# Multiple Event BeginPlay
(金庆的专栏 2021.7)
How to do multiple actions on Event BeginPlay in UE4 Blueprints?
Sams-Teach-Yourself-Unreal-Engine-4-Game-Development-in-24-Hours says:
Q. When I try to add a second event node, BeginPlay, the Editor shows me the first one already
placed in the Event Graph. Why does this happen?
A. Some events, such as Event Tick and the BeginPlay event, can have only one instance per
The Sequence node allows for a single execution pulse to trigger a series of events in order. The node may have any number of outputs, all of which get called as soon as the Sequence node receives an input. They will always get called in order, but without any delay. To a typical user, the outputs will likely appear to have been triggered simultaneously.
Youtube video: [How to do Multiple Actions on Event Begin Play Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqG-ztbs230)