TOJ 2553 Japan gong 2009-07-27 16:00 阅读:1127 评论:1
TOJ 2551 Stargates gong 2009-07-27 15:58 阅读:929 评论:1
TOJ 2549 Sherlock Holmes gong 2009-07-27 15:54 阅读:973 评论:0
TOJ 2547 Subsequence gong 2009-07-27 15:52 阅读:974 评论:1
uva :: Programming Challenges :: Chapter 2 gong 2009-07-27 01:17 阅读:1081 评论:0
PKU 1160 Post Office gong 2009-07-27 00:56 阅读:1317 评论:1
Toj Lawrence of Arabia 四边形不等式优化 gong 2009-07-27 00:44 阅读:1561 评论:4
uva :: Programming Challenges :: Chapter 1 :: 706 - LCD Display gong 2009-07-25 22:35 阅读:868 评论:0
uva :: Programming Challenges :: Chapter 1-10137 - The Trip gong 2009-07-25 21:57 阅读:1190 评论:0
uva :: Programming Challenges :: Chapter 1-10189 - Minesweeper gong 2009-07-25 21:55 阅读:922 评论:1
转 ACM/ICPC 中的STL——next_permutation() gong 2008-08-27 00:01 阅读:507 评论:0
TJU 2096 Triangle Encapsulation 题解 gong 2008-07-22 16:51 阅读:175 评论:0
TJU 2095 Clock 题解 gong 2008-07-22 16:47 阅读:138 评论:0
TJU 2094 Reserve Bookshelf 题解 gong 2008-07-22 16:42 阅读:328 评论:2
TJU 2093 Chairlift 题解 gong 2008-07-22 16:37 阅读:223 评论:0
PKU 3363 Annoying painting tool 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:14 阅读:986 评论:0
PKU 3364 Black and white painting 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:12 阅读:1019 评论:0
PKU 3365 Cylinder 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:08 阅读:280 评论:1
PKU 3366 Deli Deli 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:06 阅读:206 评论:0
PKU 3367 Expressions 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:04 阅读:412 评论:1
PKU 3369 Grocery store 题解 gong 2008-07-20 22:01 阅读:804 评论:0
PKU 3370 Halloween treats 题解 gong 2008-07-20 21:55 阅读:1144 评论:2
流水账。。。 gong 2008-07-20 11:54 阅读:99 评论:0
PKU 2286 The Rotation Game 题解 gong 2008-07-19 20:20 阅读:1048 评论:0
PKU 2144 Leaky Cryptography 题解 gong 2008-07-19 19:25 阅读:803 评论:1
PKU 2124 The Balance 题解 gong 2008-07-19 19:23 阅读:127 评论:0
PKU 1128 Frame Stacking 解题 gong 2008-07-19 19:20 阅读:1138 评论:0
usaco 2.2 Subset Sums gong 2008-07-19 02:58 阅读:890 评论:0
usaco 2.1.2 Ordered Fractions gong 2008-07-19 01:48 阅读:212 评论:0
PKU 3338 Rectangle Cutting gong 2008-07-18 16:46 阅读:156 评论:0
PKU 3337 Expression Evaluator gong 2008-07-18 16:44 阅读:281 评论:4
PKU 1394 Railroad 题解 gong 2008-07-18 16:43 阅读:281 评论:0
最近几天在空余时间给自己的任务。。。 gong 2008-07-16 16:07 阅读:131 评论:0
PKU 3333 TOJ 2541 Co-workers from Hell 解题 gong 2008-07-16 15:55 阅读:266 评论:0
PKU 3331 TOJ 2569 The Idiot of the Year Contest 解题 gong 2008-07-16 15:47 阅读:232 评论:0
PKU 3332 Parsing Real Numbers 解题 gong 2008-07-16 14:45 阅读:349 评论:0
Java正则表达式详解(转) gong 2008-07-16 13:52 阅读:198 评论:0
PKU 1001 Exponentiation 题解 gong 2008-07-15 19:37 阅读:321 评论:0
TOJ 2870 The K-th City 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:35 阅读:496 评论:2
PKU 2488 TOJ 1702 A Knight's Journey 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:31 阅读:263 评论:0
TOJ 2232 A Friendly Game 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:28 阅读:111 评论:0
TOJ 2236 Partial Sums 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:24 阅读:144 评论:0
TOJ 2234 A+B In the Future 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:21 阅读:131 评论:0
TOJ 1075 Stockbroker Grapevine 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:19 阅读:142 评论:0
TOJ 1073 Smith Numbers 解题报告 gong 2008-07-15 19:16 阅读:198 评论:0
TOJ 1070 Ouroboros Snake 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:13 阅读:170 评论:0
Toj 1069 Erdos Numbers 解题 gong 2008-07-15 19:09 阅读:305 评论:0
ACM中使用JAVA的介绍 gong 2008-07-15 19:02 阅读:157 评论:0
Toj 2248 Channel Design 解题报告 gong 2008-07-15 12:36 阅读:177 评论:0









