
苹果的iPhone开发者中心——这是获取iPhone开发资源的主要渠道。开发者可以从此下载游戏开发工具包iPhone SDK(游戏邦注:只针对MAC协议),观看指导教程、纪录片代码资源。——iPhone指导教程。

iTorque——Garage Games推出的开发工具。
Cocos 2D——2D游戏开发框架。
Oolong Engine——服务于3D游戏开发。
ShiVa——Stone Trip推出的iPhone开发工具。
iPhone Game Kit——能够帮助开发者24小时内创建iPhone游戏。
Tap Tap Tap iPhone博客——我还没有深入研究,但似乎是个不错的iPhone博客,值得大家标记书签。
iPhone施压任天堂掌机霸主地位——Oberon Media公司对于App Store潜力无限期待。
99美分App Store的困境——我们无法确定App Store是否真的陷如困境,但我们从中能够整体把握商店所售商品(游戏邦注:其中游戏23%,娱乐应用11%,实用工具10%)

The Top iPhone Game Development Resources For Beginners
This post is for myself. I wanted to get some information about how to do iPhone games and what resources I should read to get familiar with this stuff. After digging a long hole in the Internet I found some gold – so to speak.
Of course after finding this stuff for myself, I also made it available to you guys. In fact, you can also participate and share your own iPhone findings.
Here’s the list of resources you gotta check out if you want to know more about iPhone game development:
iPhone – if you don’t know what iPhone is, check this. Or your eye sight. It’s like something you must have heard about. (I’m trying to be funny here)
Apple’s iPhone developer center – the main resource to gain information about iPhone development. Here you can download the iPhone SDK for development (Mac only) and see tutorials, documentary, code reference and so on. (See also iPhone Developer Program) – iPhone tutorials (thanks Chris)
iPhone development tools:
Unity offers an iPhone development solution.
iTorque is a development tool by Garage Games.
Cocos 2D – framework for building 2D game (thanks Totty)
Oolong Engine – for 3D games (thanks shadhex)
ShiVa – iPhone development tool by Stone Trip (thanks Daniel)
iPhone Game Kit – “make your iPhone game in 24 hours” (thanks Nicolás)
iPhone blogs:
Tap Tap Tap iPhone blog – Haven’t checked it much, but seemed like a decent iPhone blog (with some sales numbers too) that might be worth bookmarking.
Shadhex blog, “mainly about iPhone programming”. It’s a new site but we’ll see if it grows larger
iPhone news, sites and nice (plus some not so nice) stories:
“iPhone will put pressure on Nintendo’s handheld dominance”‘ – Oberon Media is excited about the App Store opportunities.
Trouble in the 99 cent App Store – Not sure if it’s trouble, but you can get a pretty good picture about what they sell in app store (mainly Games 23%, Entertainment, 11%, Utilities 10%…)
iPhone Developers Go From Rags to Riches – Really cool & motivating story about an indie who made it big in iPhone development.
Coder’s Half-Million-Dollar Baby Proves iPhone Gold Rush Is Still On – Another great story about the game iShoot
A conversation with an iPhone pirate. A funny/sad/hilarious/provocative/stupid (depends about your point-of-view) about iPhone pirates. I gotta give credit for the pirate to answer openly to those questions.
List of sites to get your app noticed (thanks Nikita) – iPhone store (thanks for the tip shadhex).
And here’s much more:
Ari’s big list of iPhone resource (very good one, thanks for sharing)
That’s it folks.(Source:gameproducer)