va_arg, va_start, va_end

va_arg returns the current argument; va_start and va_end do not return values

The va_arg, va_end, and va_start macros provide a portable way to access the arguments to a function when the function takes a variable number of arguments. Two versions of the macros are available: The macros defined in STDARG.H conform to the ANSI C standard, and the macros defined in VARARGS.H are compatible with the UNIX System V definition. The macros are:

The ANSI C standard macros, defined in STDARG.H, are used as follows:

  • All required arguments to the function are declared as parameters in the usual way. va_dcl is not used with the STDARG.H macros.
  • va_start sets arg_ptr to the first optional argument in the list of arguments passed to the function. The argument arg_ptr must have va_list type. The argument prev_param is the name of the required parameter immediately preceding the first optional argument in the argument list. If prev_param is declared with the register storage class, the macro's behavior is undefined. va_start must be used before va_arg is used for the first time.
  • va_arg retrieves a value of type from the location given by arg_ptr and increments arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list, using the size of type to determine where the next argument starts. va_arg can be used any number of times within the function to retrieve arguments from the list.

The example:

// crt_va.c
/* The program below illustrates passing a variable
 * number of arguments using the following macros:
 *      va_start            va_arg              va_end
 *      va_list             va_dcl (UNIX only)

#define ANSI            /* Comment out for UNIX version     */
#ifdef ANSI             
/* ANSI compatible version          */
int average( int first,  );
#else                   /* UNIX compatible version          */
int average( va_list );

int main( void )
/* Call with 3 integers (-1 is used as terminator). */
"Average is: %d\n", average( 234-1 ) );

/* Call with 4 integers. */
"Average is: %d\n", average( 57911-1 ) );

/* Call with just -1 terminator. */
"Average is: %d\n", average( -1 ) );

/* Returns the average of a variable list of integers. */
#ifdef ANSI             
/* ANSI compatible version    */
int average( int first,  )
int count = 0, sum = 0, i = first;
   va_list marker;

   va_start( marker, first );     
/* Initialize variable arguments. */
while( i != -1 )
+= i;
= va_arg( marker, int);

   va_end( marker );              
/* Reset variable arguments.      */
return( sum ? (sum / count) : 0 );

#else       /* UNIX compatible version must use old-style definition.  */
int average( va_alist )
int i, count, sum;
   va_list marker;

   va_start( marker );            
/* Initialize variable arguments. */
for( sum = count = 0; (i = va_arg( marker, int)) != -1; count++ )
+= i;
   va_end( marker );              
/* Reset variable arguments.      */
return( sum ? (sum / count) : 0 );


最主要的是average 函数
开始时申明一个va_list marker
再后来调用va_arg(marker, int)