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Personal Information

Name:                                navychen 陈海军

Gender:                             Male

Date of Birth:                            1977-08-04

Nationality                          CHN citizen

Current Working Place:      Beijing

Email:                                 navychen2003@hotmail.com

Mobile Phone:                  

Telephone (Home):    



Talented and passionate software developer and 7 years of industry experience, result-oriented and having expertise in:

·         Deep understanding of the C++ language, ability to design and develop complex software in C++. Regular C++ technical article writer.

·         Working experience on over 5 C/C++ and Java projects.

·         Author of several articles on C++/Java/C# language and framework, pay close attention to .Net platform (VC and C#).

·         Acadamic and practical understanding of TCP/IP, protocol programming experiences.

·         Rich experiences in on-site working, solving urgent problems, system architecture, project management and team leadership.

·         Proficient read and written communication skills.




1995/09--1999/07:       Beijing Jiaotong University

Major in Machinery Automation Control



2003             Informix and Oracle Training

2005             6 Active Ways for Manager, UML Training, Manager Training


IT Skills

·       Solid background and practice on computer science with deep understanding

·       Working experience on Object-Oriented analysis and design, generic programming;

·       Proficient skills and deep understandings in C++

·       Familiar with Java; pay close attention to C# and .Net platform

·       Working experience on Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD


Working Experience

Period: 2008.1 –present

Company: independent(Project Collaboration)

Title: Technical Leader and Design

Job Responsibilities:

Design a system in my mind during long time, and work with friends to finish some projects.


Project introduction:

2008/1-2008/10:                 hawk search engine platform

Software environment:        java, linux and windows

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                lucene, nutch, hadoop, java

Project information:             a general search engine platform for medium and small-sized company or end users to implement local-site search or local-document search projects. It’s implemented by java, and absorb lucene and hadoop technology, and improved the index/segment structure and task process system to store several millions of documents in one pc server, it also has a new Chinese tokenizer to break Chinese sentence into good terms, such as sentence structure analysis(in developing).in long term, hawk search platform can connect with others in order to integrate to a large scale of search system with many small hawk system based on pc machines.more information please visit http://javenstudio.org.


Project introduction:

2008/4-2008/10:                 projects based on hawk search

Software environment:        java, linux and windows

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                lucene, nutch, hadoop, java, c/c++

Project information:             use hawk to build a dictionary full-text search and a develop document search application. Collaborated with friends to finish a email search system and email text analysis projects to let end-users can search and manage his self email quickly and easily.


2005.12 –2008.01

China Yahoo

Title: Senior Software Engineer and Team Leader

Job Responsibilities:

According to web search project’s requirements, improve the search relevance of related projects, support and design solution of customizable search project, focus on search engine research and development, coding C++ and java program. Lead a team of 7 members and a virtual team of 6 members.


Project introduction:


2007/9-2007/12:                 question-answer search (first version)

Software environment:        FreeBSD, perl/Java/C++, Php

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                Lucene Search Engine and Hadoop

Project information:             analyse and extract question-answer text and related infomations from 10 millions web pages. Analyse user query to search these question-answer text and match more exact answer.

Responsibilities:                  According to product manage’s requirements, lead 4 engineers to implement a question-answer search system from the whole web pages


2007/5-2007/6:                   net dictionary

Software environment:        FreeBSD, perl/Java/C++, Php

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                Vespa Search Engine

Project information:             Customization of net dictionary search solution, mining data from 10 millions web pages

Responsibilities:                  According to product manage’s requirements, implement a net dictionary system from the whole web pages


2007/2-2007/5:                   Vespa Multi-index Research and Transformation

Software environment:        FreeBSD, Vespa Search Engine

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                C++, Word segmentation and YWS

Project information:             Test the affect of multi-index to search engine, try to find a way to improve search engine’s relevance, recall or performance..

Responsibilities:                  Reading the source code of Vespa search engine, focus on indexing module, and design a solution to.feed multiple segments of phrase into Vespa Index structures, also design a evaluation method to check the affect to relevance and performance.


2006/10-2007/1:                 china hadoop virtual team and application projects

Software environment:        Linux, Java, Hadoop

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                Distribution file system, Distribution computing, Map/Reduce Computing Model

Project information:             build a virtual team with 6 members and collaboration with US hadoop team, design some applications of current projects, and also join the JIRA to fix bugs of hadoop.

Responsibilities:                  Lead the virtual team and to build a stable cluster and implement some applications on it, such as co-occurrence calculation from query logs for spelling-check project, corpus analyze from web pages for YWS project, user statistics from user db, SDS log process project, Minerva project and so on. In the last 2 months, join the JIRA to fix several bugs of Hadoop DFS system and build two larger cluster..


2006/6-2006/12:                 Spelling-check project, release first version to v 3.2

Software environment:        FreeBSD, C++, Php/extension, Java

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                C++, Php extension

Project information:             According to the requirement of local product and algorithm of TW spelling project, design and develop a new spellingcheck product with pingyin recommendation function, and higher precision than before.

Responsibilities:                  Lead and bring up 2 graduates to finish this project. According to product manage’s requirements, implement a new spellingcheck and pingyin recommendation system, released version 2.0 to 3.2. Analyzed many query logs of web search and reviewed many kinds of phrase for building dictionary, improved the precision of recommendation to exceed competitor. And developed manage tools with good user experience for surfer.


2005/12-2006/12:               related-search project, release first version to v 4.0

Software environment:        FreeBSD, C++, Php/extension, perl, Vespa

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                C++, Php extension

Project information:             According to the new requirement of local product and  the deficiency of current system, design a new related-search product, collaborate with several engineers from Yahoo CN, US and TW.

Responsibilities:                  First manage this project and coordinate the collaboration of 5 engineer from CN/US/TW, design the first version’s architecture and implement the query analyze and results re-rank module. At the next versions, lead and bring up 2 graduates to finish this project. Improved many qualities on relevance, performance, headword recognition, adult filter, etc.


Reason for Leaving: Because without project, the company disintegrates, want to participate in collaboration of world-class software development, and the long-term development of individual.


Period: 1999.7 – 2005.10

Company: NET263, Inc.

Title: Expert Software Engineer, engineer manager(2004/2-2005/10)

Job Responsibilities:

Manager of Foundation Dept. of Mail R&D Center & Architect of Xmail

lead a group 10- engineers, direct and train other staff, distribute the tasks. Plan, design, and develop the foundation modules of Xmail, that include MSS, UD, MTA, POPSVR and MDA. Investigate, test, and implement improve-ments to existing procedures.

Analyze and design the architecture of Xmail system, or supervises the project of mail R&D center. Develop and implement the xmail common library for all the application based on Xmail platform.

Reason for Leaving: Because without project, the company disintegrates,


Project introduction:

2005/01-2005/05:               Xmail platform service

Software environment:        Linux, Solaris, C++

Hardware environment:       PC Server and Sparc Server

Used techniques:                C++, TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3

Project information:             new service of Xmail platform

Responsibilities:                  Lead 5 engineers and design the new platform system


2002/12-2004/02:               Xmail storage system and library

Software environment:        Solaris

Hardware environment:       Sparc Server

Used techniques:                C/C++, TCP/IP, pthread, Mime

Project information:             Xmail storage system and library

Responsibilities:                  Develop and implement the core system of Xmail, like MSS(Mail Storage System), MDA(Mail Deliver System), POPSVR(POP3 Server), and Xmail apllication library. In every bigness refactoring and repair of graveness malfunction, there is few times failed and few customer complained. And these systems     have run very stably in the recent years.


2001/10-2002/12:               mail-charge system

Software environment:        Linux

Hardware environment:       PC  Server

Used techniques:                C/C++, Java, oracle

Project information:             mail-charge system

Responsibilities:                  From Dec, 2001 to Oct, 2002, Led and designed the mail-charge system of Xmail with Java language, designed and implemented a MVC framework like Struct for good cooperation.


2000/08-2001/10:               shopping system

Software environment:        Windows 2000

Hardware environment:       PC Server

Used techniques:                C/C++, COM, asp, sql server

Project information:             263 shopping product

Responsibilities:                  In a two month of 2001, Led and developed a shopping system with ASP language and SQL server, and implemented a shopping cart COM module by Delphi. This system is also used now and need few maintenance



posted on 2005-10-24 14:25 Javen-Studio 阅读(654) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用