



增强资源管理器:Xplorer v1.3.0.3 + Working Key


xplorer2是2xExplorer的后续版本,xplorer2拥有全新、非常友好的界面,和Windows的资源管理器一模一样的操作,让你不用学习即迅速上手。其特色包括:高效能,功能非常丰富、专业,体积小,易操作。实属Windows资源管 理器的最佳替代品!宣传词,“优秀的多功能、双窗口文件管理器!”。
[] 6 June 2005 -------

* Last active complex visual filter (Alt+H) saved and is available on restart with Ctrl+J
* registry setting "nHoverTimeoutMS" controls delay before hover auto-expansion
of tabs or tree nodes during dragging. In millisecons (1sec == 1000ms)
* new stock column: Streams counts files' ADS (see tip #165)
* Most customized icons are now read properly
* New tips: 9d, 88a, 88b, 93a, 152a, 156a, 162-164, 165
* File | Browse can open multiple selected items (asks confirmation)
* right click to rename a tab (semi-permanent)
* View | Visual filter | Auto-filter filters one particular file type
out of those available in the folder
* % progress display for robust copy & resizable dialog
* fixed bug with MP3 comments
* settings saved properly during windows shutdown
* Raw "encoding" for file text search (FindFiles command too) to search file
raw bytes without interpreting text content in any way (e.g. BOMs or text
filters are ignored). Makes all searches binary & case sensitive.
* Text encoding settings available in find files dialog
* possible to change folder time/date with Actions | change attributes (not for 98)
* Tools | compare subfolders automates the tedium of creating dual-pane flat
scrap windows for comparison/synchronization of folder hierarchies.
* <ctrl+F9> Sync wizard: "Loose name matching" option matches items by name
ignoring their relative position in the folder hierarchy. Useful for dual
scrap windows, but note you can't sync-o-paste the results of such a comparison
* "scenario" combo box in Ctrl+F9 dialog offers easy access to typical
synchronization scenaria
* quickviewer gets extra tab "Normal" showing the exact preview of the focused item
(ActiveX) for word, excel etc documents. "Draft" preview is the traditional
quick mode for text, graphics and media. You can even edit word documents(!)
<Alt+Q> to switch between normal/draft modes
* registry option "rgbActiveBgcol" to set background color of active folder
* "rgbFilterBgcol" registry option changes bg color when a visual filter is
active, hiding some of the items in a folder pane
* new media-related stock columns for detailed view (most for windows XP only)
* all filesystem columns available for selection in scrap windows
(may cause confusion if any non filesystem items are present)
* "autosize columns" added to the context menu of infobars
* new translations: Swedish, Hungarian and Chinese simplified




posted on 2008-01-17 20:00 大龙 阅读(406) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用

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