performance statistics about the game, such as frames per second, total number of triangles on the screen, number of textures loaded, etc…
posted @ 2008-08-11 15:05 bloodbao 阅读(214) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年8月6日 #


posted @ 2008-08-06 10:36 bloodbao 阅读(453) | 评论 (10)编辑 收藏

2008年7月20日 #

DepthStencilState StencilShadow
    DepthEnable = true;
    DepthWriteMask = ZERO;
    DepthFunc = LESS;
    StencilEnable = true;
    StencilReadMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    StencilWriteMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    FrontFaceStencilFunc = ALWAYS;
    FrontFaceStencilPass = INCR;
    FrontFaceStencilFail = Keep;
    BackFaceStencilFunc = ALWAYS;
    BackFaceStencilPass = DECR;
  BackFaceStencilFail = Keep;
BlendState AdditiveBlending
    AlphaToCoverageEnable = FALSE;
    BlendEnable[0] = TRUE;
    SrcBlend = SRC_ALPHA ;
    DestBlend = INV_SRC_ALPHA ;
    BlendOp = ADD;
    SrcBlendAlpha = ZERO;
    DestBlendAlpha = ZERO;
    BlendOpAlpha = ADD;
    RenderTargetWriteMask[0] = 0x0F;

Rendering Shadows

At the top level, the rendering steps look like the following:

  • If ambient lighting is enabled, render the entire scene with ambient only.
  • For each light in the scene, do the following:
    • Disable depth-buffer and frame-buffer writing.
    • Prepare the stencil buffer render states for rendering the shadow volume.
    • Render the shadow volume mesh with a vertex extruding shader. This sets up the stencil buffer according to whether or not the pixels are in the shadow volume.
    • Prepare the stencil buffer render states for lighting.
    • Prepare the additive blending mode.
    • Render the scene for lighting with only the light being processed.

Shadow Volume并不是一个没有缺陷的技术。除了高像素填充率和阴影边界检测外,在绘制过程中还可能出现错误。错误的主要原因是当一个几何模型在计算自阴影时,它的面通常被完全照亮或者完全变暗,这取决于这个面是否朝向光源。光照计算必须使用顶点法向而非表面法向。对于接近平行光源的面,它会被完全照亮或者完全变暗,而实际上应该部分处于光源中。这是从stencil shadow volume中继承来的问题,在计算阴影时必须被考虑。这个问题可以通过增加mesh密度来解决,这也增加了处理mesh的时间。顶点法向和面法向越接近,表面的问题就越少。如果程序不能把问题限制在可接受的范围内,就必须考虑使用其他的算法,比如PRT或者Shadow Map。
posted @ 2008-07-20 10:48 bloodbao 阅读(339) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Fixed-function Lighting Pipeline
ColorsOutput CalcLighting( float3 worldNormal, float3 worldPos, float3 cameraPos )
    ColorsOutput output = (ColorsOutput)0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
        float3 toLight = g_lights[i].Position.xyz - worldPos;
        float lightDist = length( toLight );
        float fAtten = 1.0/dot( g_lights[i].Atten, float4(1,lightDist,lightDist*lightDist,0) );
        float3 lightDir = normalize( toLight );
        float3 halfAngle = normalize( normalize(-cameraPos) + lightDir );
        output.Diffuse += max(0,dot( lightDir, worldNormal ) * g_lights[i].Diffuse * fAtten) + g_lights[i].Ambient;
        output.Specular += max(0,pow( dot( halfAngle, worldNormal ), 64 ) * g_lights[i].Specular * fAtten );
    return output;
// PS for rendering with alpha test
float4 PSAlphaTestmain(PSSceneIn input) : COLOR0
         float4 color =  tex2D( g_samLinear, g_txDiffuse, input.tex ) * input.colorD;
         if( color.a < 0.5 )
         return color;

// Calculates fog factor based upon distance
// E is defined as the base of the natural logarithm (2.71828)
float CalcFogFactor( float d )
         float fogCoeff = 1.0;
         if( FOGMODE_LINEAR == g_fogMode )
                 fogCoeff = (g_fogEnd - d)/(g_fogEnd - g_fogStart);
         else if( FOGMODE_EXP == g_fogMode )
                 fogCoeff = 1.0 / pow( E, d*g_fogDensity );
         else if( FOGMODE_EXP2 == g_fogMode )
                 fogCoeff = 1.0 / pow( E, d*d*g_fogDensity*g_fogDensity );
         return clamp( fogCoeff, 0, 1 );

Finally, the pixel shader uses the fog factor to determine how much of the original color and how much of the fog color to output to the pixel.

return fog * normalColor + (1.0 - fog)*g_fogColor;

posted @ 2008-07-20 10:31 bloodbao 阅读(329) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2008年7月17日 #

    //directional light-----------------------------------------------------------------
    float3 lightDir = g_lightPos - In.worldPos;
    float3 lightDirNorm = normalize(lightDir);
    float3 SDir = normalize( g_lightPos - g_eyePos);
    float cosGammaDir = dot(SDir, V);
    float dirLighting = g_Kd*dirLightIntensity*saturate( dot( N,lightDirNorm ) );
    float3 diffuseDirLight = dirLighting*exDir;       
    float3 dirAirLight = phaseFunctionSchlick(cosGammaDir)* dirLightIntensity*float3(1-exDir.x,1-exDir.y,1-exDir.z);
    float3 specularDirLight = saturate( pow(  dot(lightDirNorm,reflVect),g_specPower)) * dirLightIntensity * g_KsDir * exDir;
  //point light 1---------------------------------------------------------------------
    //diffuse surface radiance and airlight due to point light
    float3 pointLightDir = g_PointLightPos - In.worldPos;
    float3 diffusePointLight1 = calculateDiffusePointLight(0.1,Dvp,g_DSVPointLight,pointLightDir,N,V);
    float3 airlight1 = calculateAirLightPointLight(Dvp,g_DSVPointLight,g_VecPointLightEye,V);
    float3 specularPointLight = Specular(g_PointLightIntensity, g_KsPoint, length(pointLightDir), Dvp, g_specPower, normalize(pointLightDir), reflVect);
float3 calculateDiffusePointLight(float Kd,float Dvp,float Dsv,float3 pointLightDir,float3 N,float3 V)

    float Dsp = length(pointLightDir);
    float3 L = pointLightDir/Dsp;
    float thetas = acos(dot(N, L));
    float lightIntensity = g_PointLightIntensity * 100;
    float angleToSpotLight = dot(-L, g_SpotLightDir);
    {    if(angleToSpotLight > g_cosSpotlightAngle)
             lightIntensity *= abs((angleToSpotLight - g_cosSpotlightAngle)/(1-g_cosSpotlightAngle));
             lightIntensity = 0;        
    //diffuse contribution
    float t1 = exp(-g_beta.x*Dsp)*max(cos(thetas),0)/Dsp;
    float4 t2 = g_beta.x*Gtable.SampleLevel(samLinearClamp, float2((g_beta.x*Dsp-g_diffXOffset)*g_diffXScale, (thetas-g_diffYOffset)*g_diffYScale),0)/(2*PI);
    float rCol = (t1+t2.x)*exp(-g_beta.x*Dvp)*Kd*lightIntensity/Dsp;
    float diffusePointLight = float3(rCol,rCol,rCol); 
    return diffusePointLight.xxx;
float3 Specular(float lightIntensity, float Ks, float Dsp, float Dvp, float specPow, float3 L, float3 VReflect)
    lightIntensity = lightIntensity * 100;
    float LDotVReflect = dot(L,VReflect);
    float thetas = acos(LDotVReflect);

    float t1 = exp(-g_beta*Dsp)*pow(max(LDotVReflect,0),specPow)/Dsp;
    float4 t2 = g_beta.x*G_20table.SampleLevel(samLinearClamp, float2((g_beta.x*Dsp-g_20XOffset)*g_20XScale, (thetas-g_20YOffset)*g_20YScale),0)/(2*PI);
    float specular = (t1+t2.x)*exp(-g_beta.x*Dvp)*Ks*lightIntensity/Dsp;
    return specular.xxx;

posted @ 2008-07-17 10:26 bloodbao 阅读(847) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

2008年7月15日 #

posted @ 2008-07-15 15:53 bloodbao 阅读(162) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

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