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Transform the algebraic expression with brackets into RPN form (Reverse Polish Notation). Two-argument operators: +, -, *, /, ^ (priority from the lowest to the highest), brackets ( ). Operands: only letters: a,b,...,z. Assume that there is only one RPN form (no expressions like a*b*c).
t [the number of expressions <= 100] expression [length <= 400] [other expressions]
Text grouped in [ ] does not appear in the input file.
The expressions in RPN form, one per line.
Input: 3 (a+(b*c)) ((a+b)*(z+x)) ((a+t)*((b+(a+c))^(c+d))) Output: abc*+ ab+zx+* at+bac++cd+^*
lambda 很好用。
LISP SBCL 1(defconstant +max-len+ 420) 2(defconstant +max-pri+ 123456789) 3(defvar *str*) 4(defvar *pri*) 5 6 7(defun solve(le ri) 8 (let ((min-pri +max-pri+) 9 (cur-idx le)10 (min-idx +max-len+))11 (count -1 *pri* :key #'(lambda (x)12 (when (> min-pri x)13 (setf min-pri x)14 (setf min-idx cur-idx))15 (incf cur-idx))16 :start le17 :end ri)18 (cond19 ((< min-pri +max-pri+)20 (solve le min-idx)21 (solve (1+ min-idx) ri)22 (write-char (elt *str* min-idx)))23 ((= min-pri +max-pri+)24 (write-string (remove #\( (remove #\) (subseq *str* le ri))))))))252627(let ((num (read))28 (tot-pri 0))29 (dotimes (i num)30 (setf *str* (remove #\Space (read-line)))31 (setf *pri* (make-array +max-len+ :fill-pointer 0))32 (setf tot-pri 0)33 (count #\? *str* :key #'(lambda (x)34 (cond35 ((alpha-char-p x)36 (vector-push +max-pri+ *pri*))37 ((char= x #\+)38 (vector-push (+ tot-pri 1) *pri*))39 ((char= x #\-)40 (vector-push (+ tot-pri 2) *pri*))41 ((char= x #\*)42 (vector-push (+ tot-pri 3) *pri*))43 ((char= x #\/)44 (vector-push (+ tot-pri 4) *pri*))45 ((char= x #\^)46 (vector-push (+ tot-pri 5) *pri*))47 ((char= x #\()48 (incf tot-pri 6)49 (vector-push +max-pri+ *pri*))50 ((char= x #\))51 (decf tot-pri 6)52 (vector-push +max-pri+ *pri*))53 (t 54 (vector-push +max-pri+ *pri*)))55 #\.))56 (solve 0 (length *str*))57 (fresh-line)))5859
posted on 2012-02-19 10:34 coreBugZJ 阅读(316) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: ACM 、Algorithm 、Lisp
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