Kisser Leon

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Win32 Thread API学习

Posted on 2007-03-18 17:40 kk 阅读(2782) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: IT

第一个 API :创建一个线程


The CreateThread function creates a thread to execute within the address space of the calling process.

HANDLE CreateThread(

    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,                // pointer to thread security attributes 

    DWORD dwStackSize,                // initial thread stack size, in bytes

    LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress,  // pointer to thread function

    LPVOID lpParameter,// argument for new thread

    DWORD dwCreationFlags,        // creation flags

    LPDWORD lpThreadId                // pointer to returned thread identifier


Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the new thread.

If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call etLastError.

Example1: 创建一个线程

#include <windows.h>




       return 0;



main ()


       HANDLE hThread;

       hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, threadFunc, NULL, 0, NULL );

       return 0;



上面这段代码有一个小问题,那就是 threadFunc 有可能不会被执行到就结束了!要保证 threadFunc 肯定被执行(也就是等线程退出),在 CreateThread 后加一行代码:

                WaitForMultipleObjects (1, &hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);

API :等待线程返回


The WaitForMultipleObjects function returns when one of the following occurs:

Either any one or all of the specified objects are in the signaled state.

The time-out interval elapses.

DWORD WaitForMultipleObjects(

    DWORD nCount,          // number of handles in the object handle array

    CONST HANDLE *lpHandles,   // pointer to the object-handle array

    BOOL bWaitAll,             // wait flag

    DWORD dwMilliseconds           // time-out interval in milliseconds


If dwMilliseconds is INFINITE, the function's time-out interval never elapses.

Example2: 四个线程一起运行

#include <Windows.h>

#include <stdio.h>

const int numThreads = 4;




       int *p = (int *)pArg;

       int num = *p;

       printf("threadFunc...%d...\n", num);

       return 0;



int main()


       HANDLE hThread[numThreads];

       int threadNum[numThreads];

       for(inti=0; i<numThreads; i++)


              threadNum[i] = i;

              hThread[i] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, threadFunc, &threadNum[i], 0, NULL);



       WaitForMultipleObjects(numThreads, hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);

       return 0;


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