HACCEL Handle to an accelerator table.
HANDLE Handle to an object.
HBITMAP Handle to a bitmap.
HBRUSH Handle to a brush.
HCONV Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation.
HCONVLIST Handle to a DDE conversation list.
HCURSOR Handle to a cursor.
HDC Handle to a device context (DC).
HDDEDATA Handle to DDE data.
HDESK Handle to a desktop.
HDROP Handle to an internal drop structure.
HDWP Handle to a deferred window position structure.
HENHMETAFILE Handle to an enhanced metafile.
HFILE Handle to a file opened by OpenFile, not CreateFile.
HFONT Handle to a font.
HGDIOBJ Handle to a GDI object.
HGLOBAL Handle to a global memory block.
HHOOK Handle to a hook.
HICON Handle to an icon.
HIMAGELIST Handle to an image list.
HIMC Handle to input context.
HINSTANCE Handle to an instance.
HKEY Handle to a registry key.
HKL Input locale identifier.
HLOCAL Handle to a local memory block.
HMENU Handle to a menu.
HMETAFILE Handle to a metafile.
HMODULE Handle to a module. The value is the base address of the module.
HMONITOR Handle to a display monitor.
HPALETTE Handle to a palette.
HPEN Handle to a pen.
HRGN Handle to a region.
HRSRC Handle to a resource.
HSZ Handle to a DDE string.
HWINSTA Handle to a window station.
HWND Handle to a window.