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DeathVoteExpirationTimeout in Orleans

(Jin Qing's Column, Dec., 2021)

Try to find out why Orleans need a DeathVoteExpirationTimeout config.


DeathVoteExpirationTimeout - Expiration time in seconds for death vote in the membership table. Default is 120 seconds

DeathVoteExpirationTimeout is only used by GetFreshVotes(), which has 3 occurence:

    class ClusterHealthMonitor
        private UpdateMonitoredSilos(...)
            bool isSuspected = candidateEntry.GetFreshVotes(now, DeathVoteExpirationTimeout).Count > 0;
    class LocalSiloHealthMonitor
        private int CheckSuspectingNodes(DateTime now, List<string> complaints)
            var freshVotes = membershipEntry.GetFreshVotes(now, DeathVoteExpirationTimeout);
    class MembershipTableManager
        public TryToSuspectOrKill(SiloAddress silo)
            // get all valid (non-expired) votes
            var freshVotes = entry.GetFreshVotes(DateTime.UtcNow, DeathVoteExpirationTimeout);

GetFreshVotes() uses this expiration time to ignore old voter:

        internal GetFreshVotes(DateTime now, TimeSpan expiration)
            foreach (var voter in this.SuspectTimes)
                var otherVoterTime = voter.Item2;
                if (now.Subtract(otherVoterTime) < expiration)
            return result.ToImmutable();
posted on 2021-12-08 09:43 金庆 阅读(203) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: 9. 其它

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