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Problem statement
"Pairing pawns" is a game played on a strip of paper, divided into N cells. The cells are labeled 0 through N-1. Each cell may contain an arbitrary number of pawns.

You are given a vector <int> start with N elements. For each i, element i of start is the initial number of pawns on cell i.

The goal of the game is to bring as many pawns as possible to cell 0.

The only valid move looks as follows:

  1. Find a pair of pawns that share the same cell X (other than cell 0).
  2. Remove the pair of pawns from cell X.
  3. Add a single new pawn into the cell X-1.

You may make as many moves as you wish, in any order.

Return the maximum number of pawns that can be in cell 0 at the end of the game.


using namespace std;

class PairingPawns
        int savedPawnCount(vector <int> start)
            for(int i=start.size()-1; i>0; i--)
            return start.at(0);

posted on 2012-01-15 04:02 玉香 阅读(220) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: TopCoder

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