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DSL + Vmware 6

Posted on 2008-12-05 19:40 chefZ 阅读(336) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用
Steps to install DSL as installed on Hard Disk in Vmware: (將 DSL DSL-n 以硬碟方式裝入 VM 的步驟)

1). Create Virtual Machine as Other Linux 2.4 if DSL Other Linux 2.6 if DSL-n (在VM中選 Linux2.4 (DSL) 或 Linux2.6(DSL-n))
2). VM -> Settings <=== Add Harddisk as IDE, and add any other hardware devices (硬碟選 IDE)
                              <=== Set CD to iso (指向 iso)
3). Power on (起動虛儗機)
4). In bootup screen, Enter dsl 2 (在起動畫面鍵入 dsl 2 <== 此為 root 成層啟動)
5). sudo cfdisk <== create partition hda2 as Primary, Bootable, Linux Type 83, Write (作 hda2 磁碟區分割, 也可以作多個分割 但 hda2 必須為 bootable)
                       <== crate partition hda1 as Primary, Linux Swap Type 82, Write (分割 swap 區 )
                        <== Quit (彈出)
6). sudo mke2fs /dev/hda2 (磁化為 ext2)
7). sudo mkswap /dev/hda1 (磁化為 linux-swap)
8). dsl-hdinstall <== hda2, no ext3 Journal, (G)rub boot loader (建立為 GRUB 啟動驅動)
9). VM->Settings -> change CD pointing to other drive (將 CD指向 iso 的指項, 改為其他 drive)
10). reboot (啟動)
11). set root password (建帳號)
12). set dsl password (建帳號)

done if will boot into the new DSL or DSL-n Virtual Machine.

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