
Computer Science Courses



CS 099

Fundamental Programming Concepts
Offered in Summer only, 2 Credits

CS 100H

Introduction to Computer Programming - Honors
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 100J

Introduction to Computing Using Java
Offered in Fall, Spring and Summer, 4 Credits

CS 100M

Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 100R

Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB and Robotics
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 101J

Transition to Object-oriented Programming
Offered in Fall, Spring and Summer, 1 Credit

CS 101M

Transition to MATLAB
Offered in Fall, Spring and Summer, 1 Credit

CS 113

Introduction to C
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 114

UNIX Tools
Offered in Fall only, 1 Credit

CS 130

Introductory Design and Programming for the Web
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 165

Computing in the Arts
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 167

Visual Imaging in the Electronic Age
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 170

Introduction to Cognitive Science
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 172

Computation, Information, and Intelligence
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 211

Computers and Programming
Offered in Fall, Spring and Summer, 3 Credits

CS 212

Java Practicum
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 213

C++ Programming
Offered in Fall only, 2 Credits

CS 214

Advanced UNIX Programming and Tools
Offered in Spring only, 1 Credit

CS 215

Introduction to C#
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 230

Intermediate Design and Programming for the Web
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 280

Discrete Structures
Offered in Fall and Spring, 3 Credits

CS 285

Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 305

Creative Problem Solving
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 312

Data Structures and Functional Programming
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 314

Computer Organization
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 316

Systems Programming
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 321

Numerical Methods in Computational Molecular Biology
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 322

Introduction to Scientific Computation
Offered in Spring and Summer, 3 Credits

CS 324

Computational Linguistics
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 330

Web-Driven Web Applications
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 381

Introduction to Theory of Computing
Offered in Fall and Summer, 3 Credits

CS 400

Science of Programming
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 411

Programming Languages and Logics
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 412

Introduction to Compilers
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 413

Practicum in Compilers
Offered in Spring only, 2 Credits

CS 414

Operating Systems
Offered in Fall, Spring and Summer, 3 Credits

CS 415

Practicum in Operating Systems
Offered in Fall and Spring, 2 Credits

CS 416

Computer Architecture
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 419

Computer Networks
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 421

Numerical Analysis
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 422

Numerical Analysis: Linear and Nonlinear Problems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 426

Introduction to Bioinformatics
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 428

Intro to Computational Biophysics
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 430

Information Retrieval
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 431

Web Information Systems
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 432

Introduction to Database Systems
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 433

Practicum in Database Systems
Offered in Fall only, 2 Credits

CS 465

Computer Graphics I
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 466

Computer Graphics Practicum
Offered in Fall only, 2 Credits

CS 472

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 474

Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 475

Artificial Intelligence: Uncertainty and Multi-Agent Systems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 478

Machine Learning
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 482

Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
Offered in Spring and Summer, 4 Credits

CS 483

Quantum Information Processing
Offered in Spring only, 2 Credits

CS 485

Mathematical Foundations for the Information Age
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 486

Applied Logic (also MATH 486)
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 487

Introduction to Cryptography
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 501

Software Engineering
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 513

System Security
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 514

Intermediate Computer Systems
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 516

Parallel Computer Architecture
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 519

Advanced Computer Networks
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 530

The Architecture of Large-Scale Information Systems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 565

Computer Animation
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 566

Advanced Animation
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 567

Physically Based Animation
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 569

Interactive Computer Graphics
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 572

Heuristic Methods for Optimization
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 578

Empirical Methods in Machine Learning and Data Mining
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 611

Advanced Programming Languages
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 612

Compiler Design for High-Performance Architectures
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 614

Advanced Systems
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 615

Peer-to-Peer Systems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 619

Research in Computer Networks
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 621

Matrix Computations
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 622

Numerical Optimization & Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 624

Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 626

Computational Molecular Biology
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 628

Biological Sequence Analysis
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 632

Database Management Systems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 633

Advanced Database Systems
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 664

Machine Vision
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 665

Advanced Rendering
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 667

Physically Based Rendering
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 671

Introduction to Automated Reasoning
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 672

Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 673

Integration of Artificial Intelligence & Operations Research
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 674

Advanced Language Technologies
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 676

Reasoning About Knowledge
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 677

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 678

Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 681

Analysis of Algorithms
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 682

Theory of Computing
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 683

Advanced Design & Analysis of Algorithms
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 684

Algorithmic Game Theory
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 685

The Structure of Information Networks
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 686

Logics of Programs
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 687

Introduction to Cryptography
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 709

Department Colloquium
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 714

Topics in Systems
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 715

Seminar on PRL
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 718

Seminar in Computer Graphics
Offered in Fall and Spring, 3 Credits

CS 719

Seminar in Programming Languages and Compilers
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 726

Prob & Persp in Computational Molecular Bio.
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 732

Topics in Database Systems
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 733

Seminar in Database Systems
Offered in Spring only, 1 Credit

CS 750

Evolutionary Computation and Design Automation
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 754

Systems Seminar
Offered in Fall and Spring, 1 Credit

CS 764

Visual Object Recognition
Offered in Spring only, 3 Credits

CS 772

Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

CS 775

Seminar in Natural Language Understanding
Offered in Fall and Spring, 2 Credits

CS 778

Topics in Machine Learning
Offered in Fall only, 3 Credits

CS 785

Seminar on Information Networks
Offered in Fall only, 4 Credits

CS 786

Introduction to Kleene Algebra
Offered in Spring only, 4 Credits

CS 789

Seminar in Theory of Algorithms and Computing
Offered in Fall and Spring, 4 Credits

posted on 2007-07-03 19:21 cfmonkey 阅读(183) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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