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  #include <unistd.h>


  int fork( void );




  一个现有进程可以调用fork函数创建一个新进程。由fork创建的新进程被称为子进程(child process)。fork函数被调用一次但返回两次。两次返回的唯一区别是子进程中返回0值而父进程中返回子进程ID



  #include <unistd.h>

  #include <stdio.h>

  int main(int argc, void ** argv )


  int pid = fork();

  if(pid == -1 ) {

  // print("error!");

  } else if( pid = =0 ) {

  // print("This is the child process!");

  } else {

  // print("This is the parent process! child process id = %d", pid);


  return 0;





1.      下面来详细的说说我的程序和问题,通过比较学习,相信对于linux的学习,特别是进程和程序直接的关系有一个更好的理解。



#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

int main()


 int p1;


 if (p1 == 0)      //子进程,输出它的父进程和当前进程的PID


     printf("current PID is %d\n",getpid());

     printf("father PID is %d\n",getppid());



 else   //这里是父进程吗?


     printf("father PID is %d\n",getppid());

     printf("current PID is %d\n",getpid());



 return 0;






father PID is 32667

current PID is 15254


current PID is 15255

father PID is 1


(看完之后回头过来看看),看到没有,首先输出的那个father PID是什么,刚好就是下面的那个32667,这个不是偶然的,说明什么,当然,这个进程就是父进程,而创建它的那个进程的PID32667,可以认为是系统创建的。就是说这种情况下面是,先运行的父进程。而它创建失败了,那么它没有子进程啊,那么那个下面的这个进程的父进程就不是上面的那个了,为何,从结果可以看到,它的PID1,而不会是15254,说明不是上面的那个创建。而创建却是1,说明是系统创建的,所以fork语句之后,没有创建成功,而是由系统来亲自创建一个进程,所以PID号当然是下一个,不过父进程就是1号了。(有兴趣的可以查阅下资料,我们也是刚学,所以我还有继续探究中!!




current PID is 15302 //子进程

father PID is 15301[l1]      


father PID is 32667 //父进程

current PID is 15301


PID = 13501


PID = 13504



PID = 32667

















#include <stdio.h>

int main()


 int p1;

 while (( p1 = fork())!= -1);

 if (p1 == -1)


    printf("current PID is %d\n",getpid());

    printf("father PID is %d\n",getppid());


 return 0;





current PID is 17600

father PID is 1

current PID is 17761

father PID is 1

current PID is 17602

father PID is 1

current PID is 18545

father PID is 1

current PID is 17608

father PID is 1

current PID is 17767

father PID is 1

current PID is 17624

father PID is 1

current PID is 17773

father PID is 1

current PID is 17616

father PID is 1

current PID is 18551

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father PID is 32667

current PID is 17819

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father PID is 17950

father PID is 1




#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

int main()


 int p1;

 while ((p1=fork())==-1) ;

 if (p1 == 0)


     printf("current PID is %d\n",getpid());

     printf("father PID is %d\n",getppid());





     printf("father PID is %d\n",getppid());

     printf("current PID is %d\n",getpid());



 return 0;




current PID is 20312[l3] 

father PID is 20311


father PID is 32667

current PID is 20311



father PID is 32667

current PID is 20309[l4] 


current PID is 20310

father PID is 1

 [l1]父进程的PID刚好就是下面的那个父进程的current PID,说明下面的那个进程就是父进程。





posted on 2009-12-10 14:41 deercoder 阅读(302) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: C/C++

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