Default.png iPhone默认启动图片, 320x480或者320x460
Default@2x.png iPhone4启动图片 640x960或者640x920
1 | Default-Portrait.png iPad专用竖向启动画面 768x1024或者768x1004 |
2 | Default-Landscape.png iPad专用横向启动画面 1024x768或者1024x748 |
3 | Default-PortraitUpsideDown.png iPad专用竖向启动画面(Home按钮在屏幕上面),可省略
4 | Default-LandscapeLeft.png iPad专用横向启动画面(可省略), 1024x768或者1024x748 |
5 | Default-LandscapeRight.png iPad专用横向启动画面(可省略), 1024x768或者1024x748 |
6 | Default.png iPhone默认启动图片,如果没有提供上面几个iPad专用启动图片,则在iPad上运
行时也使用Default.png(不推荐) 320x480或者320x460
7 | Default@2x.png iPhone4启动图片640x960或者640x920 |
1 | UISupportedInterfaceOrientations |
2 | 或 Supported interface orientations |
1 | UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait 或 Portrait (bottom home button) |
2 | UIInterfacOrientationPortraitUpsideDown 或 Portrait (top home button) |
3 | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft 或 Landscape (left home button) |
4 | UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight 或 Landscape (right home button) |
“Command-Option-Shift-K to clean out the build folder. Even better, quit Xcode and clean out~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData manually. Remove all its contents because there's a bug where Xcode will run an old version of your project that's in there somewhere. (Xcode 4.2 will show you the Derived Data folder: choose Window > Organizer and switch to the Projects tab. Click the right-arrow to the right of the Derived Data folder name.)
In the simulator, choose iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.
Finally, for completeness, you can delete the contents of /var/folders; some caching happens there too.”