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03 2015 档案

     摘要: Abstract. PostgreSQL is an excellent implementation of relational database, fully featured, open source, and free to use. Nearly nontrivial computer applications manipulate large amounts of data, and a lot of applications are written primarily to deal with data rather than perform calculations. Some writers estimate that 80% of all application development in the world today is connected in some way to complex data stored in a database, so databases are very important foundation to many applicati  阅读全文

posted @ 2015-03-28 12:56 eryar 阅读(2364) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要: Abstract. OpenCASCADE BRepTools provides utilities for BRep data structure. OuterWire method to find the outer wire of a face. Dump method to dump a BRep object. It also can be used as the data exchange for OpenCASCADE native shapes.

Key Words. OpenCASCADE, BRepTools, BRep, Topology  阅读全文

posted @ 2015-03-14 20:18 eryar 阅读(5187) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要:   在管道设计过程中,会使用到大量的标准,如ASME,DIN,GB,CB,HG,SH等等。管道设计人员在设计过程中,需要翻阅相关标准手册,查找所需要的数据,较为繁琐。如果能将相关管件的数据以直观的方式展示出来,可以极大地提高管道设计人员的设计效率。
标准数据将会放在网上共享;  阅读全文

posted @ 2015-03-03 21:18 eryar 阅读(3024) | 评论 (1)  编辑 |