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Keywords (DirectX HLSL)

Posted on 2009-10-14 17:03 cngamedev 阅读(268) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Shader

The following words are recognized as keywords by the HLSL language. Keywords are predefined reserved identifiers that have special meanings. They cannot be used as identifiers in your program.

Keywords are not case sensitive, they are displayed in camel casing (first letter of each word capitalized) for ease of readability.

BlendState, Bool, Break, Buffer
CBuffer, Compile, Const, Continue
DepthStencilState, DepthStencilView, Discard, Do, Double
Else, Extern
False, Float, For
If, In, Inline
Inout, Int
Namespace, Nointerpolation
Pass, PixelShader
RasterizerState, RenderTargetView, Return, Register
Sampler, Sampler1D, Sampler2D, Sampler3D, SamplerCUBE, Sampler_State, SamplerComparisonState, Shared, Stateblock, Stateblock_state, Static, String, Struct, Switch
TBuffer, Technique, Technique10, texture1, Texture1D, Texture1DArray, Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture2DMS, Texture2DMSArray, Texture3D, TextureCube, TextureCubeArray, True, Typedef
Vector, VertexShader, Void, Volatile, While
  1. The only keyword that is case sensitive is texture, which is all lower case, and is used for backward compatibility with older shaders.

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