ChefZ -- 磨劍錄 (A Coder's Log)

慣看秋月春風 一壺濁酒喜相逢 古今多少事 皆賦談笑中
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  • Start from something simple:

#include <stdarg.h> // va_list
#include <stdio.h>

void func( const char *str, ... );

template< class TYPE, typename TO > bool FormTest( const TYPE str, TO i )
func( str, i );
return true;

int main( void )
FormTest< char*, char* >( _("%s\n"), _("string") );

void func( const char *str, va_list &ap );

void func( const char *str, ... )
va_list ap;
va_start( ap, str );
func( str, ap );
va_end( ap );

void func( const char *str, va_list &ap )
const char *pek; int i;
pek=va_arg( ap, const char* );
printf( str, pek );

  • From something more flexible yet still deterministic:

template<typename T>
struct SVaPassNext{
SVaPassNext<T> sibs;
T dwObject;
template<> struct SVaPassNext<0>{};
//SVaPassNext - is generator of structure of any size at compile time.

class CVaPassNext{
SVaPassNext<typename T> svapassnext;
CVaPassNext(va_list & args){
try{//to avoid access violation

memcpy(&svapassnext, args, sizeof(svapassnext));
} catch (...) {}
#define va_pass(valist, T) CVaPassNext(valist).svapassnext<T>

void func(const char *szFormat, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, szFormat);
func(szFormat, args);
void func( const char *str, va_list &ap )
pek = va_arg( va_pass(ap, wxObject*), wxObject* );
int main( void )
FormTest< char*, wxObject* >( _("id_of_MyObject"), &m_MyObject );
  • How about from some underministic cases:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdarg>
using namespace std;

* The challenge: find the maximum value of a arbitrary list of values without
* the use of the conditional-control structures.
* NOTE: The use of the iif<T>() function was inspired
* by Bench's int greatest(int, int) function using arrays to resolve a binary condition.
* Bench also inspired the combination of a iif() and function pointers to make a function table to
* avoid the use of any conditional control structure in the recursion.

//This simulates the ?: operator
template <class T>
T iif(bool condition, T true_val, T false_val) {
T table[2];
table[0] = false_val;
table[1] = true_val;
return table[condition];

// This will return the greater of the two values
template <class T>
T greatest( T first, T second )
return iif((first > second), first, second);

// This function marks the end of the recursion used in maximum_loop()
template <class T>
T terminatingFunction(va_list &args, int num, T theMax) { return theMax; }

//This is a recursive function used to scroll thought the list or parameters
template <class T>
T maximum_loop(va_list &args, int num, T theMax) {
T current = va_arg(args, T);
theMax = greatest(theMax, current);
//This is the ugliest line in the code, the "T (*)(va_list&, int, T)" is the type for the function pointers.
// this line simulates the conditional function call:
// return ((num > 1) ? &maximum_loop: &terminatingFunction)(args, num-1, theMax);
return iif<T (*)(va_list&, int, T)>((num > 1), &maximum_loop, &terminatingFunction )(args, num-1, theMax);

//This function will return the maximum value of a variable number of elements.
template <class T, int len>
T maximum(T first, ...) {
T theMax = first;
va_list args;
va_start(args, first);
int length = len - 1; //One is used up by "first"
theMax = maximum_loop<T>(args, length, theMax);
return theMax;

int main() {
double a = maximum<double, 11>(2.1, 1.2, 65.3, 10.4, 37.5, 6.0, 9.0, 24.0, 89.3, 89.5, 89.9);
cout << endl << a << endl;
return 0;

  • How about these:

template<typename T>
void print( const T& t )
std::cout << t;

template< typename T, typename... Args>
void print( const T& t, const Args&... args )
print( t );
print( args... );

template<typename... T>
class tuple;
template<typename T, typename... Ts>
class tuple<T, Ts...>;
class tuple<>;

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