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2010年1月5日 #

难得上cppblog一次,分享一本书吧。《Pro Visual C++/CLI and The .NET3.5 Platform》英文清晰PDF版本



#include <iostream>


using namespace System;

int main()
<int> lstTest;

< std::list<int> >( lstTest ) 

<int>^ lstCLR = gcnew Collections::Generic::List<int>();

for( std::list<int>::const_iterator it = lstTest.begin();
!= lstTest.end();
++it )
->Add( *it );

"-----------------------------------------\n" );


for each( int i in lstCLR )
        Console::WriteLine( i );

< String^ >^ lstString = gcnew Collections::Generic::List<String^>();

forint i =0; i < 10++i )
        wchar_t sz[
        swprintf_s( sz, L
"%d", i );

->Add( gcnew String( sz ) );

<std::wstring> lstStdString;

for each( String^ Str in lstString )
< const wchar_t > pStr = PtrToStringChars( Str );

        lstStdString.push_back( std::wstring( pStr ) );

     std::copy( lstStdString.begin(), 
< std::wstring, wchar_t >( std::wcout, L"\n" )

return 0;


posted @ 2010-01-05 16:42 董波 阅读(617) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年9月12日 #

柏林噪声 perlin noise

Perlin Noise  在wikipia上,可以查到定义,这里不多说了,http://freespace.virgin.net/hugo.elias/models/m_perlin.htm 上有完整的英文,http://www.azure.com.cn/article.asp?id=291 是带有翻译的英文, 看来这篇文章是原始作者的大作了。转帖过来

柏林噪声(Perlin Noise)(译)

Many people have used random number generators in their programs to create unpredictability, make the motion and behavior of objects appear more natural, or generate textures. Random number generators certainly have their uses, but at times their output can be too harsh to appear natural. This article will present a function which has a very wide range of uses, more than I can think of, but basically anywhere where you need something to look natural in origin. What's more it's output can easily be tailored to suit your needs.

If you look at many things in nature, you will notice that they are fractal. They have various levels of detail. A common example is the outline of a mountain range. It contains large variations in height (the mountains), medium variations (hills), small variations (boulders), tiny variations (stones) . . . you could go on. Look at almost anything: the distribution of patchy grass on a field, waves in the sea, the movements of an ant, the movement of branches of a tree, patterns in marble, winds. All these phenomena exhibit the same pattern of large and small variations. The Perlin Noise function recreates this by simply adding up noisy functions at a range of different scales.

To create a Perlin noise function, you will need two things, a Noise Function, and an Interpolation Function.

Introduction To Noise Functions

A noise function is essentially a seeded random number generator. It takes an integer as a parameter, and returns a random number based on that parameter. If you pass it the same parameter twice, it produces the same number twice. It is very important that it behaves in this way, otherwise the Perlin function will simply produce nonsense.

Here is a graph showing an example noise function. A random value between 0 and1 is assigned to every
point on the X axis.

By smoothly interpolating between the values, we can define a continuous function that takes a non-integer as a parameter. I will discuss various ways of interpolating the values later in this article.


Before I go any further, let me define what I mean by amplitude and frequency. If you have studied physics, you may well have come across the concept of amplitude and frequency applied to a sin wave.

Sin Wave
The wavelength of a sin wave is the distance from one peak to another. The amplitude is the height of the wave. The frequency is defined to be 1/wavelength.
正玄波的波长(wavelength)是两个波峰只间的距离。振幅是此波的高度。频率我们定义为 1/波长(wavelength)。

Noise Wave
In the graph of this example noise function, the red spots indicate the random values defined along the dimension of the function. In this case, the amplitude is the difference between the minimum and maximum values the function could have. The wavelength is the distance from one red spot to the next. Again frequency is defined to be 1/wavelength.

Creating the Perlin Noise Function

Now, if you take lots of such smooth functions, with various frequencies and amplitudes, you can add them all together to create a nice noisy function. This is the Perlin Noise Function.

Take the following Noise Functions

Add them together, and this is what you get.

You can see that this function has large, medium and small variations. You may even imagine that it looks a little like a mountain range. In fact many computer generated landscapes are made using this method. Of course they use 2D noise, which I shall get onto in a moment.

You can, of course, do the same in 2 dimensions.

Some noise functions are created in 2D

Adding all these functions together produces a noisy pattern.


When you're adding together these noise functions, you may wonder exactly what amplitude and frequency to use for each one. The one dimensional example above used twice the frequency and half the amplitude for each successive noise function added. This is quite common. So common in fact, that many people don't even consider using anything else. However, you can create Perlin Noise functions with different characteristics by using other frequencies and amplitudes at each step. For example, to create smooth rolling hills, you could use Perlin noise function with large amplitudes for the low frequencies , and very small amplitudes for the higher frequencies. Or you could make a flat, but very rocky plane choosing low amplitudes for low frequencies.

To make it simpler, and to avoid repeating the words Amplitude and Frequency all the time, a single number is used to specify the amplitude of each frequency. This value is known as Persistence. There is some ambiguity as to it's exact meaning. The term was originally coined by Mandelbrot, one of the people behind the discovery of fractals. He defined noise with a lot of high frequency as having a low persistence. My friend Matt also came up with the concept of persistence, but defined it the other way round. To be honest, I prefer Matt's definition. Sorry Mandelbrot. So our definition of persistence is this:
为了让这些更简单易懂,同时为了避免重复振幅和频率这两个词,我们用一个数来表示每个频率下的振幅,这个数就是持续度(Persistence)。这里的词和它的真实意义有些歧异。这个术语原本是Mandelbrot提出的,他是发现分形现象的人中的一个。他定义噪声拥有大量的高频率将体现出低的持续度。我的朋友Matt也想出了持续度的概念,但是是通过另外一种方式定义它的。诚然,我更喜欢Matt的定义方式。对不起了,Mandelbrot. 所以我们这样定义持续度(persistence):
frequency = 2i
amplitude = persistencei
Where i is the ith noise function being added. To illustrate the effect of persistence on the output of the Perlin Noise, take a look at the diagrams below. They show the component noise functions that are added, the effect of the persistence value, and the resultant Perlin noise function.
i 是表示第i个被叠加的噪声函数。为了展示柏林函数在输出上持续度的表现效果,请看下下面的图表。他们展示了叠加的每个组成部分,持续度的效果和最终的柏林函数。


Each successive noise function you add is known as an octave. The reason for this is that each noise function is twice the frequency of the previous one. In music, octaves also have this property.

Exactly how many octaves you add together is entirely up to you. You may add as many or as few as you want. However, let me give you some suggestions. If you are using the perlin noise function to render an image to the screen, there will come a point when an octave has too high a frequency to be displayable. There simply may not be enough pixels on the screen to reproduce all the little details of a very high frequency noise function. Some implementations of Perlin Noise automatically add up as many noise functions they can until the limits of the screen (or other medium) are reached.

It is also wise to stop adding noise functions when their amplitude becomes too small to reproduce. Exactly when that happens depends on the level of persistence, the overall amplitude of the Perlin function and the bit resolution of your screen (or whatever).

Making your noise functions

What do we look for in a noise function? Well, it's essentially a random number generator. However, unlike other random number generators you may have come across in your programs which give you a different random number every time you call them, these noise functions supply a random number calculated from one or more parameters. I.e. every time you pass the same number to the noise function, it will respond with the same number. But pass it a different number, and it will return a different number.

Well, I don't know a lot about random number generators, so I went looking for some, and here's one I found. It seems to be pretty good. It returns floating point numbers between -1.0 and1.0.
function IntNoise(32-bit integer: x)      

x = (x<<13) ^ x;
return ( 1.0 - ( (x * (x * x * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 7fffffff) / 1073741824.0);
end IntNoise function
Now, you'll want several different random number generators, so I suggest making several copies of the above code, but use slightly different numbers. Those big scarey looking numbers are all prime numbers, so you could just use some other prime numbers of a similar size. So, to make it easy for you to find random numbers, I have written a little program to list prime numbers for you. You can give it a start number and an end number, and it will find all the primes between the two. Source code is also included, so you can easily include it into your own programs to produce a random prime number. Primes.zip
现在,你将要需要几个不同的随机数生成器,所以我建议把上面的代码复制几个拷贝,然后稍微修改下里面的参数。那些可怕的数字都是质数,所以你可以改成其他差不多大小的质数(让我想起了 hash key生成),为了让你轻松的找的随机数,我已经写了一个小程序来为你列出质数。你只用输入一个起始值和一个结束值,它找到所有在两值之间的质数。源代码也提供,所以你可以轻松的包含到你自己的程序中来生成随机的质数.Primes.zip


Having created your noise function, you will need to smooth out the values it returns. Again, you can choose any method you like, but some look better than others. A standard interpolation function takes three inputs, a and b, the values to be interpolated between, and x which takes a value between 0 and1. The Interpolation function returns a value between a and b based on the value x. When x equals 0, it returns a, and when x is 1, it returns b. When x is between 0 and1, it returns some value between a and b.
当创建了你的噪声函数,你将需要平滑下他的返回值。再次,你可以选择任何你喜欢的方式,但是有一些效果更好。一个标准的插值函数需要三个输入,a 和 b, 需要在a和b之间进行插值,还有x,它取值范围是0到1。插值函数返回a到b之间取决与x的一个值。当x等于0,它返回a,当x等于1时,它返回b。当x 是0到1之间时,它将返回a到b之间的某值。

Linear Interpolation:

Looks awful, like those cheap 'plasmas' that everyone uses to generate landscapes. It's a simple algorithm though, and I suppose would be excusable if you were trying to do perlin noise in realtime.

function Linear_Interpolate(a, b, x)
  return a*(1-x) + b*x
end of function
Cosine Interpolation:

This method gives a much smother curve than Linear Interpolation. It's clearly better and worth the effort if you can afford the very slight loss in speed.

function Cosine_Interpolate(a, b, x)
  ft = x * 3.1415927
  f = (1 - cos(ft)) * .5

  return a*(1-f) + b*f
end of function
Cubic Interpolation:

This method gives very smooth results indeed, but you pay for it in speed. To be quite honest, I'm not sure if it would give noticeably better results than Cosine Interpolation, but here it is anyway if you want it. It's a little more complicated, so pay attention. Whereas before, the interpolation functions took three inputs, the cubic interpolation takes five. Instead of just a and b, you now need v0, v1, v2 and v3, along with x as before.

v0 = a 前面一点
v1 = a 点
v2 = b 点
v3 = b 后面一点

function Cubic_Interpolate(v0, v1, v2, v3,x)
  P = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1)
  Q = (v0 - v1) - P
  R = v2 - v0
  S = v1

  return Px3 + Qx2 + Rx + S
end of function
Smoothed Noise

Aside from Interplolation, you can also smooth the output of the noise function to make it less random looking, and also less square in the 2D and 3D versions. Smoothing is done much as you would expect, and anyone who has written an image smoothing filter, or fire algorithm should already be familiar with the process.
Rather than simply taking the value of the noise function at a single coordinate, you can take the average of that value, and it's neighbouring values. If this is unclear, take a look at the pseudo code below.

On the right, you can see a little diagram illustrating the difference between smoothed noise, and the same noise function without smoothing. You can see that the smooth noise is flatter, never reaching the extremes of unsmoothed noise, and the frequency appears to be roughly half. There is little point smoothing 1 dimensional noise, since these are really the only effects. Smoothing becomes more useful in 2 or three dimensions, where the effect is to reduce the squareness of the noise. Unfortunately it also reduces the contrast a little. The smoother you make it, obviously, the flatterthe noise will be.

1-dimensional Smooth Noise
function Noise(x)
end function

function SmoothNoise_1D(x)

return Noise(x)/2 + Noise(x-1)/4 + Noise(x+1)/4

end function
2-dimensional Smooth Noise
function Noise(x, y)
end function

function SmoothNoise_2D(x>, y)

corners = ( Noise(x-1, y-1)+Noise(x+1, y-1)+Noise(x-1, y+1)+Noise(x+1, y+1) ) / 16
sides = ( Noise(x-1, y) +Noise(x+1, y) +Noise(x, y-1) +Noise(x, y+1) ) / 8
center = Noise(x, y) / 4

return corners + sides + center

end function
Putting it all together

Now that you know all that, it's time to put together all you've learned and create a Perlin Noise function. Remember that it's just several Interpolated Noise functions added together. So Perlin Noise it just a function. You pass it one or more parameters, and it responds with a number. So, here's a simple 1 dimensional Perlin function.

The main part of the Perlin function is the loop. Each iteration of the loop adds another octave of twice the frequency. Each iteration calls a different noise function, denoted by Noisei. Now, you needn't actually write lots of noise functions, one for each octave, as the pseudo code seems to suggest. Since all the noise functions are essentially the same, except for the values of those three big prime numbers, you can keep the same code, but simply use a different set of prime numbers for each.

1-dimensional Perlin Noise Pseudo code
function Noise1(integer x)
x = (x<<13) ^ x;
return ( 1.0 - ( (x * (x * x * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 7fffffff) / 1073741824.0);
end function

function SmoothedNoise_1(float x)
return Noise(x)/2 + Noise(x-1)/4 + Noise(x+1)/4
end function

function InterpolatedNoise_1(float x)

integer_X = int(x)
fractional_X = x - integer_X

v1 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X)
v2 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X + 1)

return Interpolate(v1 , v2 , fractional_X)

end function

function PerlinNoise_1D(float x)

total = 0
p = persistence
n = Number_Of_Octaves - 1

loop i from 0 to n

frequency = 2i
amplitude = pi

total = total + InterpolatedNoisei(x * frequency) * amplitude

end of i loop

return total

end function
Now it's easy to apply the same code to create a 2 or more dimensional Perlin Noise function:

2-dimensional Perlin Noise Pseudocode
function Noise1(integer x, integer y)
n = x + y * 57
n = (n<<13) ^ n;
return ( 1.0 - ( (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 7fffffff) / 1073741824.0);
end function

function SmoothNoise_1(float x, float y)
corners = ( Noise(x-1, y-1)+Noise(x+1, y-1)+Noise(x-1, y+1)+Noise(x+1, y+1) ) / 16
sides = ( Noise(x-1, y) +Noise(x+1, y) +Noise(x, y-1) +Noise(x, y+1) ) / 8
center = Noise(x, y) / 4
return corners + sides + center
end function

function InterpolatedNoise_1(float x, float y)

integer_X = int(x)
fractional_X = x - integer_X

integer_Y = int(y)
fractional_Y = y - integer_Y

v1 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X, integer_Y)
v2 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X + 1, integer_Y)
v3 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X, integer_Y + 1)
v4 = SmoothedNoise1(integer_X + 1, integer_Y + 1)

i1 = Interpolate(v1 , v2 , fractional_X)
i2 = Interpolate(v3 , v4 , fractional_X)

return Interpolate(i1 , i2 , fractional_Y)

end function

function PerlinNoise_2D(float x, float y)

total = 0
p = persistence
n = Number_Of_Octaves - 1

loop i from 0 to n

frequency = 2i
amplitude = pi

total = total + InterpolatedNoisei(x * frequency, y * frequency) * amplitude

end of i loop

return total

end function


posted @ 2009-09-12 21:15 董波 阅读(1931) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年8月28日 #






posted @ 2009-08-28 10:33 董波 阅读(533) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年6月10日 #


     摘要: 游戏中的声音资源打包 董波 介绍 在以前的游戏当中,几乎所有的游戏都有将资源打包,无论是图形资源、声音文件等等。现在,越来越多的游戏的声音资源都公开了,通常背景音乐等采用ogg,音效采用wav;但是图形资源绝大部分游戏还是都是打包了的。有的有加密,有的没有。 在学习游戏编程的初期我就对这个东西很感兴趣,但是又没有人教,到网上找资料也少得可怜,所以就只好自己摸索了。记得去年也做过类似的工作,...  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-06-10 23:43 董波 阅读(1792) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年5月25日 #

【转帖】Rational Purify 使用及分析实例

Rational Purify 使用及分析实例


级别: 初级

蔡 林, IBM 中国软件开发中心软件工程师

2006 年 2 月 23 日

本文介绍了 IBM Rational Purify的基本概念和在不同操作系统中使用Purify对C/C++源程序中存在的内存问题进行勘察和分析,并且提供了有关的实例以便读者在实际操作中作为参考。


本文介绍了IBM Rational Purify的基本概念和在不同操作系统中使用Purify对C/C++源程序中存在的内存问题进行勘察和分析,并且提供了有关的实例以便读者在实际操作中作为参考。




1.1 内存解剖



1.2 内存访问错误

相对用户使用的语言,动态内存的申请一般由malloc/new来完成,释放由free/delete完成。基本的原则可以总结为:一对一,不混用。也就是说一个malloc必须对应一且唯一的free;new对应一且唯一的delete; malloc不能和delete, new不能和free对应。另外在C++中要注意delete和delete[]的区别。delete用来释放单元变量,delete[]用来释放数组等集聚变量。有关这方面的详细信息可以参考[C++Adv]。



1   #include <iostream>
                        2   using namespace std;
                        3   int main(){
                        4      char* str1="four";
                        5      char* str2=new char[4];	//not enough space
                        6      char* str3=str2;
                        7      cout<<str2<<endl;	//UMR
                        8      strcpy(str2,str1);	//ABW
                        9      cout<<str2<<endl;  //ABR
                        10     delete str2;
                        11     str2[0]+=2;	//FMR and FMW
                        12     delete str3;	//FFM
                        13   }

由以上的程序,我们可以看到:在第5行分配内存时,忽略了字符串终止符"\0"所占空间导致了第8行的数组越界写(Array Bounds Write)和第9行的数组越界读(Array Bounds Read); 在第7行,打印尚未赋值的str2将产生访问未初始化内存错误(Uninitialized Memory Read);在第11行使用已经释放的变量将导致释放内存读和写错误(Freed Memory Read and Freed Memory Write);最后由于str3和str2所指的是同一片内存,第12行又一次释放了已经被释放的空间 (Free Freed Memory)。


1.3 内存使用错误



IBM Rational PurifyPlus是一组程序运行时的分析软件。她包括了程序性能瓶颈分析软件Quantify, 程序覆盖面分析软件PureCoverage,和本文的主角:程序运行错误分析软件Purify。Purify可以发现程序运行时的内存访问,内存泄漏和其他难以发现的问题。


2.1 Purify的原理

程序运行时的分析可以采用多种方法。Purify使用了具有专利的目标代码插入技术(OCI:Object Code Insertion)。她在程序的目标代码中插入了特殊的指令用来检查内存的状态和使用情况。这样做的好处是不需要修改源代码,只需要重新编译就可以对程序进行分析。


参见本文中以上给出的代码,在程序第5行执行后,str2处于黄色状态。当在第7行进行读的时候,系统就会报告一个访问未初始化内存错误(Uninitialized Memory Read)。因为只有在绿色状态下,内存才可以被合法访问。


2.2 Purify的使用





        CC=purify gcc
                        all: pplusdemo
                        pplusdemo: pplusdemo.o
                        $(CC) -o pplusdemo pplusdemo.o -lstdc++
                        pplusdemo.o: pplusdemo.cpp
                        $(CC) -g -c -w pplusdemo.cpp
                        -rm pplusdemo pplusdemo.o



    ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        UMR: Uninitialized memory read:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        strlen         [rtlib.o]
                        std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits< char>> & std::operator
                        <<<std::char_traits< char>>(std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits<
                        char>> &, char const *) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:7]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Reading 1 byte from 0x80b45e0 in the heap.
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        ABW: Array bounds write:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        strcpy         [rtlib.o]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:8]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Writing 5 bytes to 0x80b45e0 in the heap (1 byte at 0x80b45e4 illegal).
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        ABR: Array bounds read:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        strlen         [rtlib.o]
                        std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits< char>> & std::operator
                        <<<std::char_traits< char>>(std::basic_ostream< char,std::char_traits<
                        char>> &, char const *) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:9]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Reading 5 bytes from 0x80b45e0 in the heap (1 byte at 0x80b45e4 illegal).
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        FMM: Freeing mismatched memory:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        operator delete( void *) [rtlib.o]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Attempting to free block at 0x80b45e0 in the heap.
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * This block of memory was obtained using an allocation routine which is
                        not compatible with the routine by which it is being freed.
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        FMR: Free memory read:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:11]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Reading 1 byte from 0x80b45e0 in the heap.
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a freed block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
                        free           [rtlib.o]
                        _ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        FMW: Free memory write:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:11]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Writing 1 byte to 0x80b45e0 in the heap.
                        * Address 0x80b45e0 is at the beginning of a freed block of 4 bytes.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
                        free           [rtlib.o]
                        _ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        FUM: Freeing unallocated memory:
                        * This is occurring while in:
                        free           [rtlib.o]
                        _ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:12]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * Attempting to free block at 0x80b45e0 already freed.
                        * This block was allocated from:
                        malloc         [rtlib.o]
                        operator new( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        operator new []( unsigned) [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:5]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        * There have been 1 frees since this block was freed from:
                        free           [rtlib.o]
                        _ZdLpV         [libstdc++.so.5]
                        main           [pplusdemo.cpp:10]
                        __libc_start_main [libc.so.6]
                        _start         [crt1.o]
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        Current file descriptors in use: 5
                        FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
                        FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
                        FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
                        FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
                        FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...
                        Memory leaked: 0 bytes (0%); potentially leaked: 0 bytes (0%)
                        Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)
                        Blocks        Bytes
                        Leaked          0            0
                        Potentially Leaked          0            0
                        In-Use          0            0
                        Total Allocated          0            0
                        ****  Purify instrumented ./pplusdemo (pid 30669)  ****
                        * Program exited with status code 0.
                        * 7 access errors, 7 total occurrences.
                        * 0 bytes leaked.
                        * 0 bytes potentially leaked.
                        * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):
                        290012 code
                        152928 data/bss
                        6816 heap (peak use)
                        7800 stack

我们对照程序可以发现Purify查出了程序中所有的错误。对于每个错误,她不但给出了源代码的位置还指出这些内存最初分配的源代码位置。这对于查找问题提供了很大帮助。对于程序12行的解释,Purify将其认为是不匹配的内存释放(FMM: Freeing mismatched memory),因为她认为这样的释放方式不符合严格的规定。


2.3 Purify的一些特性


  • 观察点(Watchpoint):通过在程序或者调试器中调用Purify 提供的观察点函数,Purify可以报告有关被观察对象的读写或其他操作。
  • 与Rational其他产品的集成:在Puify的用户界面中可以方便地进入ClearCase和ClearQuest。Purify还可以和PureCoverage同时使用,对程序进行分析。
  • Purify的定制:无论是Purify报告中的消息,还是界面中的元素,都可以进行一定程度的定制。另外通过修改配置文件和调用Purify API,用户还可以自动记录运行日志,发送电子邮件等。
  • Purify提供的API:为了更好地把Purify融合到自动化测试的体系中,Purify提供了一系列的公开函数。用户完全可以通过脚本的方式自动运行,记录,和分析Purify。


当使用C/C++进行开发时,采用良好的一致的编程规范是防止内存问题第一道也是最重要的措施。在此前提下,IBM Rational Purify作为一种运行时分析软件可以很好地帮助您发现忽略的内存问题,或成为软件自动测试中的一个重要组成部分。


[DEV205] Essentials of Rational PurifyPlus
[Purify] IBM Rational PurifyPlus for Linux and UNIX Documentation



蔡林,IBM 中国软件开发中心软件工程师,2004年获得美国Baylor University计算机系硕士学位,同年加入IBM 中国软件开发中心,从事Rational ClearQuest G11N的开发工作。

posted @ 2009-05-25 23:36 董波 阅读(960) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年5月24日 #


     摘要:         现在已经是大学生涯的最后阶段了,回首过去的四年真是充满感慨。由于毕业设计早早完事以至于现在略显无聊,呵呵。但是一直都没闲着,最近在研究内存管理方面的东西,参考了不少的书,有IBM出的那本《C++应用程序性能与优化》、《深入解析Windows操作系统》、《Windows核心编程》等等。目的就是想对Windows的内...  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-05-24 19:03 董波 阅读(524) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年5月23日 #

【转帖】Visual C++中的日历控件使用详解

文/刘涛  前言:

  控件在Visual C++编程学习中占据很重要的位置。笔者在国外英文网站上看到了这篇关于日历控件学习的文章,虽然内容看似简单,但读完后感觉到还是学到了一些东西。感觉到原著作者对一些不常用的日历控制的使用方法写的介绍的很详细,通俗易懂,于平淡之中显神奇,是对日历控件的"深度挖掘",对VC的初学者应该是很有帮助的,所以就将其翻译过来介绍给国内读者朋友。


  Win32 API提供了一个显示日期得当彩色日历控件,日期的显示模式是基于控制面板中的区域性设置或者说是依赖于用户的操作系统。具体的日历控件如下图一所示:












// Exercise1Dlg.h : header file
class CExercise1Dlg : public CDialog
 // Construction
  CExercise1Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
  CMonthCalCtrl *ctlCalendar;


CExercise1Dlg::CExercise1Dlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CExercise1Dlg::IDD, pParent)
 // Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
 m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
 ctlCalendar = new CMonthCalCtrl;
// CExercise1Dlg message handlers
BOOL CExercise1Dlg::OnInitDialog()
 // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
 // when the application's main window is not a dialog
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
 // TODO: Add extra initialization here
 ctlCalendar->Create(WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER,CPoint(20, 20), this, 0x224);
 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control



  作为一个可视化对象,日历控件可以用不同的颜色来表现背景、星期日、标题条文本、标题条背景等。作为开发人员理所当然地可以通过程序来更换这些颜色,当然是要在不影响控件亲合力的情况下。改变日历控件的颜色,需要调用CMonthCalCtrl::SetColor() 方法,该方法的语法是:

COLORREF SetColor(int nRegion, COLORREF ref);




BOOL SetFirstDayOfWeek(int iDay, int* lpnOld = NULL);


Value Weekday
0 Monday
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday
4 Friday
5 Saturday
6 Sunday


int GetFirstDayOfWeek(BOOL* pbLocal = NULL) const;










BOOL CExercise1Dlg::OnInitDialog()

 // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
 // when the application's main window is not a dialog
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon

 // TODO: Add extra initialization here

 ctlCalendar->Create(WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD |
 CPoint(20, 20), this, 0x224);

 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control

  我们注意到, 当前日期还被一个椭圆圈了起来,如果要将它隐藏起来,应该使用MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE类型,代码如下:

BOOL CExercise1Dlg::OnInitDialog()
 // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
 // when the application's main window is not a dialog
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
 // TODO: Add extra initialization here
 ctlCalendar->Create(WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD |
 CPoint(20, 20), this, 0x224);
 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control


BOOL GetCurSel(COleDateTime& refDateTime) const;
BOOL GetCurSel(CTime& refDateTime) const;
BOOL GetCurSel(LPSYSTEMTIME pDateTime) const;


void CExercise1Dlg::OnRetrieveBtn()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
 CTime tme = this->m_dtpCurrent.GetCurrentTime();
 this->m_Result.Format("%s", tme.Format("%A, %B %d, %Y"));


BOOL CExercise1Dlg::OnInitDialog()
 // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
 // when the application's main window is not a dialog
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon

 // TODO: Add extra initialization here

 ctlCalendar->Create(WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD |
 CPoint(20, 20), this, 0x224);

 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control



BOOL SetSelRange(const COleDateTime& pMinRange, const COleDateTime& pMaxRange);
BOOL SetSelRange(const CTime& pMinRange, const CTime& pMaxRange);
BOOL SetSelRange(const LPSYSTEMTIME pMinRange, const LPSYSTEMTIME pMaxRange);

  如果想获取一个日历控件的可选择范围,可以调用CMonthCalCtrl::GetSelRange() 方法。


BOOL SetRange(const COleDateTime* pMinRange, const COleDateTime* pMaxRange);
BOOL SetRange(const CTime* pMinRange, const CTime* pMaxRange);
BOOL SetRange(const LPSYSTEMTIME pMinRange, const LPSYSTEMTIME pMaxRange);



posted @ 2009-05-23 08:35 董波 阅读(605) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

2009年5月21日 #

【原创】C++字符串分词 -->C库、boost.tokenizer、stlsoft.string_tokeniser讨论

     摘要: C++字符串分词 董波 QQ:84638372 一 简介     字符串分词,即按照某一规则,将一个完整的字符串分割为更多的字段。在C库当中,strtok/wcstok提供了类似的功能,C++标准库兼容了C库。C++的stringstream有类似的功能,boost.string_algorithm也有提供类似的泛型算法。另外在boost当中专门提供了boos...  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-05-21 13:43 董波 阅读(8766) | 评论 (6)编辑 收藏

2009年5月18日 #


     摘要: boost.shared_ptr的相等与等价 关于相等和不等 template<class T, class U> inline bool operator==(shared_ptr<T> const & a, shared_ptr<U> const & b) {     return a.get() == ...  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-05-18 11:12 董波 阅读(2253) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: boost.compressed_pair源码剖析 意义 当compressed_pair的某一个模板参数为一个空类的时候将对其进行“空基类优化”,这样可以使得compressed_pair占用的空间比std::pair的更小。 参考如下代码: #include <iostream> using namespace std;   #inc...  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-05-18 11:09 董波 阅读(1195) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
