最近发现CRT控制台程序没有TRACE和内存溢出检查,很郁闷。无聊中翻看MSDN的Memory Management and the Debug Heap篇,发现C的Debug版本用_malloc_dbg代替malloc,而_malloc_dbg者给数据堆加上一个控制头组成链表,方便记录溢出。原话如下:
When you request a memory block, the debug heap manager allocates from the base
heap a
slightly larger block of memory than requested and returns a pointer to
your portion of that block. For example, suppose your application contains the
malloc( 10 )
. In a release build,
malloc would call the base heap allocation routine
requesting an allocation of 10 bytes. In a debug build, however,
would call
_malloc_dbg, which would then call
the base heap allocation routine requesting an allocation of 10 bytes plus
approximately 36 bytes of additional memory. All the resulting memory blocks in
the debug heap are connected in a single linked list,
ordered according to when
they were allocated:
typedef struct _CrtMemBlockHeader
// Pointer to the block allocated just before this one:
struct _CrtMemBlockHeader *pBlockHeaderNext;
// Pointer to the block allocated just after this one:
struct _CrtMemBlockHeader *pBlockHeaderPrev;
char *szFileName; // File name
int nLine; // Line number
size_t nDataSize; // Size of user block
int nBlockUse; // Type of block
long lRequest; // Allocation number
// Buffer just before (lower than) the user's memory:
unsigned char gap[nNoMansLandSize];
} _CrtMemBlockHeader;
/* Memory block identification */
#define _FREE_BLOCK 0
#define _NORMAL_BLOCK 1
#define _CRT_BLOCK 2
#define _IGNORE_BLOCK 3
#define _CLIENT_BLOCK 4
#define _MAX_BLOCKS 5