nstream |
(link) |
8‑31‑2010 |
C++ |
An stream class that sends and receives data over a network. |
Snake |
(link) |
8‑31‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the game Snake with a rudimentary AI. |
Mergesort |
(link) |
9‑14‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the mergesort algorithm. |
Next Permutation |
(link) |
10‑6‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the next_permutation STL algorithm. |
Interval Heap |
(link) |
10‑17‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a double-ended priority queue using an interval heap. |
Linear-Time Selection |
(link) |
10‑18‑2010 |
C++ |
A deterministic, linear-time selection algorithm using the median-of-medians algorithm. |
Heapsort |
(link) |
10‑18‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the heapsort algorithm. |
Union-Find |
(link) |
10‑19‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a disjoint-set data structure using a disjoint set forest. |
Radix Sort |
(link) |
10‑19‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the radix sort algorithm. |
Rational |
(link) |
10‑23‑2010 |
C++ |
A data structure representing a rational number. |
(link) |
10‑23‑2010 |
Haskell |
An implementation of the DPLL algorithm for solving CNF-SAT. |
Smoothsort |
(link) |
10‑27‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the smoothsort algorithm, an adaptive heapsort variant. |
Extendible Array |
(link) |
10‑28‑2010 |
Java |
A dynamic array class with O(1) worst-case runtime lookup and append. |
In-Place Merge |
(link) |
10‑29‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a merge algorithm that runs in-place. |
Random Shuffle |
(link) |
10‑29‑2010 |
C++ |
An algorithm for generating a random permutation of a set of elements. |
Random Sample |
(link) |
10‑29‑2010 |
C++ |
An O(n) time, O(1) space algorithm for randomly choosing k elements out of a stream with uniform probability. |
Natural Mergesort |
(link) |
10‑30‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of natural mergesort, an adaptive variant of mergesort. |
Interpolation Search |
(link) |
10‑31‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the interpolation search algorithm. |
Introsort |
(link) |
10‑31‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the introsort algorithm, a fast hybrid of quicksort, heapsort, andinsertion sort. |
Hashed Array Tree |
(link) |
11‑3‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a dynamic array backed by a hashed array tree. |
Recurrence Solver |
(link) |
11‑13‑2010 |
C++ |
A fast algorithm for generating terms of a sequence defined by a linear recurrence relation. |
Fibonacci Heap |
(link) |
11‑15‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a priority queue backed by a Fibonacci heap. |
Dijkstra’s Algorithm |
(link) |
11‑16‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Dijkstra’s algorithm for single-source shortest paths. |
Prim’s Algorithm |
(link) |
11‑17‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Prim’s algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees. |
Kruskal’s Algorithm |
(link) |
11‑17‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Kruskal’s algorithm for computing minimum spanning trees. |
Majority Element |
(link) |
11‑17‑2010 |
C++ |
A fast, linear-time algorithm for finding the majority element of a data set. |
Haar Transform |
(link) |
11‑17‑2010 |
C++ |
A set of functions to decompose a sequence of values into a sum of Haar wavelets. |
Argmax |
(link) |
11‑19‑2010 |
C++ |
A pair of functions to compute the arg min or max of a function on some range. |
Derivative |
(link) |
11‑19‑2010 |
C++ |
A function object that approximates the derivative of a function. |
Levenshtein Distance |
(link) |
11‑19‑2010 |
C++ |
An algorithm for computing the Levenshtein distance between two sequences. |
Skiplist |
(link) |
11‑20‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a skip list, a randomized data structure for maintaining a sorted collection. |
van Emde Boas Tree |
(link) |
11‑26‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a sorted associative array backed by a van Emde Boas tree. |
Cuckoo HashMap |
(link) |
11‑27‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a hash table using cuckoo hashing. |
Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm |
(link) |
11‑28‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for optimal string alignment. |
Treap |
(link) |
11‑28‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a sorted associative array backed by a treap. |
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑10‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths in a graph. |
Power Iteration |
(link) |
12‑10‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the power iteration algorithm for finding dominant eigenvectors. |
Edmonds’s Matching Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑15‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Edmonds’s matching algorithm for finding maximum matchings in undirected graphs. |
Kosaraju’s Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑15‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Kosaraju’s algorithm algorithm for finding strongly connected components of a directed graph. |
2-SAT |
(link) |
12‑15‑2010 |
Java |
A linear-time algorithm for solving 2-SAT. |
Bellman-Ford Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑17‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm for single-source shortest paths. |
Topological Sort |
(link) |
12‑17‑2010 |
Java |
An algorithm for computing a topological sort of a directed acyclic graph. |
Graham Scan |
(link) |
12‑19‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the Graham scan for finding convex hulls in 2D space. |
Bipartite Testing |
(link) |
12‑19‑2010 |
Java |
A linear-time algorithm for checking whether a directed graph is bipartite. |
Johnson’s Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑19‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of Johnson’s algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths. |
Strassen Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑20‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of the Strassen algorithm for fast matrix multiplication. |
Cartesian Tree Sort |
(link) |
12‑21‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of Cartesian tree sort, an adaptive, out-of-place heapsort variant. |
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm |
(link) |
12‑21‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson maximum-flow algorithm. |
Scaling Ford-Fulkerson |
(link) |
12‑22‑2010 |
Java |
An modification of the Ford-Fulkerson maximum-flow algorithm that uses scaling to achieve polynomial time.. |
Splay Tree |
(link) |
12‑27‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a sorted associative array backed by a splay tree. |
Ternary Search Tree |
(link) |
12‑28‑2010 |
C++ |
An implementation of a sorted set of strings backed by a ternary search tree. |
Ring Buffer |
(link) |
12‑30‑2010 |
Java |
An implementation of a FIFO queue using a ring buffer. |
AVL Tree |
(link) |
12‑30‑2010 |
C++ |
A sorted associative container backed by an AVL tree. |
Rabin-Karp Algorithm |
(link) |
1‑1‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of the Rabin-Karp algorithm for string matching. |
RPN Evaluator |
(link) |
1‑18‑2011 |
C++ / strain |
A library to tokenize and evaluate simple arithmetic expressions in reverse Polish notation. |
Shunting-Yard Algorithm |
(link) |
1‑18‑2011 |
C++ / strain |
An implementation of Dijkstra’s shunting-yard algorithm for converting infix expressions to reverse-Polish notation. |
Skew Binomial Heap |
(link) |
1‑20‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of a priority queue backed by a skew binomial heap. |
2/3 Heap |
(link) |
3‑1‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of a priority queue whose branching factor alternates at different levels to maximize performance. |
Zeckendorf Logarithm |
(link) |
3‑10‑2011 |
C++ |
An algorithm based on Zeckendorf representations that efficiently computes logarithms. |
Factoradic Permutations |
(link) |
3‑17‑2011 |
C++ |
A set of algorithms for generating permutations using the factoradic number system. |
Binary Cyclic Subsets |
(link) |
3‑20‑2011 |
C++ |
A set of algorithms for generating subsets in lexicographical order using binary numbers and cyclic shifts. |
Fibonacci Iterator |
(link) |
3‑22‑2011 |
C++ |
An STL-style iterator for iterating over the Fibonacci numbers. |
Fibonacci Search |
(link) |
3‑22‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of the Fibonacci search algorithm. |
Euclid’s Algorithm |
(link) |
4‑18‑2011 |
Haskell |
An implementation of Euclid’s algorithm and applications to continued fractions and the extended Euclidean algorithm. |
Find Duplicate |
(link) |
4‑18‑2011 |
Python |
An algorithm to find a repeated element in an array using Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm. |
Permutation Generator |
(link) |
4‑19‑2011 |
Python |
A generator for producing all permutations of a list of elements. |
Matrix Find |
(link) |
4‑19‑2011 |
Python |
A solution to the classic interview question of searching a sorted matrix for a particular value. |
Binary GCD |
(link) |
4‑23‑2011 |
Scheme |
An implementation of the binary GCD algorithm for computing greatest common divisors of nonnegative integers. |
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm |
(link) |
5‑3‑2011 |
Python |
An implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm for fast string matching. |
Kadane’s Algorithm |
(link) |
5‑7‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of Kadane’s algorithm for solving the maximum-weight subarray problem. |
Karatsuba’s Algorithm |
(link) |
8‑15‑2011 |
Python |
An implementation of Karatsuba’s algorithm for fast integer multiplication. |
Min-Stack |
(link) |
8‑15‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of a LIFO stack that supports O(1) push, pop, and find-minimum. |
Random Bag |
(link) |
8‑15‑2011 |
Python |
A data structure that supports insertion and removal of a uniformly-random element. |
Min-Queue |
(link) |
8‑15‑2011 |
C++ |
An implementation of a FIFO queue that supports O(1) push, pop, and find-minimum. |
Lights-Out Solver |
(link) |
8‑29‑2011 |
C++ |
A solver for the game Lights Out using Gaussian elimination over GF(2). |
Maximum Single-Sell Profit |
(link) |
11‑9‑2011 |
Python |
Four algorithms for the maximum single-sell profit problem, each showing off a different algorithmic technique. |
Generalized Kadane’s Algorithm |
(link) |
11‑10‑2011 |
C++ |
A generalization of Kadane’s algorithm for solving the maximum subarray problem subject to a length restriction. |
Longest Range |
(link) |
11‑19‑2011 |
Java |
An algorithm for solving the longest contiguous range problem. |
Egyptian Fractions |
(link) |
11‑20‑2011 |
Python |
An implementation of the greedy algorithm for finding Egyptian fractions. |
LL(1) Parser Generator |
(link) |
11‑21‑2011 |
Java |
An LL(1) parser generator. |
LR(0) Parser Generator |
(link) |
11‑23‑2011 |
Java |
An LR(0) parser generator. |
Word Ladders |
(link) |
11‑27‑2011 |
JavaScript |
A program for finding word ladders between two words. |