How are dtLinks created in NavMesh
(Jin Qing's Column, Nov., 2022)
defines a link between 2 polygons.
It is an internal data structure.
A dtLink
is owned by its source polygon.
How link is used
The links are used in findPath()
, to search
all the neighbor polygons, from the current best polygon.
fields of dtLink
has 2 required fields:
- neighbor: the neighbor polygon reference that is linked to.
- edge: index of the polygon edge that owns this link.
It is used in getPortalPoints() and raycast().
If the link is a boundary link, which links to other tile, then it has more fields:
- side: defines on which side the link is. 8 sides.
It is used in findPath() and raycast().
- bmin: defines the minimum sub-edge area.
- bmax: defines the maximum sub-edge area.
bmin and bmax are used in portal finding.
How are links created
Links are not saved to navmesh file. They are created on navmesh loading in addTile()
add a tile to the navmesh. A tile is a square block of the map.
The main job of dtNavMesh::addTile()
is to create links inside this tile and between this tile and other tiles.
Actually a block indexed by (x, y) of constant size has many layers for multi-floor map.
A dtMeshTile
is actually a layer with an index of (x, y, layer).
5 steps to create all links:
1. Connect internal links
iterates all the polygons in the tile and create links for them
by the help of neighbors information of the polygons.
2. Base off-mesh connections
bases off-mesh connections to their starting polygons and connect connections inside the tile.
Off-mesh connection is between 2 points which are inside a tile or between 2 adjacent tiles.
For each off-mesh connection, there creates a specific polygon consisting of 2 vertices.
creates 2 links for each off-mesh connection:
- From the off-mesh connection polygon to the source polygon
- From the source polygon to the off-mesh connection polygon
The destinaton polygon of the off-mesh connection is skipped here.
3. Connect external off-mesn links within this tile
with the source and target tile be this tile.
searches off-mesh connections that are from this tile to the target tile
by checking the side direction of the connection.
It creates a link from off-mesh connection polygon to the target tile.
For bidirectional connection, it also creates a link from the target polygon to the off-mesh connection polygon.
So for each off-mesh connection of this tile, 3 or 4 links are created by baseOffMeshLinks() and connectExtOffMeshLinks(),
one on the source polygon, one on the destination polygon and 1/2 on the off-mesh connection polygon.
4. Connect with layers in current tile
For each layer other than this layer in this tile:
- Create links from this layer to other layer
- Create links from other layer to this layer
- Create links of the off-mesh connection from this layer to other layer
- Create links of the off-mesh connection from other layer to this layer
5. Connect with neighbour tiles
Check 9 neighbor tiles' layers, and create links just like previous step:
- Create links from this layer to neighnor layer
- Create links from neighnor layer to this layer
- Create links of the off-mesh connection from this layer to neighnor layer
- Create links of the off-mesh connection from neighnor layer to this layer
By now, for every off-mesh connection of all the loaded tiles, 3/4 links are created.