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04 2017 档案

     摘要: SdnfViewer - 3D Viewer for SDNF File.

Use SdnfViewer to view the structure model by SDNF file. The SdnfViewer is under developing, if you have any questions, suggestions, you can send me email, my email address is:  阅读全文

posted @ 2017-04-24 20:48 eryar 阅读(1961) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要: Abstract. Starting from OCCT6.8.0 will include one more algorithm for solving global optimization problems. Its development has been triggered by insufficient performance and robustness of existing algorithm of minimization of curve-surface distance in Extrema package. The PSO, Algorithms in this family are stochastic, and this feature can be perceived as opposite to robustness. However, we found it was not only much faster than original deterministic one, but also more robust in complex real-wo  阅读全文

posted @ 2017-04-18 22:51 eryar 阅读(1305) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |