摘要: Predefined Names
The following names have special meaning to perl. I could have used alphabetic symbols for some of these, but I didn't want to take the chance that someone would say reset "a-zA-Z" and wipe them all out. You'll just have to suffer along with these silly symbols. Most of them have reasonable mnemonics, or analogues in one of the shells.
摘要: 题记:把这篇文章发到c++专区,没有哗众取宠的意思,这里我想套用阿里巴巴一个资深CTO的话:程序员的知识结构应该是T形的,要精通一到两门编程语言作为主干,而在顶端则是要多种语言结合使用,也就是我们常说的深度和广度,那么为什么要学习Perl,我相信有过Perl经验的程序员一定会对这种脚本语言语义的丰富和强大的字符处理能力有深刻的印象。的确,对于习惯了静态语言的我们,Perl是个全新的世界,没有变量声明,没有main函数,比起c++, 我觉得perl更向是一个不羁的顽童,perl的语法中充满了freedom的思想