Over the past decade-and-a-half of teaching introductory computer programming I have noticed increasingly that students have difficulty with solving problems. It is common to see learners read a programming problem description and immediately try to write the programming language source code (usually whilst sitting at a PC typing straight into the editing window of the compiler environment). When they ask for help it is often the case that their difficulty lies not with manipulating the programming language syntax (C, Pascal, Java, or whatever) but in understanding what it is they're trying to solve. In fact, many times they confuse their syntax-handling difficulties with their problem-solving difficulties and blame their frustration on programming itself or on the chosen programming language. Some of them then become so downhearted that they decide they cannot do computer programming and transfer to a course that doesn't require them to study it.
书名是:《How to Think Like a Programmer: Program Design Solutions for the Bewildered》By Paul Vickers。
posted on 2011-10-19 23:03
黄剑父 阅读(1983)
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