Posted on 2017-04-24 20:48
eryar 阅读(1962)
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4.AVEVA Solution
SdnfViewer - 3D Viewer for SDNF File
SDNF(Structural steel Detailing Neutral File) format was originally defined by the Intergraph FrameWorks user community for the transfer of steel data. The format is in the public domain and is therefore available to be considered as a suitable means of transferring data between 3D steel detailing packages.
SdnfViewer is a 3D viewer for the SDNF file.
AVEVA OpenSteel is the interface for the PDMS module which allows the user to export and import files using the SDNF format.
AutoCAD Plant3D use the command “SDNFEXPORT” to export SDNF:
Tekla Structures use the Export CAD dialog to export SDNF:
Structure Model in AutoCAD Plant3D:
Use SdnfViewer to view the structure model by SDNF file. The SdnfViewer is under developing, if you have any questions, suggestions, you can send me email, my email address is: