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Base Applications 基本应用程序

     The Photon Server SDK includes several applications that should provide a good starting point for your own development. What each SDK does and for which game-style it might be a useful basis is described below. 


     The Lite Application is probably the most often referenced application. It implements the basic framework for room based games in which players gets together to play a match in a small group. Each room reflects a game and is identified by its name. Anyone connected can join and leave without restriction. Inside a room any client can raise events to send data across to the others. Properties can be set for rooms and actors to keep certain values available for everyone joining.
     Lite 是一个最常引用的应用,它实现了一个多玩家一起竞赛的房间游戏的基本框架,通过名称确定每个房间,一个房间就是一个游戏,任何人都可以不受限制的加入或离开,在房间内任何客户端都可以触发事件去发送数据给别人,可以为房间和玩家设置属性来确保进入的玩家有准确可用的值
     Games, which don’t need an authoritative server, can be built on top of Lite without modifications.
     This application can easily be extended with server-side logic per room. Matchmaking could group players in rooms, depending on your game’s requirements.

Read more: Lite Concepts

   Lite Lobby

     The Lite Lobby Application is an example of how to build on top of Lite and extend its functionality. Lite Lobby adds new types of rooms: Lobbies. These won’t send join/leave events but list currently used room names. The player (or client code) can easily chose from running games. The count of users in a room is provided additionally.
     Lite Lobby是一个在Lite之上建立并扩展功能的例子,它添加了新的房间类型:大厅。这里不会发送加入或离开事件,只是当前可用的房间名称列表。玩家可以很容易的选择正在进行的游戏,房间中玩家的数量是可供增加的
     This application adds “manual matchmaking” to Lite and could also be a basis for your game.
Read more: Lite Lobby Concepts
     The MMO Demo Application is a good solution for games where all players share a large world. It provides interest management and the most common base classes for items, actors, properties, and more.
     Games with a shared world contain more game-specific logic on the server side typically, so this application should be understood as a sound starting point.

Read more: MMO


     The Policy Application runs on Photon to send the crossdomain.xml to web player platforms (e.g. Unity Web Player). Flash and Silverlight request an authorization before they contact a server.
     Policy应用运行在Photon上用于发送crossdomain.xml到web player平台。Flash 和 Silverlight在连接一个服务器之前需要请求一个授权
     It has its own page in the DevNet: Policy Application

   Counter Publisher

     This application reads and forwards local PerfMon counters of Photon Core to the Dashboard. It does not interfere with other applications, and clients should not connect to it.

Basic Concepts 基本概念

     The following article will show you the important basic concepts for Photon.

     Applications 应用程序

     An Application is the server side logic for a game. All features of a game (e.g. remote procedure calls, data storing, etc.) are implemented in a Photon application. The C# source is compiled and the resulting assemblies are loaded by Photons native core. To setup applications and to define start parameters the Photon Core uses configuration files.
     一个应用既是一个服务端的游戏逻辑,一个游戏的所有特征是在Photon应用中被实现的。由C#编写的源码被编译成程序集并加载到Photons native core。部署应用并且在Photon配置文件中定义参数。
     Usually, all logics of a game are provided in a single application. Photon is still able to run several applications at the same time. Each application can have a different task. For example, a separate application can be made to send out policy files for web-based clients. By running a separate Policy Application next to your game logic you can add functionality.
     通常,一个游戏的所有逻辑是由一个应用程序提供的,Photon 是可以同时运行多个应用程序,每个应用程序可以有不同的任务。比如,一个独立的应用程序可以被用于为基于Web的客户端发送policy文件,通过运行一个独立的Policy应用程序为你的游戏逻辑添加功能
     A client chooses the application it wants to use by simply providing the application’s name on connect.

     Game Logic 游戏逻辑

     The game logic defines how a client can interact with the server. It implements operations, events, and anything that the server does by itself.
     A good basis for room based games is provided as “Lite” Application , found in the SDK folder src-server/Lite. It does not know (your) game’s logic (yet), but provides rooms where players can communicate and interact easily. The application “Lite Lobby” extends Lite with lists of rooms if you want your users to select a room manually.
     Lite是一个很好的基于房间的游戏基础应用,src-server/Lite中可以找到它,它不知道你的游戏逻辑,但是提供了房间,玩家可以轻松的进行交流与互动。Lite Lobby扩展了Lite,提供了房间列表,以便于用户可以手动选择房间
     If your game is going to be a single, huge world, the MMO Demo Application is a good basis for it. This application handles interest management for your clients and provides classes for items, properties, actors and more.
     Alternatively any game logic can be developed directly on top of the C# framework. The entry point for this is the application class, defined in the Photon.Socketserver.dll.
     或者任何游戏的逻辑都可以在C# framework之上进行开发,这程序的入口必须定义在Photon.Socketserver.dll

     Operations 操作

     An operation is Photon’s equivalent to a remote procedure call. Photon clients use operation calls for anything they want to get done.
     Operations and all of their parameters are defined in the server-side application as needed. Clients can call any operation by setting up a hashtable with keys and values fitting the operation’s conventions. The client and server frameworks take care of serialization, transfer and deserialization.
     操作和属性是被定义在服务端的应用程序中的。客户端可以调用任意操作,只要通过设置一个hashtable 的键和值来制定该操作的合约即可,客户端和服务端的frameworks负责序列化、传递和反序列化
     Each operation can also provide a result. This is one way to provide a client with requested data. Of course the result can be skipped, which saves bandwidth.
     Operation calls and results are a thing between one client and the server. The other clients won’t know about these.

     Events 事件

     Photon Events are messages for clients. Each event is typed by a byte code and carries game updates. The Lite Application defines several events but it’s possible to define custom events purely on the client side.
     Unlike operation results, a received event is most likely caused another client’s operation call. This means: Events might arrive anytime. Lite sends events when someone joins or leaves a room.
     The Operation RaiseEvent (in Lite) makes events truly universal: Any client can create new events by putting together a hashtable with the data and applying a code on sending it. Game data can be sent without any need to change the server.
     Of course, for more elaborate server side reaction to events, custom operations can be defined which check event data, compile it or create other events.

     Connections and Timeouts 连接与超时

     Unlike plain UDP, Photon’s reliable UDP protocol establishes a connection between server and clients: Commands within a UDP package have sequence numbers and a flag if they are reliable. If so, the receiving end has to acknowledge the command. Reliable commands are repeated in short intervals until an acknowledgement arrives. If it does not arrive, the connection is timed out.
     Both sides monitor this connection independently from their perspective. Both sides have their rules to decide if the other is still available.
     If a timeouts is detected, a disconnect happens on that side of the connection. As we think the other side does not respond anymore, no message is sent to it. This is why timeout disconnects are one sided and not synchronous.

Product Overview 产品概述

     On the client-side, Photon supports various platforms. Even though programming in C, C# and Flash is very different, the basic workflow stays similar. In this online documentation we try to explain the concepts and background, while language specifics are left to the reference documentation per platform.
     Each Photon Client SDK comes with a fitting reference documentation for its platform and language.

     Project Setup 项目设置

     You need to include a single library to communicate with Photon on the client-side. This is a different setup per platform.
     在客户端你需要包含一个独立的library ,每个平台的设置是不同的。
  • DotNet
     Add a reference to the PhotonDotNet.dll in your DotNet project to make its classes known. Import the lib’s namespace with: using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
     在项目中引用PhotonDotNet.dll,引用命名空间using ExitGames.Client.Photon
  • Unity3d
     You need to import the PhotonUnity3D.dll into your project in Unity. Simply open a Unity project/scene, open an explorer and drag and drop the .dll from <sdk>\libs\debug\ into the editor. Again, import the lib’s namespace with: using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
     你需要导入PhotonUnity3D.dll到项目中,打开Unity 的project/scene,打开资源管理器从<sdk>\libs\debug\ 拖放PhotonUnity3D.dll到editor,导入命名空间using ExitGames.Client.Photon;

     Workflow 工作流

     The simplified lifecycle for any multiplayer game looks like this:
  • Connect to server
  • Make RPC calls
  • Receive something
  • Disconnect
     Pretty simple. Let’s have a look at each step, assuming you use C# and the Lite Application .
  • Connect to server 连接服务器
     Actually, you do a little more than just connect in this step. In short:
  • Implement the interface IPhotonPeerListener in one of your classes
  • Create a LitePeer instance with your server’s address
          创建LitePeer 实例和你服务器的地址
  • In your game loop, call Service about 10 times a second
  • Now call Connect to establish the connection. The application name should match one in the PhotonServer.config
  • Your implementation if PeerStatusCallback is called when the connection is ready or failed
  • The returned status be StatusCode.Connect
     The peer instance provides you with some methods to talk to Photon. It does not have its own thread. It updates when you call Service instead. This will keep the connection alive
     peer 实例提供了一些方法去访问Photon,它没有自己的线程,当你调用服务时它进行更新,并保持着连接
     We assume that Photon is running the “Lite” Application, which it does by default.
  • Make RPC calls RPC调用
     After connecting, the client can call methods in the Lite Application just about anytime it needs to. The methods available as “remote procedure call” are called operations.
     Operation calls are asynchronous and won’t block your game. They are queued internally until you intently send something by calling SendOutgoingCommands. There will be a short delay until the result is received. These results are defined per operation and are not used at all sometimes.
  • Call OpJoin with any room name to get into a game
          调用OpJoin 可以加入游戏
  • Wait for the callback: OperationResult with opCode: LiteOpCode.Join
          等待回调带有 opCodeLiteOpCode.Join 的 OperationResult 
  • Send any hashtable with content by calling OpRaiseEvent. Other players in the room will receive events.
          通过调用OpRaiseEvent发送带有内容的hashtable ,其他这个房间的玩家也将收到相关的事件信息。
     Joining a room and raising events in it is provided (server side) by the Lite Application logic we use in this sample. You can use other applications and implement your own operations.
  • Receive something 接收数据
     In the previous step you already received an operation result. We differentiate those from other incoming messages, so called events. Lite will forward the event you raised to others in a room.
     Receiving events will call IPhotonPeerListener.EventAction. The evCode will match the one you used in OpRaiseEvent
     调用IPhotonPeerListener.EventAction接收事件,evCode 将与你使用的OpRaiseEvent进行匹配
     The client library will internally queue received packages, so your game decides when to use them. EventAction is called by your calls to PhotonPeer.Service.
  • Disconnect 断开连接
     When a client is closed, the best is to disconnect. That’s nice, but not a must-have as a timeout will disconnect clients that don’t answer anymore.
  • To close the connection: call Disconnect
  • Check “disconnect” return in PeerStatusCallback with statusCode: StatusCode.Disconnect
          检查 “disconnect” ,PeerStatusCallback 的返回值为statusCodeStatusCode.Disconnect
  • Now the client can stop calling service

     LitePeer versus PhotonPeer LitePeer与PhotonPeer 

     Aside from the LitePeer, the client libraries also include a PhotonPeer which could be used. The PhotonPeer has the bare minimum of API needed for Photon. It is the base for LitePeer, which adds operations like “Join”, “Leave” and “RaiseEvent”, which are available with the Lite Application.
     除了LitePeer,客户端还包含了一个PhotonPeer 可以使用,PhotonPeer 对于Photon只有有限的API,它是LitePeer的基础,Lite中LitePeer增加了“Join”、“Leave” 、“RaiseEvent”等。

     Reliable UDP 可靠的UDP

     Under the hood, Photon clients and servers send operations and events via UDP. This guarantees low overhead, flexibility and performance but is unreliable by definition.
     Within the UDP packages, Photon uses a thin binary protocol to enable aggregation, ordering, detection of packet loss and more. It is based on eNet and used in similar form on client and server.
     在UDP包中,Photon 使用了一个精简的二进制协议来进行聚合、排序、检测数据包丢失,它是基于eNet的被用于服务器和客户端
     So called “commands” are used to transfer the payload, such as operations. On the client side, Photon gives you full control of when commands are put into a UDP package and send.
     As a result, the API also includes methods that manage the connection to the server. Basically, there are two “layers”: the “command layer” and the “operation layer”:
     因此,API还包括管理连接服务器的方法,基本上,他们是由两个层组成:“command layer” 和 “operation layer”
  • Command layer: manages the communication protocol to establish and maintain communication.
  • Operation layer: gives access to rooms, events and custom Operations. Client side, methods of this layer are prefixed with “Op”.
          操作层:用于访问房间、事件、自定义操作。在客户端,这层的方法被加上了前缀 “Op”

     Reliable vs. Unreliable 可靠对不可靠

     With Photon’s underlying protocol, everything that’s sent across can be made flagged as reliable or unreliable. The operation request is not changed by this though, only the command that’s used.
     Photon keeps track of the ordering. Even unreliable commands are synchronized/sequenced within the order of reliable commands. So an unreliable command, which was sent after a certain reliable command, will also be dispatched after the reliable command was dispatched (even if that command was delayed).
     Photon 保持跟踪,不可靠的命令是随着可靠的命令进行同步测序,所以一个不可靠的命令,被发送在一个可靠的命令之后,也将在可靠命令被分派之后再进行分派。
     Operations and events that are sent as unreliable might get lost. As example, this is no problem for position updates, which are quickly replaced. On the server side, Operations that are received unreliable, should not create a result: The client can not expect that the operation even reached the server.

     Connection and Timeout 连接与超时

     The client has two rules to define a timeout:
  • Retries: A reliable command is sent multiple times to be acknowledged, each time the interval between retries gets longer, depending on general rountrip times. If the number of retries reaches a limit (in DotNet: SentCountAllowance), this causes a disconnect.
  • DisconnectTimeout: This defines a maximum number of milliseconds, before a reliable command must be answered. This is independent of the retry counting. In DotNet, the setting is: DisconnectTimeout.
     The settings are described in more detail in the client API documentation.

Setup and Config 设置与配置

     This chapter explains how files and folders are organized for the Photon Server and how things are setup. Everything needed is in the deploy folder.

     Content 内容

     Organization of Server and Applications 组织服务器与应用程序

     There are four versions of Photon in the folders: “bin_Win32”, “bin_x64”, “bin_Win32_xp” and “bin_win64_xp”. We refer to these as binaries-folders.
     在文件夹中这有不同版本的Photon:“bin_Win32”, “bin_x64”, “bin_Win32_xp” and “bin_win64_xp”,我选择需要使用的那个二进制文件夹。
     Photon requires a separate folder next to the binaries-folder per application (e.g. “Lite” in the deploy folder). The assemblies must be in a “bin” subfolder (e.g. Lite/bin).
Photon Server Screenshot: Folder structure
     The following folders in the Server SDK deploy folder are applications: Lite, LiteLobby, MMO, CounterPublisher, Policy Applications are setup in Photon’s config file, as explained below.
     在服务器SDk deploy 文件夹下的应用程序有: Lite, LiteLobby, MMO, CounterPublisher, Policy Applications,被配置在Photon的配置文件中。
     The bin_tools folder currently contains useful tools:
  • Baretail: Our favorite log viewer in the free edition. It is used by PhotonControl to view the latest logs.
  • Photon Dashboard: The service to collect and concentrate Dashboard Counters and display them on a webpage.
  • Perfmon: Contains a list of PerfMon counters used when you setup counter logging to a file. This is explained under “Administration”.
  • Stardust: A commandline testclient that can be used to get some load on a machine. This is shown in Photon in 5 Minutes

     Configuration: PhotonServer.config 配置PhotonServer.config

     The main configuration file for Photon is the PhotonServer.config. An identical copy is located in each binaries-folder in the SDK. It is used to setup applications, listeners for IPs and performance specific values. It does not contain config values for the game logic.
     The default values make sure Photon scales nicely on more cores but does not overwhelm a regular machine. In general performance tweaks are not needed.
     The following settings are most commonly used. More options are described in the “photon-configuration.pdf”, located in the Server SDK.

     The Application Node 应用程序节点

     The config file defines which applications Photon should load on startup. In the “Applications” node, several “Application” entries can be added.
     配置文件定义了Photon将运行哪些应用程序,在 “Applications” 节点中为每个应用程序添加一个 “Application”节点。
<Applications Default="Lite">
<!-- Lite Application -->
     Each application is assigned a name by which the clients reference it on connect (compare: Photon Client Workflow ).
     The BaseDirectory defines the folder in which an application resides. It does not name the “\bin” folder but expects it by convention. The Assembly names the .dll of an application and “Type its “main” class (which derives from Photon.SocketServer.Application).
     BaseDirectory 定义了应用程序所在的文件夹,不能命名为 “\bin”,但是要包含它。Assembly 是程序集的名称,Type 是主类的名称(继承于Photon.SocketServer.Application
     The setting EnableAutoRestart tells Photon to start a shadow copy of the loaded application. This allows developers to replace the files without locking issues, making development more convenient. Photon will automatically start a new instance of an application 10 seconds after files are changed. WatchFiles and ExcludeFiles refines the list of files that trigger a restart. Clients that connected to a previous shadow copy will stay in it. New connects will use the new logic.
     设置EnableAutoRestart 可以让Photon加载应用的副本。这将允许开发人员在替换文件时不用担心文件被锁住的问题,使的开发更加的方便。Photon将在文件更改后10秒重新启动一个新的应用实例。WatchFiles 和 ExcludeFiles 在触发重启时改进文件列表,连接之前副本的客户将继续使用旧副本,新的连接将创建新的游戏逻辑。
     To load multiple applications, simply add more application nodes (with unique name). One of them can be made the default application by using its name (“Lite” in the example). The default app is the fallback for clients that try to connect to an unknown application.
     加载多个应用程序,只需加入新的application 节点(名字必须是唯一的)。可以通过应用名称来设置应用程序为默认应用。当客户端尝试连接一个未知的应用时将连接到默认应用程序。
     Applications that are not setup in the PhotonServer.config won’t be loaded and don’t need to be deployed. When an application is in the config but the files are missing Photon won’t start and name the issue in the logs.
     当 PhotonServer.config中的某个应用程序文件丢失时,该应用程序将不被加载和部署,Photon服务将不会启动,该问题将记录在日志中。

     UDPListeners and TCPListeners Nodes  UDP监听和TCP监听节点

     These configure UDP and TCP endpoints on your machine respectively. You can use either (e.g. only UDP) or both.
     The default IP makes Phonton listen on any locally available IP. By replacing the wildcard IP, Photon will open only specific IPs and ports. Multiple UDPListener and TCPListener nodes can be defined, opening several IP/port combinations.
     默认IP是0.0.0.0,这使得Photon将监听所有的本地可用的IP。通过替换IP通配符,Photon将打开指定的IP和端口。可以定义多个UDPListener 和 TCPListener 节点来打开多组IP与端口组合。
     Per UDPListener and TCPListener node, you can setup an OverrideApplication or DefaultApplication. Override means: any client that connects to this port will end up in the application named, no matter what the client connects to. Default is a fallback, in case the application named by a client is not found.
     每个UDPListener 和 TCPListener 节点,你可以设置一个OverrideApplication 或 DefaultApplication。Override 的意义是:任意连接该端口的客户端无论它连接到什么都将在已命名的应用中结束,Default 是备用的,用在客户端找不到已命名的应用程序。
     Note: If you are using a license that's bound to an IP you need to set this IP in the config.

     TCPSilverlightListeners and TCPFlashListeners Nodes  TCP的Silverlight和Flash的监听节点

     Could be removed but are needed when you create Silverlight or Flash games respectively. Both client-side plugins require a server to respond with a “policy file” (unless the website is on the same domain as Photon).
     可以移除该配置,单当你需要创建Silverlight 或 Flash 游戏时是需要的,客户端请求服务器响应一个policy文件(除非网站在同一个域内)

     Timeout Settings 超时设置

     Two values in the instance node describe how the server times out unresponsive UDP clients: MinimumTimeout and MaximumTimeout.
     有两个节点来描述服务器超时:MinimumTimeout 和 MaximumTimeout
EnablePerformanceCounters = "true"
     A peer connected with UDP has MinimumTimeout milliseconds to respond before it can be disconnected. The actual time until disconnect, is determined dynamically per peer based on the RTT history. Previously good RTTs will disconnect faster.
     在连接断开之前UDP通信有MinimumTimeout 的时间用于响应,断开的实际时间是动态的基于RTT历史的。
     TCP connections have a separate InactivityTimeout setting in the nodes TCPListener and TCPPolicyListener (also in the PhotonServer.config). We set those to 5 seconds (5000ms). If no request arrives in this time, the connection will be timed out and closed. Clients will also regularly Ping the server, to avoid this. Clients don’t timeout for TCP.
     TCP连接有一个独立的配置项InactivityTimeout 在TCPListener 和 TCPPolicyListener 节点,我设置为5000ms,如果请求没有在这个时间间隔内到达,连接将会超时并关闭。客户端将定期Ping服务器以避免这样的超时。
     Keep in mind that a client independently monitors a connection and might time it out as well. Both sides should have similar timeouts, fitting your game.

     Send Delay and Ack Delay 发送延迟和Ack延迟

     The attributes DataSendingDelayMilliseconds and AckSendingDelayMilliseconds represent a tradeoff between performance and minimal response times. This delay directly adds some lag to reduce the bandwidth usage: the wait allows the server to aggregate commands and send them in one package. The send delay is triggered when the server sends anything, the ack delay by incoming reliable data.
     属性DataSendingDelayMilliseconds 和 AckSendingDelayMilliseconds 代表了性能与最小响应时间之间的权衡。这延迟减小了带宽流量的使用:这等待允许服务器识别命令并用一个数据包发送他们。当服务器进行发送时将触发这个发送延迟,ack延迟是通过传入可靠的数据。
     As you can see above, the default values are 50ms each. We found this to be a good value but it causes a \~50ms roundtrip time, even if client and server run on the same machine.
     Depending on your game, you should load test with different values. A delay of 0 is a special case that skips usage of timers, so avoid low delays < 10.

Photon Control  Photon控制器

     Photon Control is your one-stop, control UI for Photon. Starting PhotonControl.exe doesn’t open a window, doesn’t start the server but adds an icon to the tray bar.A gray icon shows that Photon is not running. When any Photon Server is process running, the icon turns blue.
     Photon Control是一个针对Photon的一站式的可视化的控制软件,打开PhotonControl.exe不会出现windows窗口,不会启动服务,但会增加一个系统托盘,灰色的图标表示Photon不在运行,而蓝色的图标表示Photon正在运行。

     Content 内容

     Overview 概述

Photon Server: Photon Control

     Click the icon to open the menu. It allows you to:
  • Start and stop Photon.
  • Install, start and stop Photon services.
          初始化,启动,停止 Photon服务
  • Change the game server config for LoadBalancing (MyCloud).
  • Setup and open Photon’s Performance Monitor (PerfMon) Counters.
  • Open the log files.
  • Open working path in Explorer.
  • Verify you are using the latest version of Photon.
     Admin rights are required when you start Photon Control. This allows us to make an entry in the Windows Firewall and most importantly you can now add or remove services for Photon.On start, Photon Control reads your license to let you verify how long it is valid and checks if you use the latest version of Photon, shown in the “Photon Control” menu.The “Autostart Photon Control” option starts Photon Control when you login to Windows. This can be handy when you access a remote machine and can use “Explore Working Path” to spot Photon’s files.If the icon is not visible, click the tiny triangle and drag and drop the Photon Control icon from the popup back to the tray.
     需要管理员权限才能启动Photon Control,配置防火墙使Photon服务可用。当Photon Control启动时会读取许可证来设置Photon的版本,显示在Photon Control的菜单上,设置“Autostart Photon Control” 选项可以在登录系统时自动启动Photon Control。这是非常方便的去远程访问一个机器,并且可以通过 “Explore Working Path”找到Photon的文件,如果图标不可见,点击小三角拖放该图标到托盘上。

Photon Server: Photon Control

     Running Photon 运行Photon

     By default, two separate Photon configurations (also called “Instances”) are available. Each starts a combination of server applications and used ports. The “Default” instance is running Lite, LiteLobby, MMO and the Policy Application. Starting instance “LoadBalancing (MyCloud)” will run a Master Server and two Game Servers, which is a minimum Photon Cloud compatible setup.
     默认情况下,有两种独立的Photon配置是可用的,每个可以启动一个服务器应用程序和使用所需的端口,Default实例运行的是Lite、 LiteLobby、MMO 和 Policy Application。LoadBalancing (MyCloud) 实例运行的是一个主服务器和两个游戏服务器,这是一个最小的 Photon Cloud 兼容设置。
     On a public server, Photon should run as service. This requires three steps in Photon Control:
  • Install the Photon service
  • Install the PerfMon Counters (they might prove useful)
  • Start Photon as service
Photon Server: Photon Control running Photon
     The PerfMon Counters are not exactly a requirement to run but they can’t be enabled while Photon is running, so it makes sense to set them up first.Running Photon as application is an alternative for local development. When you log off, Photon will be shut down.
     PerfMon Counters不是服务运行的必须条件,但是当Photon正在运行的时候他们不能被启用,所以要一开始就设置它,运行Photon为应用程序是本地开发的一种选择,当你注销时,Photon就会被关闭。

     Moving Photon 移动Photon

     Before you move Photon from one folder to another, you should make sure to remove all services and also Photon Control autostart. Install again at the new location.
     在你移动Photon从一个文件夹到另一个之前,你需要确认移除所有的服务,并且Photon Control是自动启动的,然后在新的地方再次初始化。

     Changing the “LoadBalancing IP Config” Path 更改“LoadBalancing IP Config” 的路径

     While Photon Control can’t be modified extensively, some important settings can be found in PhotonControl.exe.config. The “GameServerConfigPaths” setting is the one you might need when your project is based off LoadBalancing but renamed.The GameServerConfigPaths is a list of ‘;’-separated paths, relative to the folder of PhotonControl.exe.
     Photon Control不能被广泛的修改,一些重要的设置可以在PhotonControl.exe.config里找到。当你的项目是基于LoadBalancing,但不是重命名的,“GameServerConfigPaths” 设置项可能是你需要的,GameServerConfigPaths 是一个以 ‘;’间隔的地址路径列表,路径相对于PhotonControl.exe所在的文件夹。 
     Logs 日志
     Photon is logging essential information (state, exceptions, etc.) to several log files. Click on “Open Logs” to show all logs that Photon used in the past 12 hours. You can open more files as needed, of course.
     Photon会记录一些必要的信息到服务器的日志文件中。点击 “Open Logs” 可以看到所有过去12小时内的日志,当然,需要的话你可以打开更多的文件。
     There are two “log” folders:
  • All application logs are in the deploy/log folder. Anything that is logged by your business logic goes into a fitting file in deploy/log.
          所有应用程序的日志是在deploy/log folder。任何的业务逻辑的记录都会填充到这个文件夹下的一个文件中。
  • The server core’s log folder is where your running executable is (e.g. bin_win32/log). They contain anything instance and CLR (dotnet runtime) related.
          We use Log4Net in the logic layer. It can be configured extensively and proved very useful. Learn more about Log4Net here .

     Counters 计数器

     Photon keeps track of several essential values as support for performance- and error-analysis. These are published in two separate sets of Counters: “PerfMon Counters” and “Dashboard Counters”.
     Photon持续跟踪一些基本的值用作性能和错误分析。以下是两个已公布的独立的计数器:“PerfMon Counters” 和 “Dashboard Counters”。

     PerfMon Counters 性能监视器

     The PerfMon Counters are key values from the Photon Core. They track values like connected peers, package count, reliable UDP usage, bandwidth and much more. These Counters cannot be changed by the developer and are accessed by PerfMon. PerfMon is a GUI to create those performance graphs and is already installed with Windows.If PerfMon Counters should be logged over a longer time (and without running the GUI), Photon Control can setup and start logging to a file. Under “PerfMon Counters”, click “Create Logging Set” and “Start Logging”. The logs should end up under C:\PerfLogs\Admin\photon_perf_log_<date>.blg
     PerfMon Counters的值来自Photon Core。他们跟踪一些值,例如连接用户,包计数,可靠UDP的使用,带宽流量。这些计数器不能通过开发和访问PerfMon而被改变。PerfMon 是一个已经安装在windows上的图形化的工具用来创建一些性能图形。如果在一个较长的时间范围内PerfMon计数器被记录,Photon Control可能会设置和记录信息到文件里。 在“PerfMon Counters”里可以点击“Create Logging Set” 和“Start Logging”进行配置。日志放置在C:\PerfLogs\Admin\photon_perf_log_<date>.blg。

     Dashboard Counters 仪表板计数器

     The Dashboard Counters track values within the business logic and can be extended as needed.

     Dashboard 仪表板

     The Dashboard aggregates counter values and generates graphs for a website to monitor them.The Dashboard itself can be installed as service while Photon is already running. Which Counter Data an application publishes (if at all), depends on the application’s setup. Lite has several pre-defined Counters ready to use.

     Troubleshooting 故障诊断

     If Photon does not behave as expected, always have a look at the logs.
     These are the most common pitfalls you should check as well.
  • Missing DotNet 3.5: In this case, Photon can’t start. Don’t mix this up with the CLR Version. The 2.0 CLR version is also used by DotNet 3.5.
  • Application missing: If Photon does not find one of the configured applications, it can’t start. Check the configuration against deployed folders.
  • Build not up to date: Switching to a new server SDK, you should always re-build your applications, referencing the assemblies from the libs folder. Otherwise they might be incompatible.
  • Firewall: If Photon is running but not accessible from another machine, check the Firewalls. Newer Windows versions have roles and rights and your hoster most likely used hardware firewalls.
  • Lag: By default, the roundtrip time is about 50ms, even locally. This depends on a setting, explained on the setup page. Read: Send Delay and Ack Delay

     Dump File Setup 转储文件设置

     If a server crashes and the reason for it is not found in the logs, Photon can be configured to create dump files. These reflect the state and memory of the crash and are invaluable to debug these cases.To enable the feature, you need to edit your PhotonServer.config. Set the instance-attribute “ProduceDumps” to true and restart the server.
     It might look like this example:
EnablePerformanceCounters = "true"
     This will write up to 10 “full” dump files. Once a dump file is written, you can zip it with the logs and mail it to us with a description of the issue. In most cases, we will get in touch with you to get more information and solve the case.
posted on 2015-11-25 11:25 思月行云 阅读(1807) 评论(0)  编辑 收藏 引用 所属分类: Photon

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