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     摘要: 1.How important a plan is for a project development.
2.How to communicate with your team members in a more effective way.
3.How to solve unexpected situations.
4.The importance of unification.
5.The importance of doing what you should do.
6.The importance of designing before programming.
7.The importance of management.
8.The importance of thinking what your teammates think.  阅读全文

posted @ 2006-11-16 17:03 Jaunt 阅读(888) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |

     摘要: 普遍来说,中国人缺乏匠人的气质。“匠人”这个词在中国几乎是一个贬义词。例如说:“xx不过只是一个匠人”。但是其实国内的软件行业正是缺乏一大批对于自己的工作精益求精的软件工匠,这才是国内软件行业的主要问题所在。  阅读全文

posted @ 2006-11-16 16:57 Jaunt 阅读(149) | 评论 (0)  编辑 |