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Why Use SQLite?


There are many reasons for choosing SQLite, including

  • Performance SQLite performs database operations efficiently and is faster than other free databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.

  • 性能 SQLite在执行数据库操作的时候要比诸如MySQL和 PostgreSQL等自由数据库高效和快速。

  • Size SQLite has a small memory footprint and only a single library is required to access databases, making it ideal for embedded database applications.

  • 大小 SQLite有很小的需要很少的内存,并且访问数据库只需要一个单独的库文件,这些使它成为嵌入式数据库应用的理想选择。

  • Portability SQLite runs on many platforms and its databases can be ported easily with no client/server setup or ongoing administration required.

  • 可移植性 SQLite可以在很多平台上运行,并且他的数据库可以在没有客户端/服务器设置 和管理不间断的情况下进行移植。

  • Stability SQLite is ACID-compliant, meeting all four criteria Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

  • 稳定性 SQLite遵从不可分割性原则,符合所有的四个标准原子性,一致性,隔离性,和耐久性。

  • SQL support SQLite implements a large subset of the ANSI-92 SQL standard, including views, subqueries, and triggers.

  • SQL  SQLite支持ANSI-92 SQL标准的一个大的子集工具,包括视图,子查询和触发器。

  • Interfaces SQLite has language APIs for C/C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Tcl, and many more beyond those covered in this book.

  • 接口 SQLite有 C/C++, PHP, Perl, Python, Tcl和更多的在本书之外的语言。

  • Cost SQLite is in the public domain and therefore is free to use for any purpose without cost and can be freely redistributed.

  • 费用 SQLite 是公开的,因此可以任意的自由使用它而不需要付费,并且可以自由的重新发布。

                                             摘自《SQLite》Chris Newman
posted on 2006-05-31 20:22 北风之神007 阅读(978) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: SQLite

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