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Design Patterns & Engeering

Gof 23 Pattern and software architecture.
     摘要: The Gof has 23 design patterns , but in most of the design books , the E.G is written in Java , So from now on , I will write about 23 articles to implement them using C++ , the design pattern itself is discussible , so welcome everyone to give his excelent idea to me , My QQ: 286259397 And My MSN : cxl82116@msn.com.
Welcome every one to express his ideas!
posted @ 2007-06-02 17:34 常兴龙 阅读(999) | 评论 (4)  编辑

posted @ 2007-04-24 02:38 常兴龙 阅读(966) | 评论 (0)  编辑

posted @ 2007-04-21 19:13 常兴龙 阅读(1429) | 评论 (4)  编辑

posted @ 2007-04-18 02:26 常兴龙 阅读(975) | 评论 (2)  编辑

> hi的博客